Chapter 19

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"I'm going to go, my love. You tell me you love me... and I'll stay!" Semmi pleads as she's holding my hands. I was on set and she was making a big deal about how her family is moving to America. I just roll my eyes and remove my hands from hers.

"Bye." I say and turn around, walking away from her. She doesn't say another word and just goes back into her parents' car to leave for the airport. Now that Semmi is going to America for good, I can finally tell Jinkyung how I feel. I hope that she's gonna stop ignoring me now that Semmi is gone. I still have no idea what happened with Jinkyung but I'm almost 100% sure that it's because of Semmi. Once I return to the set, I immediately start filming.

Jinkyung didn't have to come to set early, but she did anyways. Maybe she was waiting for me? None of her friends are here so I was hoping that I could talk to her today. I was about to go up to her but then I saw San walk up to her. Ever since she started ignoring me, San has been coming to set way more. The cast and crew even got used to him coming and Mr. Lee was thinking about putting San in as a cameo. San declined though because he didn't want to take the spotlight from Jinkyung and I. I know that they're just friends but something deep down makes me beg to differ. Maybe San likes Jinkyung? I can never tell with him.

Once I finished filming my first scene, I noticed that Jinkyung was already getting ready. Apparently, one of the audios for one of Jinkyung's scenes wasn't working, so she has to film it again today. I was waiting outside of her tent so that I can catch her the second she leaves. Semmi would usually be bothering all of the cast and crew by now, but since she's leaving for America today, she's not. Everyone was asking me about it and once I told them, they were super relieved. San went inside of Jinkyung's dressing room and I just stood there. I assumed that she was doing fine again so I went inside behind him. But once I entered, I saw them kissing.

"Yunho?" San looks up and asks. I shake my head and leave the tent.

How could I be so stupid? Obviously they're going to be in a relationship after spending all of this time together. They haven't seen each other in over a year so no wonder they're going to start dating now. San is always talking about how beautiful and talented Jinkyung is and I felt it inside that they were more than friends. What kind of idea was it for me to start liking her? Never in a million years would Jinkyung like me back. She's a goddess and I'm a peasant compared to her. She's way better off with San. They're each other's types and they just match each other so well. I should've never even thought about having a crush on Jinkyung. This is another reason why I can't love anyone anymore. Semmi is still haunting me and the one person who I genuinely want to open my heart to and give my love to doesn't return my feelings.

I just shook all of my feelings off and starting filming as usual. What sucks is Jinkyung left her makeup pouch in my car and I was planning on giving it back to her today. San eventually caught up to me and pulled me away from set. I wasn't in the mood for any explanations so I just pretended like I was listening. What more does he have to explain? I know he's dating Jinkyung and I wish the both of them would just leave me alone for a while. If only Semmi didn't come to set and possibly threaten Jinkyung, she would be with me instead. Maybe I don't deserve love. This is my punishment for being such a bad boyfriend to Semmi.

"Yunho. Jinkyung and I aren't dating, I promise. I was blowing her face because she had glitter all over her cheeks. She likes you, okay? She's absolutely in love with you. Well.. maybe not in love because you two met like three months ago, but you know what I mean. She likes you a lot. Ever since you two met and started going on dinner dates, she's realized her feelings for you and she's set on you. Please just trust me. I don't like her in that way and I never will. I care about her, but I don't like her. She likes you. Can you guys just talk to each other for God's sake?" San asks and I couldn't help but smile. I believe him but I'm scared to talk to her.

"Do you know why she stopped talking to me? You were going to tell me but Semmi interrupted, remember?" I ask and San nods.

"You probably think she threatened her right?" San asks and I nod.

"You're absolutely right. When Sooyeon couldn't bring Jinkyung home, she accidentally went inside of Semmi's car. They brought her to the middle of nowhere and Semmi threatened to post bullying rumors about Jinkyung online if she got any closer to you. She claimed she had connections to Dispatch that will ruin her career. Jinkyung was super scared so that's why she stopped talking to you. That's also the reason why she had bandaids on her knees and elbow. Semmi pushed her out of the car." San explains and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Semmi is a psychopath. She was my own girlfriend, but she made me think she was a sasaeng. San pushed me to go talk to Jinkyung and I just stood there.

"I need more time. I don't think I can ever love again because of Semmi." I sigh.

"What do you mean?" San asks.

"Semmi completely ruined my chances at love. I always imagined having a girlfriend who's sweet and kind and patient. Semmi was none of the above. She ruined my expectations. And she's a psycho. She'd go after anyone who gets close to me. That just means I'll never be able to love another woman ever again." I explain.

"But do you still have feelings for Semmi?" San asks and I shake my head.

"No, she's terrible. She just ruined my perspective on love." I say.

"Jinkyung will treat you different. You shouldn't doubt her." San says and I just shrug.

"I don't know... I do like her, I know that for sure. But what if she turns out like Semmi? At the beginning, Semmi was sweet and caring. Then she turned into a psycho." I say and San sighs too.

"Semmi and Jinkyung are two completely different people. But if your feelings for Semmi are still here, then okay. I won't force you to like someone." San says, patting my shoulder and running to Jinkyung.

"Jinkyung! Jinkyung!" He calls out to her and she waits for him to run up to her before holding his hand and going inside of one of the tents.


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