Chapter 15

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It's been five days since I started ignoring Yunho completely. We've been filming all day and I still haven't said a single word to him yet. I wish that I could tell him I'm sorry and explain why I ignored him in the first place, but I know that the girl will post the rumors and fake story. She's also been coming to set everyday and bossing around the directors and staff, and told them they're stupid if they told her to leave or stop being disrespectful. The cast couldn't take it either. Every time she tried to talk to any of us, we would just leave. The girls immediately hated her and the guys didn't even know she existed. She's attached to Yunho so she doesn't even care about us anymore. The only thing she cares about is if we get near Yunho, which is the worst.

San tried to ask me many times why I was ignoring Yunho and I didn't have the heart to tell him either. He's my best friend in the whole world and I trust him with my life. But I couldn't tell him that I'm not talking to Yunho because I got threatened. I don't even know who she is and I doubt that San knows who she is either. She's probably a sasaeng for Yunho and I don't want to mess with her because she must be very rich and she'll literally do anything to keep me away from Yunho. Every time she's near him, he has a whole mood change. So I can easily tell that Yunho hates her just as much as everyone does. Maybe she's extremely obsessed with Yunho and will do whatever it takes to get him. Whatever her relationship to Yunho is, I don't want to get near her. She's annoying and disrespectful. I don't want to be near her ever again.

It was the afternoon and San promised me he'd be here. He was holding bags of food for the whole crew and I was so happy. My friends let me eat with San while they all ate together and of course that girl and Yunho ate together. While we were eating, I could feel the girl's eyes on me so I started shivering. It wasn't even cold, in fact it was starting to get a little warmer than usual. I just felt chills run down my back knowing that she might be staring at me. Her and Yunho were sitting down at a table behind San and I and they were like seven or eight feet away. San noticed that I wasn't feeling like myself and he stopped eating.

"Are you okay? I'm worried about you. You know you can always tell me anything." San says and I nod. I should just tell him about this girl since it's pretty obvious he hates her too. I just sigh and prepared myself to tell him everything.

"You know that girl who's always with Yunho?" I whisper and San nods. He comes closer to me so that I can whisper in his ear.

"She's Baek Semmi. Yunho's ex-girlfriend. She's extremely obsessed with him and even though Yunho has broken up with her multiple times, she still comes back because she doesn't want him to date anyone else. She only wants him to herself. She's a spoiled brat too. She may be a physics major at the top college in Seoul, but she's the dumbest person I know. Her parents bribed the school to let her in. She's super stupid. Did she do something to you? Is that why you're not talking to Yunho?" San describes and I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. She's his girlfriend and she's a terrible person. I wonder how they became boyfriend and girlfriend and if she was always like this. Maybe not since they've lasted this long.

"To be honest... when my manager couldn't give me a ride home a couple of days ago, I went into her car by accident and she drove me to the middle of nowhere and threatened to release rumors of me being a bully in high school if I got close to Yunho. She told me that she'd ruin my life if I ever got close to Yunho and I couldn't risk it so I stopped talking to him. You know... I like him... but for the sake of my career, I couldn't risk it." I explain and San nods along, wrapping an arm around me and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Jinkyung. You don't have to worry. She can't do anything. She may be rich and stuff but she's been blacklisted by our company and she's very hated by our fans. Nobody ever believes what she says. If she even tries to make a rumor about you, nobody will believe her. She tried making a rumor about a girl that Yunho was rumored to be dating and nobody and I mean absolutely nobody believed her. You don't have to worry about her. Just talk to Yunho, I know how much you miss him and he misses you too." San says and I just stare blankly.

"I'm scared still. She looks like she's going to murder me if I step anywhere near Yunho. I still don't want to risk it. Maybe in the meantime, I'll get over my crush on him." I sigh and San lets go of me and frowns. He shakes his head in disappointment.

"Jinkyung. Ever since you and Yunho met, the both of you have never been happier. Even if he doesn't admit it, I can tell that he has the biggest crush on you. The thing is... Semmi is in the middle of you two. She wants to tear you two apart. But I know Yunho, and he's set on you. He's going to try his best to be with you because he likes you so much. And if she ever hurts you, I'm always here. I'll never leave you." San reassures me while he holds my hands. I smile and tell him to continue eating.

Yunho and I filmed a bunch of scenes at my house since we're shooting the episodes where we get close to each other. It was maybe the fifth time Jayoon has tutored him, so they're still unfamiliar but they're getting used to it. I couldn't face Yunho after hearing what San said. He said that Yunho has a crush on me? There's no way. Even if San swore on his life, I wouldn't believe that Yunho likes me. It seems too surreal.


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