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I noticed that Jinkyung left earlier than everyone else and I could guess the reason why. She didn't thank me specifically when she was giving her speech but I surprised her when I called her name out. To her defense, I would've been surprised and maybe a little bit sad if she mentioned me specifically. Therefore, I don't blame her for running away from me. I also noticed that she looked absolutely beautiful today. Maybe it was the fact that she was wearing a really fancy outfit, but something about her today makes me remember why I fell for her in the first place. I couldn't stop telling San how beautiful she looked and he just listened.

My manager thought that filming would take the whole day again, when in reality it only took until 7pm which is pretty good since we usually finish around 9pm to 10pm on other days. San and the rest of the ATEEZ members didn't have a schedule either, so my manager took us home and so that we can do some last minute planning on my confession to Jinkyung tonight. I want everything to be perfect since she means so much to me and I still haven't talked to her yet. She probably knows it already but the reason I added the ad lib in my final monologue is because I wanted to tell her how I feel. Maybe that's another reason why she left the set so early.

All of us were sitting in the living room with the notebook filled with ideas in front of us. Everyone kept adding new ideas and trying to take out old ones. We somehow got sidetracked and ended up creating a backup plan just in case she says no and runs away. I really hope that we don't have use this plan though since it would be embarrassing and it would break my heart. The beach Jinkyung and I went to seems abandoned because nobody goes there but it's perfect for Jinkyung and I to have our moment there. The ATEEZ members will be there also, but they won't come out until the end. Thankfully they won't have to hear my long confession to Jinkyung and cringe because I never talk to anyone as deeply and sincerely as Jinkyung. Hongjoong got us back on track and we were still thinking of what song we should all sing once she says yes.

"But what if she says no?" Yeosang asks and everyone sighs.

"She's not going to say no. She likes Yunho for sure." San says and Yeosang nods. We go back to planning.

"I still think 'Light' is the best option. I sing the chorus and it's a meaningful song, especially to Jinkyung." I say.

"Yeah let's just go with 'Light' so Yunho can show off his vocals." Wooyoung says and we all nod in agreement, Hongjoong writes down 'Light' as the song we're going to sing.

We were planning and planning and then realized that we don't have any specific times that we could pull off this plan. It was already 8:30pm and we were rushing to figure something out. I eventually texted Jinkyung to meet me at the beach at 12am and everyone calmed down. We all started getting ready as quick as possible and went to grab all of the stuff that we need for the setup. We had our manager drive us in the van since all of us were going and we had a bunch of stuff with us.

Once we got to the beach, everyone was doing different things. Mingi was helping me set up the rose petals while everyone was trying to figure out how to work the sparklers. They all got the hang of them with Seonghwa and Hongjoong's help. Our original idea was to have fireworks but we realized that we would be setting them off at midnight and we would be disturbing those around us. So, San had the great idea to use sparklers instead since Jinkyung's recent photoshoot used sparklers and they're being sold everywhere now. It was only getting closer to 10pm yet everyone was still going crazy. We basically had everything done, we were just missing Jinkyung. Everyone wanted me to practice that I'm going to say and I just told them that I'm going to wing it. They looked at me in disbelief and just told me I'm on my own to practice by myself. They went to sit on the blanket that they brought or to play near the water. While they were in casual clothes, I was dressed pretty nicely. Something I would wear on a date with her.

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