Chapter 21

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When San and I got to the dorms after filming, it was almost 11pm and the members were either sleeping or staying up late. Luckily, San and I are roommates so neither of us have to worry about waking up anybody. San let me take a shower and do all of my skincare first and then he did the same after me. While I was laying in bed on my phone, I was looking at some comments that netizens left on an article about the premiere. A lot of people were praising Jinkyung for her visuals and even showing her old photos and comparing them to now. I'm surprised that she's always been so beautiful even when she was younger. She always had that cute birthmark on her chin too. I scrolled more and there were also some comments about my looks and my acting skills. I was glad that they were praising me because I had no confidence and I was paired with one of the best young actresses in the industry. San came back from the bathroom and I turned off the lights so that the both of us can sleep. I was super exhausted and so was San.

"Yunho... can we talk for a little?" San asks and I him in response with my eyes closed. I didn't have energy to turn on the lights and I assume that talking like this will be fine. We usually talk like this anyways.

"So a couple of minutes before the filming wrapped up, I told Jinkyung that Semmi left yesterday." San starts and I sit up. San notices that I did and turns on the light, sitting up to face me. He can easily tell that I'm shocked and he just runs his fingers through his hair and sighs. I wasn't angry or anything, I'm just scared about how she reacted.

"What did she say? Is she going to talk to me again?" I ask and San shrugs. My heart drops. I thought that she would at least try to talk to me but I guess not.

"Well... when I finished talking to her, she asked me where you were but then Mr. Lee told her to leave. Such timing, huh?" San smiles and I lay back down and let out a long sigh. All I want is to have a single conversation with her. Is that too much to ask? I know it's not anyone's fault, it was just the off-timing, but I just can't believe I lost this opportunity again.

"There's always tomorrow." San says, turning off the light and laying down. He's right, I can always talk to her tomorrow.

"We haven't talked in weeks. How am I supposed to talk to her again and make it seem like nothing happened?" I ask.

"Maybe she'll talk to you first? If she doesn't, just try to get her alone. I won't be there at all tomorrow so you can't rely on me to push you two together." San says and on that note, we go to bed. The only thing on my mind was if Jinkyung was going to approach me or if I had to approach her. If she doesn't, then I'll do it. But how? Usually, I would have San help me, but he's not going to be there tomorrow so I'm all by myself. Jinkyung is my only friend on set too, which makes this harder.

The next morning on set, Jinkyung was nowhere to be seen. I asked Mr. Lee if he knew where she was and he told me that she doesn't have to arrive until the afternoon so that's probably why she's not here. But before and after she started ignoring me, she would always come in the morning even if she wasn't needed until the afternoon. Does she only feel comfortable with San? I mean she's best friends with almost half of the cast so there's no way she'd feel uncomfortable with anyone other than me probably. I just sighed and went into the dressing room tent to get dressed into my school uniform.

Once I'm done, I stand outside and wait for the crew to get everything set up. Someone grabs my arm and pulls me into another tent. I almost scream and they put their hand on my mouth. I look up and it's Jinkyung. My heart starts to beat as I'm looking into her eyes. I forgot how beautiful they are since I haven't stared at them for this long in a while. She takes her hand off of my mouth and pulls me to sit down on a chair next to her.

"Where are we?" I ask because I've never seen or been in this tent before.

"This is my private tent that I requested a couple of days ago. I thought I would ignore you forever, so I requested this and I can't take it back." Jinkyung explains and I nod. We were sitting down next to each other in silence. Jinkyung clears her throat to get rid of it.

"I'm sorry, Yunho." Jinkyung says and I look at her. She doesn't make eye contact with me but I understand that it's because she's nervous.

"Well.. what are you sorry for?" I ask.

"I was purposely ignoring you. I don't know if San told you yet but your ex-girlfriend.. Semmi? She threatened me to leave you alone or she'll ruin my career. I know it was extremely selfish of me, and I'm really sorry." Jinkyung apologizes and I smile. I didn't need an apology, I just wanted her to tell me what happened herself. I got up from my seat and stood in front of Jinkyung, who had her head down. I gently grabbed her head with my finger and brought my face closer to hers. She instantly turned away and I smile, kneeling down to her level.

"It's okay. I forgive you. But next time, if you're having trouble, let me know okay? I'll protect you." I tell her and she nods.

"I have to go film now, but are you going to monitor me?" I ask and Jinkyung faces me again and nods. I stand up and lend her my hand, she takes it and we walk out of the tent together. The cast notices that we're holding hands and they start to applaud, I just smile and get my mic on and go on to the set.

"I'm glad you and Jinkyung stopped fighting. The atmosphere was horrific when you two weren't talking. I was scared that she was going to rip your head off." Geonhee jokes and I just laugh. I look at Jinkyung and she shows me a thumbs up, telling me that I look good. Geonhee nudges me and asks if we're actually dating and I just tell him we're close friends.

"And action!" Mr. Lee yells.

"I don't know what's gotten into you. You're just not you anymore. Who are you?" Geonhee scoffs and I just let him talk to me like this. Junseo has to be deep in character since all he's thinking about is Jayoon. Speaking of which, he starts running to class to make sure he sits next to her in time. I get to the classroom and Jinkyung (Jayoon) is nowhere to be seen but Yeji (Jung Dabin) is there.

"I'm saving this seat for Jayoon, find another one." She says as I walk by her. I just sigh and sit behind the desks that she saved. I get out my notes and pretend to be looking over them and I make sure to keep checking to see if Jinkyung is coming or not. The whole reason why Jinkyung doesn't have to come to set until we're filming the after school scene is because she's absent in the drama. In this part, she's at the hospital for a check up on her leukemia. Soon the class starts.

"Where could she possibly be?" I ask to myself.

"And cut! Dabin, Yunho, take five while we contact the hospital crew." Mr. Lee announces and I nod. I lay my head on my desk and Dabin turns around.

"I'm glad you and Jinkyung are back together. I was scared you two would hate each other forever." She says and I just look at her confused.

"We weren't even dating-"

"Jinkyung was so miserable without you. Everyday she would ask me to ask you stuff and I just wouldn't do it because I felt like she should do it herself. Even if she doesn't admit it, I know that she's in love with you just as much as you are with her." Dabin continues and I just smile. Maybe she's right.. maybe she does like me as much as I like her.


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