Chapter 4

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Last night I had a hard time sleeping because Semmi was calling me all night and I couldn't get my mind off of the meeting yesterday. First, I can't believe that I was almost 15 minutes late. If I came later, Mr. Lee would've dropped me for the role and myself and many other people would be disappointed. I'm so lucky that I still have this role because I don't want to lose it anytime soon. I loved when I tried acting in "Imitation" and this is my opportunity to show my acting potential again. Jinkyung might overshadow me, but I'm still very lucky to be in the same drama as her. Second, I'm scared that I might not portray this character well. I was flattered when Mr. Lee told me that I'm good at everything, but it really isn't true and I have no idea how to talk like this character. Jinkyung probably has everything down, but this is only my second acting job, and I know nothing. Third, Semmi kept calling me and texting me throughout the whole meeting and I eventually had to turn off my phone, which made her even more upset. This made me want to break up more, but again, I'm scared.

I didn't answer or respond to any of Semmi's calls or text messages because I was simply not in the mood to. I woke up this morning at 6:30am because she was still calling me and texting me. San actually woke me up and told me to do something about it. I took my phone and went to the bathroom. I wasn't in the mood to call her and hear her voice because she's probably going to scream at me, so I just texted her.

Semmi, what is it?

Why didn't you respond last night? What is so important that you can't even text back your own girlfriend?

I was in a meeting in the morning, then I had practice for the rest of the day. You should know my schedule by now.

You couldn't even make time to talk to me before you went to sleep? Am I not your priority anymore? We should just break up if you're going to be like this.

I agree, Semmi. I have a lot on my plate and I just don't have enough time for myself these days. I can't even take care of myself, how am I supposed to take care of you? We really should break up. For real this time.

What? We're ending just like that? You never cared about me, did you?

I always cared about you. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. But now isn't a good time to date. You know that I love you, but it's just not the right time.

If you love me then don't leave me! Just take a couple of minutes to send me a message. It can be anything! An emoji, a selfie, or a simple "hi". Can you do that for me, Yunho?

I'll think about it, but you have to think about breaking up too okay?

No, we're not going to break up. That's final.

I just rolled my eyes and turned off my phone, going back to my bedroom. I checked the time and it was 6:50am, so I slept for another 40 minutes before my actual alarm started going off. San and I both woke up to my alarm and he told me to go wash up and get ready first since I have to leave the house earlier than all of them. I just did my normal morning routine and was out of the house by 8:25. My manager wanted to be extra early and I agreed because I can't leave another bad impression on my cast members again. We got to the building at 8:45 and we just entered the meeting room. To my surprise, Jinkyung and her manager were already in there. We bowed to them and they did the same to us. I noticed that Jinkyung and I only have name tags and our managers don't.

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