Chapter 13

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It was 9pm and we just finished filming for the day. It's been about two weeks since we started filming the drama and everything is going great. Mr. Lee announced that half of the episodes we've already filmed are just about ready to be released and our official premiere is in another two weeks. Sooyeon had to leave in the middle of filming, so she called a close friend to pick me up. While I was waiting for the car to come, I get a text from Yunho. I immediately smile and respond quickly.

Get home safely :)

Thank you~ you too!

Thanks :) See you tomorrow

See you tomorrow~

I didn't know what Sooyeon's friend's car looked like so I just entered the car that arrived in front of me. The second I entered, someone grabbed my arm and I was struggling to escape. The driver drove away and I was still trying to escape from this person, who's gripping my arm like their life depends on it. They park in the middle of nowhere and they let go on my arm. I try to leave the car, but the driver locked all of the doors.

"Listen here, stupid! You better stay far away from Yunho or else I'm going to spread rumors about you online! You may think I don't have sources to ruin your career, but I have way more than you think. If you even try to get near Yunho or try to flirt with him, I won't hesitate to spread rumors about you. Once again, don't go anywhere near Yunho or I'll ruin your career! Now get out!" The girl who was inviting herself on set yells at me and pushes me out of the car. They drive away and I'm just left on the ground, in the middle of nowhere. I was getting tons and tons of calls from San and Sooyeon, asking me if I was home and I just didn't have the energy to talk to anyone.

I called a taxi and went home as quickly as possible. Once I got home, I immediately dropped to the floor. My knees were bleeding and so was my right elbow. I winced at the pain and got up to find my first aid kit. I used gauze to stop the bleeding of my elbow and my knees then I washed them with soap and water. Then I applied antibiotic ointment and put bandaids on them. I did this all after I showered and before I went to bed. I have filming again tomorrow and most of my scenes are with Yunho. I'm scared that the girl will stalk us again, but this is my job and I guess I just won't talk to Yunho offset. I have other friends in the cast other than Yunho, so I think I'll be fine without him.

When I woke up this morning, I felt like my whole body was in pain. I didn't want to get up but I forced myself to get up anyways because I had to. I did my normal morning routine and I left my house by 7:30 since I had to be on set by 8:15. Yunho has been coming earlier than usual these days so I knew I needed to ignore him as best as possible. Once I got there, I went inside of the dressing room and got dressed into my school uniform. My stylist noticed that I had bandaids on my elbow and both of my knees.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She asked and I just shook my head.

"I just fell, what should I do about these bandaids?" I ask and she thinks for a second.

"I'll put you in thigh high socks. Is that okay?" She asks and I nod.

After I was done getting dressed and stuff, Yunho was outside of the tenting waiting to go inside. When I walked out, he called my name and waved but I just ignored him. I could hear his footsteps following after me and I ran to the makeup and hair tent. I quickly closed the doors of the tent and Yunho immediately opened it again. I just sat on the chair without saying a thing, waiting for the makeup artist and hair stylist to come here. Yunho sat next to me and gave me an energy drink, I just took it and placed it on the floor. There's no way that girl can see us in here, right? I don't doubt if she can though, so I'm still going to be careful.

"What happened to your knees and elbow?" He asks and I pretend like I couldn't hear him. He repeats his question and I just don't respond. I want to tell him everything. The fact that I was stupid enough to enter a car I'm not familiar with, getting threatened by a girl I don't even know, and how she pushed me out of the car and left me. Luckily, the makeup artist and hair stylist were here and they told Yunho to go change.

I finished getting my hair and makeup done and I had to film a couple of solo scenes before filming my first scene with Yunho. In my scene with him, I'm asking him if we can hang out after school and he has to reject me. I try my best but he doesn't say anything. I eventually give up and try again the next day. It took me a couple of tries to film this one scene with him because I was so nervous that the girl was going to pop out of nowhere and ruin my whole career. I was messing up my lines and I couldn't look Yunho in the eyes. I could tell I was weighing everyone down, so I tried my absolute best to suck it up and do my best. Once we finished filming this scene, I had another scene to film with my friends. This one went by way easier and then it was time for Yunho to film again with his basketball team this time. He had just finished a game and he was wondering why my character wanted to be friends with him. His brother snaps him out of his thoughts and they argue as always. The writers had Junseo and Minchan always fighting whenever they're near each other cause it makes it more interesting and stuff.

While Yunho was filming, I noticed that the girl was back here and I tried to avoid eye contact with her. She pulled me away from the filming set and pushed me on the ground once again.

"Did you talk to him while you were getting your hair and makeup done? You better not." She asks and I get up, shaking my head.

"I haven't talked to him at all." I respond and she just laughs.

"When you're acting I could care less, but you better not lay a finger on him when you're not acting. Got it? I have a whole story made up and I photoshopped receipts. I can post these anytime. You better watch out- Yunho! My love!" She starts to threaten me again and when she sees Yunho, she immediately runs up to him.

I checked my legs and I got another scrape on my shin. I winced in pain again and I went to my bag to get another bandaid. While I was putting the bandaid on, I saw the girl and Yunho talking together. She was smiling up at him and wrapping her arms around him. I just looked away and minded my own business.

"Excuse me! You can't be on set!" One of the staff member yells at the girl.

"Shut up! You're so stupid! My father owns this school so you have no right telling me that I can't be here!" She yells back and the staff just backs away. I have a feeling her father doesn't actually own the school but she's just saying that because she wants to be near Yunho.

"What is her deal with Yunho? Is she a sasaeng or what?" Dabin comes next to me and asks, I shrug my shoulders.

"She's such a brat and I don't even know who she is. Anyways, wanna grab lunch?" She asks and I nod, we interlock our arms and leave the set to have lunch together. I look back and see Yunho staring right at me.


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