Chapter 17

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It's been about two months since we started filming the first couple of episodes on our drama, and today is the premiere of the first episode. I was super excited to finally walk on a red carpet again. The last time I was on a red carpet was more than six months ago. I missed this feeling more than anything. The event is at 7pm and I had to be ready by 6:15. I was so excited that I woke up at 6am and couldn't go back to sleep. I was just super excited to get my hair and makeup done all nicely and to wear a long pretty dress. Then it hit me. Yunho is probably going to look really handsome tonight and we have to take pictures. I mentally face palmed and tried to go back to sleep so that I can forget this thought. I closed my eyes for 15 minutes and I was still wide awake, so I got out of bed and did my normal morning routine. I decided to make myself a big but healthy breakfast because I need to be energized for tonight.

Once I finished eating breakfast, I went to change into some workout clothes so I can do an at-home workout. I haven't been going to the gym lately because of my schedule and I was feeling lazy today so I just laid out my yoga mat and did some light yoga and cardio. I needed to calm my mind down because I couldn't stop thinking about Yunho. Whenever I picture Yunho in my head, my heart starts racing and I start shaking. This is the worst feeling in the world. I don't know if it's because I know I shouldn't be thinking of him or because I'm starting to lose my feelings for him. I know that it's hard to officially get over your feelings for someone, but I'm trying my best to forget Yunho. Maybe this whole crush will be a fever dream.

The time was going by so quickly and it was already 4:30, meaning I needed to shower and dry my hair before Sooyeon and my makeup artists, hair stylists, and stylists come to my house. So I went to take a shower, blow dried my hair, and changed into comfortable clothes to wear while getting everything done. Sooyeon told me that they're going to arrive by 5pm so I waited patiently in my living room. Thirty minutes fly by and they ring my doorbell. I let them in and give them a couple of minutes to set up while I play a drama on the TV for them to watch while getting everything done. I went to sit on a chair from my kitchen and my stylist was showing me a variety of dresses while I waited for my makeup artists to set up. She showed me a bunch of loose and tight dresses of many different colors. I took a second to choose my favorite and I eventually chose a long sleeve, sequined, mermaid gown with a slit-front. She showed me the shoes and they were matching sparkly pumps. I told her I loved them and got my hair and makeup started.

Since my dress was gold, my makeup artists did a beautiful gold look on me. They winged my eyeliner and applied red lipstick on for me. They also added some glitter which really brought the whole look together. And for my hair, she just loosely curled it and added a gold hair piece in the back. I looked in the mirror and was satisfied with that I looked like, so I went to change in one of my guest bedrooms. I slipped on the dress and walked outside to get their reactions.

"Absolutely gorgeous, Ms. Shim." My makeup artist compliments and I thank her. They help me spray perfume and I put on my shoes. I grab my clutch with everything in it and Sooyeon takes me to the event.

When we arrived, it was about 6:20pm, so when I got out of the car, I was immediately on the red carpet. There were tons and tons of fans screaming my name and words can't describe how much I missed this feeling. I waved at all of them and got assistance from the security guards to walk since my heels were high and my dress was tight. Once I got to the middle of the red carpet, I posed for multiple cameras and then Yunho came. He did his solo shots and then we posed together. We did a heart pose and I held on to his arm. Once the whole cast was here, we took a couple of photos together and was asked a bunch of questions. We couldn't answer all of them but most of them were about our experience working together and spoilers for the drama. Once we were done, we went to enter the venue and watch the first episode with everyone.

ATEEZ was invited to the premiere but they were seated far away from the cast. I looked at our assigned seats and of course they put me next to Yunho. We sit down and Yunho notices I was uncomfortable so he takes off his jacket and places it over my lap. I don't want to take it off because that would be rude, so I just kept it on my lap to silently thank him. The premiere was going to start in a couple of minutes, so Mr. Lee stood up and gave all of us a heartfelt speech about how much work we all put into making this drama perfect and his expectations from the audience. Once he was done with his speech, it was time to watch the first episode, which is my solo episode. Since Yunho isn't in the first episode, the premiere was going to show episodes one and two. While we were watching, Yunho would tap my hand or my arm and I would just ignore him. I wanted to talk to him so bad but I'm almost certain that Semmi is here.

My episode finishes in the blink of an eye and now we're almost at the end of Yunho's. This part is definitely the most emotional, so I tried to hold back my tears. Yunho noticed I was about to cry, so he handed me some tissues. I took the tissues and handed them to Boreumbyeol, who was already crying. Yunho's scene ends off like that and the premiere was over in no time. I took Yunho's jacket off of my lap and handed it to him. He offered his hand to help me stand up, but I just stood up on my own. He also offered his hand to help me walk, but I just ignored him and told him to keep walking so we can leave. I was walking to the bathroom when I heard footsteps behind me. I look behind and it was Yunho.

"Jinkyung! I like-"

"Yunho! My baby! You did amazing!" Semmi yells behind him.

jinkyung's event outfit!

-jinkyung's event outfit!

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