Chapter 10

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It was finally the first day of filming after three long weeks of nonstop practicing. Jinkyung and I would go out to dinner to "practice our lines" and I would sometimes practice with the members. San tagged along with me today so that he can support the both of us while the other ATEEZ members promised to send Jinkyung and I a food truck. It was 7:30am and I had to be at the set by 8:30am. Technically, my filming doesn't start until about 3-4pm, but San and I wanted to be there early to support Jinkyung while she films her introduction episode. I woke San up and we both got ready and washed up nicely to look presentable.

Before heading to the filming set, which is in Jinkyung's character's house first, San wanted to buy flowers and energy drinks for Jinkyung. I just went along with him and I also bought some energy drinks for myself. I didn't want to get anything for Jinkyung because I didn't want to look suspicious in front of San. Once we finished buying whatever we needed, we went inside of the van again and went to the filming set. When we got there, there were many tents set up and there was a lot of cameras and staff. I wasn't sure if I could even find Jinkyung but San finds her in a second. I guess he really does have that "Jinkyung sense" that he talks about. We walk towards her tent and get permission from her to come in. She's sitting on a chair, on her phone, waiting for the makeup artists.

"Jinkyung!" San immediately runs up to her and hugs her tightly. I could tell that Jinkyung was smiling because of how much she was squealing. The two of them haven't seen each other in a long time, so I'm glad that they're reuniting here on set.

"Hey Yunho." Jinkyung waves to me and we high five. She turns back to San and he gives her the flowers and energy drinks. She thanks him by patting his head and hugging him tightly again. While they caught up on what they missed, I went outside to greet the staff and directors.

"Yunho..? Is that really you?" I hear a familiar voice behind me. Please don't tell me it's who I think it is. I turn around and see Semmi.

"Semmi... what are you doing here?" I ask, she runs towards me and throws herself onto me. I don't hug her back because I don't even want to see her right now. I try my best to push her off before Jinkyung sees.

"I heard you're filming a new drama and I got the information about where and when you're filming from ... well... you know." Semmi smiles brightly and I just scoff. It's so obvious that she got that information from sasaengs. I can't believe she'd do this, I finally push her off and I see Jinkyung and San leave the tent. Jinkyung is wearing her pajamas for the morning scene and San was holding her tightly because it was freezing. I hope she doesn't catch a cold, she should hurry up and get inside the house. Semmi noticed I was watching Jinkyung and she turned to her direction. She looked back at me and scoffed.

"Shim Jinkyung is the ugliest girl I've ever seen." Semmi crosses her arms. I bring my attention back to her and frown. Is she insane? Why would she say something so rude? She's younger than Jinkyung yet she's disrespecting her behind her back like this. Semmi really is the most childish woman I've met.

"She must be an airhead too. That's why you should stay with me, baby. I'm still in college and I study physics! No girl can compete with me." Semmi says as she uncrosses her arms and pulls out her mirror from her purse. I roll my eyes and watch as she applies more makeup.

"You have to leave, you're not allowed here." I say and she shakes her head.

"Nobody has noticed that I snuck onto this set yet. Plus, don't act like you don't want me here." Semmi comes closer to me and fixes my jacket, pulling me down to her height.

"You can't escape me, love." Semmi whispers, almost demonically. I push her away and go next to Mr. Lee, who reserved a seat next to the monitors so I can see what Jinkyung's filming. Semmi follows after me but gets stopped by security. I let out a breath of relief.

Jinkyung wakes up from her bed and she does her normal morning routine as Jayoon. San is next to me and he's just complimenting her on anything she does. I nod and agree with him because honestly Jinkyung is doing great and she hasn't said a single word yet. She finishes filming her getting ready scene quickly and goes downstairs to talk to her family.

(A/N: all acting lines will be in bold to avoid confusion)

"Good morning." Jinkyung softly greets her family.

"Good morning, Jayoon. Are you skipping breakfast again?" Her on-screen mom asks and Jinkyung nods.

"I'm gonna be late if I don't go now. I'll make sure to eat at school." Jinkyung says as she puts on her shoes.

"Remember you have a doctor's appointment today!" Jayoon's mom yells as Jinkyung runs out of the house.

"And cut!" Mr. Lee calls as Jinkyung runs into San's arms.

"That was amazing! Your character is so different from your real personality. I'm so impressed." San compliments and Jinkyung thanks him. She looks at me and my heart starts to flutter.

"Great job. As expected." I say and Jinkyung lightly shoves my arm. I look around as Jinkyung and San go back to the tent to fix Jinkyung's hair and see that Semmi was watching everything that just happened. She was going to the tent but luckily I ran in front of her to stop her just in time.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask and Semmi scoffs.

"She's flirting with you! I won't let that happen!" She says, trying to push past me but I just stand still, blocking the entrance of the tent. I call security over and they drag Semmi away from me.

The next scenes are Jinkyung walking to school so while they filmed that, San and I stayed behind to help the staff clean up the tents and equipment and load the van to go to the next location. Semmi was following us the whole time. Jinkyung was filming her first scene with her on-screen friends and she looked so beautiful I can't even describe it. I didn't notice that I was admiring Jinkyung's face on screen and snapped out of my thoughts before San saw. He wasn't even paying attention, he was sleeping. I laughed and tapped his shoulder to wake him up, telling him that Jinkyung is on the screen now.

Jinkyung finished filming her school scenes at around 12pm and that's when all of the food trucks came. ATEEZ sent Jinkyung a coffee truck and they sent me a sandwich truck. Jinkyung and I took turns taking pictures of each other with the different food trucks we received and then we just ate most of the food that was there. Some of the actors had ddeokbokki, some had chicken, and some had drinks. Jinkyung, San, and I ate together while sitting at a lunch table near the set.

"Jinkyung, Yunho kept admiring you through the screen thinking I didn't notice." San admits suddenly and I almost choke on my food. Jinkyung just smiles and I shake my head.

"I wasn't admiring you in a weird way more like in a fanboy way." I say and Jinkyung nods. San laughs and Jinkyung hits his arm. I look around to check if Semmi is still here and she isn't so I feel a lot of weight off of my shoulders.

After lunch, Jinkyung had to film her last final scenes at the school then she had to film her going to her doctor's appointment. We helped the staff again and we were off to the hospital. Since Jinkyung's scene is in a small room and the hospital was crowded, San and I stayed downstairs and watched through the monitors again.

"Jayoon, your results from your blood test are in here." The doctor hands Jinkyung a folder. San has no idea what's going to happen and I didn't want to spoil anything for him so I kept my mouth shut the whole time. Jinkyung slows opens the folder, takes a couple of seconds to read and starts to tear up.

"Wow... how did she manage to tear up on the spot?" I ask and San smiles.

"She's a professional actress, come on." San says, patting my back.

"I have... leukemia?" Jinkyung asks the doctor and he slowly nods. San gasps and I nod.

The scene continues and Jinkyung is standing outside of the doctor's office, holding her folder tightly. She tears up the paper but eventually faints.

"And cut! Jinkyung, great job today!" Mr. Lee announces through the mic. It was about 2:55 and it was my turn to film. I wanted to do my best. I want to look like a good actor in front of Jinkyung.

please remember that jayoon and jinkyung are the same person! same thing for junseo and yunho! lengthy chapter but i hope you enjoyed!

- j

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