Extra Chapter

274 10 4

* i randomly thought of this so enjoy!!


I was on set of my new drama based off of the Webtoon "To You Who Swallowed a Star" and I was getting ready in my tent. It's been a while since "Tried and Trusted" came out, so I was excited that the director of this drama wanted me to be in it. This drama is considered an idol drama since two of the main characters, Hajun and Wurin, are played by idols, but neither me and my character are idols. Nevertheless, I was really excited to star in this drama and play the part of Jiu because I've read this Webtoon before and I was happy that the director wanted me to play her. Hajun is played by Bomin from Golden Child, and Wurin is played by Jun from U-KISS.

( if you've read this webtoon PLEASE TELL ME YOU CAN SEE BOMIN AS HAJUN COME ON AND JUN AS WURIN minus wurin's shitty personality ofc YES I THINK YES)

(if you haven't read it that's totally fine it's not the main point of this chapter lol)

It was announced that this Webtoon would be made into a drama starring Jun, Bomin, and I three months ago and that's also when we started script reading and all of that. We started filming a month ago since Jun and Bomin's schedules were pretty hectic after the drama was announced. Luckily, now both of their schedules are revolved around this drama meaning that we could get a lot of filming done. There's a lot of chapters in the Webtoon, but we're only shooting 30 episodes and trying to fit all of the important parts of the story in them. Our director plans of having each episode about an hour long which means that we spend at least the whole day filming one episode.

"Jinkyung!" Sooyeon calls me from outside of the tent. I say thank you to the stylists and I leave the tent and see Sooyeon with Yunho.

"Yunho!" I smile and run to his open arms. He pulls me into a tight hug and lifts me up, kissing my cheek multiple times. It's been so long since I last saw Yunho since he was busy with his practices and I was busy filming for the drama. I asked Sooyeon if he could visit me on set and she told me that she'll ask Yunho's manager since they became good friends during our drama filming. I guess Yunho's manager let him come visit me.

"Hey, beautiful. Wow... you look stunning." Yunho puts me down and looks at my outfit. I was wearing a cream, short sleeve blouse, a stone blue tank top over it, and a matching stone blue, pleated mini skirt. I was also wearing cream heels.

"Thank you, baby. I missed you so much! I'm so glad that you're here!" I smile and Yunho wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck and we share a long, loving kiss. Sooyeon cleared her throat and we let go of each other as the both of us blushed like crazy.

"Time to go film, Jinkyung. Yunho's gonna watch so do your best okay?" Sooyeon teased and I laughed, walking over to the set where Jun was waiting for me. I looked at Sooyeon and Yunho as they sat in front of the monitors and gave me a thumbs up, telling me I looked good. This reminded me so much of our drama filming. It made me want to go back to when Yunho and I were so innocently in love.

"Action!" Our director yells.

In the scene we're filming, Wurin and Jiu are already a couple so that means Yunho is gonna see me and Jun acting as a couple. This is my first acting gig since Yunho and I became boyfriend and girlfriend so I'm scared of his reaction to Jun and I's kissing scene. And not only that, but the fact that we have more than one in this whole series. I acted and recited my lines as normal, then I went inside of the car since that's what happened in the original Webtoon. We were getting closer and closer to the kiss scene and since I was inside of the car I couldn't see Yunho's reaction.

(im going to quote some lines from the webtoon but try to change them up a little bit because i don't plagiarize LMAO but all credit goes to the author of to you who swallowed a star ari (on webtoon)!)

"We're finally dating, but it feels like we're still little kids. You can't kiss me? I guess I can wait but-" Jun starts saying his lines but I cut him off by kissing his cheek. I pull away and Jun immediately starts to turn red — just as Wurin did in the Webtoon.

"You said we're not little kids anymore, right? Why is your face is turning so red right now? I can't believe it! I made you shy-" I tease and Jun slowly reaches to my face and pulls me to kiss my lips.

"Cut!" I hear the director from outside. Jun leaves the car first and goes over to my side and opens my door, offering his hand to get out since my heels were pretty high. I gently grabbed his hand and left the car, and let go when we were walking over to the director.

"Jinkyung, Jun, you both can take a break now. Something went wrong with your mics so we'll need to figure this out then film the scene again. From what we saw, great work." Our director compliments us and we give him our mics and walk towards the monitors.

"We have to kiss again?" Jun asks and smiles. I nod and cover my face with my hands.

"Sounds good to me." He smiles, patting my head then walking over to his tent. I look to my left and Sooyeon is on the phone somewhere else, and Yunho has his face in his hands.

"Baby... are you-"

"I'm alright! Just... shocked? I think Jun likes you... that's making me kind of... scared." He sits up and avoids eye contact with me. I let out a small sigh and I grab his hand, pulling him into my tent. Luckily, nobody was in here so I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head against his chest. Yunho sighed as he rested his cheek on my head, wrapping his arms around me too.

"Yunho... what's wrong?" I ask.

"It's just that I'm not used to seeing you kiss other guys now that I'm your boyfriend. I used to watch your dramas all the time before we met and I never really cared because we weren't dating and I was only your fan at the time. But now I'm your boyfriend and I understand that you're an actress and you have no real feelings towards Jun, but he's so cool and he-" Before Yunho could finish, I slowly pulled away from the hug and gently grabbed his face, kissing his lips. I never thought that Yunho would be jealous of Jun, especially since they were in a drama together.

"I may be kissing Jun a lot in this drama, but you're always going to be my number one. I only love you, Yunho. You're my one and only." I tell him as I cup my hands around his face. Yunho removes his hands from my waist and places them over mine. He smiles and nods at me.

"I know, Jinkyung. It's really stupid of me to be jealous especially since I know you two are just acting. And I know that you love me... and I love you so so much." Yunho says and I smile.

"But you don't understand how beautiful and talented you are! Anyone would fall for you, baby. I'm serious." Yunho says and I roll my eyes, taking my hands off of his face and holding his hands in mine.

"Even if Jun has a crush on me, that doesn't change the fact that I'm in love with you." I say and Yunho smiles in response, leaning in and kissing my forehead.

"I trust you, beautiful. I know you love me just as much as I love you... and boy am I so crazy for you." Yunho laughs, leaning down to my height and pulling me closer to him by my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me into a sweet kiss.

"I love you so much, Jinkyung." Yunho pulls away but presses his forehead against mine and says.

"And I love you so much more, Yunho." I respond, smiling.

"Can I practice my kissing scene with you?" I ask and Yunho laughs and nods.

"Do you want to practice multiple times?" Yunho asks and I nod my head. We locked our lips together and we got so lost in our kisses that we didn't notice my name getting called.

"Time to shine, princess. Always remember that I'm a better kisser than Jun." Yunho winks and I roll my eyes and pinch his cheek. I give him a hug as he waves me goodbye and I leave my tent to go film my scene again.

yunho and jinkyung kissed A LOT in this chapter cause he wanted to prove he's a better kisser ;))))
i hope you enjoyed this book! <3

- j

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