Chapter 22

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Yesterday's filming went great. I was glad that I came to set early and apologized to Yunho. We were back to our normal selves and I was more than happy to be talking with him again. We were talking, joking around, and hanging out after filming as usual. Words can't describe how much I missed being with Yunho. It was hard having to ignore him, but I knew that I had to. But what I didn't realize was that I was hurting Yunho in the process. I failed to realize that my actions had consequences and those consequences were Yunho having to deal with Semmi and going insane because I wasn't talking to him. I was really shocked when San told me that Yunho was going crazy without me, it made me think that he genuinely has feelings for me. I've acted with many handsome actors and idols, but none of them have made my heart flutter like Yunho does.

When I got to set, Yunho was already in his uniform, waiting for me to get all dressed in my uniform. He spotted me and waved, I waved back this time and he smiled. I greeted him good morning before walking into the dressing room and changing into my school uniform. Once I was done, Yunho and I headed over to the makeup and hair tent and got ready next to each other. The makeup artists and hairdressers noticed that the both of us were in better moods, so they were telling us how well we did when filming. Before, the atmosphere was super dry because nobody was talking, but now everyone is just talking and having a great time. I guess this is what life is like without Semmi. I just hope Yunho realizes that. After we were done, Yunho and I sat next to Mr. Lee as he and the crew got the cameras and mics ready for Yunho and I to start filming. We're starting the scene by walking into school together and getting whispers from many classmates, so they needed to prepare a lot of mics. I looked at Yunho and he was looking at me, smiling.

"What?" I ask and laugh, he shakes his head.

"Nothing." He responds.

"Hey uh... wanna go on a date tonight?" He asks and I widen my eyes. I could feel my cheeks immediately turn red so I turned the other way so that he couldn't see. A date? Like an actual date? He's not calling them excuses to practice lines anymore? He's actually calling it a date? I feel like I'm on cloud 9 right now, I might even pass out. I just gather all of my thoughts and turn back to Yunho, who's turning super pink right now.

"Sure, that sounds amazing." I respond and Yunho smiles. While we waited, we just talked like we normally do. I can't believe Yunho and I are going on a real date tonight. I wonder what we're going to do. Maybe just get dinner? Honestly, anything is fine as long as I'm with him.

Once the crew was all ready, Yunho and I got our mics and so did the rest of the extras. Yunho held my hand as we started walking to where we're going to begin our scene, which is only a couple of feet away from school. I don't know why he held my hand, but I'm not going to complain because I love this. I look up at him and smile, he does the same and lets go of my hand once the camera starts rolling. We were just walking slowly and heading towards the school. Yunho had his eyes on me while I was just looking down at my feet. It was just awkward silence and Yunho has to break the silence by saying his line.

"So... uh... nice weather, huh?" Yunho awkwardly says and I look up and nod.

"It's perfect." I respond and Yunho nods and looks up at the sky. Once we got to the school, that's when all of the whispers came.

"You're telling me that Bang Junseo is dating her? Who even is she?" A female extra says, I look and Yunho and he's just looking forward with no expression on his face.

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