Chapter 8

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We were visiting the filming locations of the drama and I could tell that the staff spent a crazy amount of money for this drama. There were many filming locations such as the school, my character's house, Jinkyung's character's house, Jinkyung's friend's characters house, the hospital, and all of that. The whole time I was next to Jinkyung because I wasn't close enough to the rest of the cast. Her friends would turn around and talk to her once in a while but the whole time they would just be following the staff and showing us what scenes will be filmed here. Walking next to Jinkyung like this made me realize our height difference. It was cute but it made me laugh.

"What's so funny about where I die?" Jinkyung nudges my arm and I stop laughing. I smile at her and look at how small she is. We've always been in meetings sitting down together so I never noticed this about us.

"I'm not laughing about the hospital. I'm laughing at you." I whisper and she frowns.

"You're short." I bend my knees to whisper in her ear. She stops frowning and smiles, hitting my arm lightly.

We leave the hospital and go back to the vans to go back to the company building. We were done with looking at the sets and stuff and apparently Mr. Lee wanted to have a final meeting all together. Jinkyung and I were in a van together with our managers and some staff. It was quiet the whole ride but I wouldn't stop teasing Jinkyung about her height.

If you don't stop laughing, you're going to regret it.

You can't even reach me.

I can still hurt you many different places.

Sooo scary oh noooo

Did you forget that I learned taekwondo with San?

I never knew that.. now I'm scared.

You better be.

We just turn to each other and laugh and pay attention to where they were taking us. Apparently, we were all going to have dinner together at a barbecue restaurant. I was getting excited because I was getting hungry and this means that I can get to know the whole cast better. Jinkyung already seemed like she was friends with the whole cast and I was jealous because I was only friends with her. This was the perfect opportunity to get to know everyone, especially the guys because most of my scenes are with them.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we had to separate into five different tables because of how many people we have including the cast and the staff. I was at a table with Jinkyung, Jung Dabin, Song Geonhee, Lee Jongwon, and Hwang Boreumbyeol. The five of them were talking casually and I would jump into the conversation from time to time. Usually I don't have this much trouble making friends with people, but for some reason, I just can't go out of my way to befriend them. But I did it so easily for Jinkyung. I don't know what's wrong with me. Jinkyung noticed I was being quiet so she cleared her throat and spoke up.

"Hey, let's play a game!" Jinkyung suggests and everyone, including myself, nods.

"Jinkyung likes this random game. Game start!" We all say together and we're all already laughing.

"Baskin Robbins 31." We say together again.

"One, two." Jinkyung starts.

"Three, four." I say after.

"Five, six, seven." Geonhee says, and everyone else just follows. The game goes on and now it's back to Jinkyung.

"Twenty-nine, thirty." Jinkyung says and I smile, everyone laughs.

"Thirty-one." I laugh.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" They all chant and I take a shot of the soju.

"That was such a fun game! Let's play another one." Jinkyung suggests again and everyone nods.

"One!" Jinkyung starts. From this, everyone knows we're playing the Sense Game. I look around and everyone is just laughing.

"Two!" I say.

"Three!" Jongwon and Boreumbyeol say at the same time. We all chant for them to drink and they do.

We were having an awesome time just playing drinking games and eating. It was getting late and we drank enough to stay sober since Mr. Lee told us not to drink too much. We were playing less drinking games and just focused of getting to know each other, especially me. I was really happy that Jinkyung suggested playing these games and took care of all of us well, making sure we didn't drink too much. We were just casually talking to each other about our interests and stuff.

"Has anyone ever had a significant other? Jinkyung, I'm almost 100% sure you've had one because of how popular and beautiful you are!" Boreumbyeol asks and Jinkyung just laughs and shakes her head. I was relieved for some reason that she didn't have a boyfriend.

"What about you, Yunho?" Geonhee asks and I shake my head.

"With being an idol and actor, I haven't been able to find the right person." I lie and everyone nods, basically believing my statement. I look at Jinkyung and she's just smiling at me. She didn't seem drunk at all and I was relieved, I didn't want her to be too drunk and wake up with a bad headache. I didn't realize that everyone was staring at the two of us and they started laughing.

"Awww... I think I know what's going on between you two." Geonhee says and looks around at everyone, they nod their heads and Jinkyung and I just look at them, confused.

"You two like each other!" He continues and Jinkyung starts laughing.

"Yunho and I are just friends, how could we like each other? Right, Yunho?" Jinkyung says and looks at me, I nod and laugh too. Why did that hurt a little?

"She's friends with one of my members, that's why I feel most comfortable with her." I say and everyone just nods.

"Too bad you two don't have a kissing scene. You guys would've loved that huh." Jongwon teases and Jinkyung nudges his arm. Why did my heart beat to the thought of having a kissing scene with Jinkyung? Maybe it's just because I'm scared of what San would think.


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