Chapter 26

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It was the second day of filming in Jeju and we're trying to make it seem like we've spent at least two nights here already. Jinkyung and I were up and ready since 5am and I could tell that she didn't get enough sleep. There were two bedrooms in the vacation house so Jinkyung and I still haven't talked even when San left. San slept in Jinkyung's room but on the floor, he said he wanted to make sure she doesn't get kidnapped or fall off the bed and if she did fall off the bed, she'd fall on him. I admired how in love he is with her. It's just proving my point how perfect they are together.

The first thing that we're filming is our day at the beach. We were just swimming and playing together and honestly I wish that this was all real. Mr. Lee wanted to film us just having fun together and I wish that Jinkyung and I could be like this without any restrictions. But at the same time, San is much more important to me than Jinkyung. I can lose her, but I can't lose San. I'm super thankful for the filming though because if we weren't filming, I would never see Jinkyung again and I want to see her until the rest of filming so that once we're done, I can forget all about it. We were holding hands and swimming, splashing water at each other, and just having a great time. Not to mention, she looked absolutely beautiful and it reminded me as to why I fell for her in the first place. Mr. Lee calls cut and Jinkyung leaves the ocean immediately. I stay for a little bit and get out once Jinkyung is back into San's arms, drying her with a towel.

The next scene we were filming was us eating at a restaurant and talking about school and stuff. It was a casual conversation and I just couldn't stop getting lost into her eyes. The first thing I noticed about Jinkyung is that her eyes are the prettiest feature on her. Of course, there's her birthmark on her chin that Semmi is super jealous of, but for me, her eyes are the more gorgeous part of her. I had to snap out of my thought since we were filming and if I mess up now, everyone is gonna be disappointed in me. We finished up the scene and Mr. Lee let us take a five minute break. Jinkyung rushed to the bathroom and San comes up to me.

"You're still not talking to her?" He asks and I nod, sitting back down, San sits down next to me. I should be honest and tell him why I'm avoiding her. San is probably smart enough to already know the reason, but I should admit it myself. I love San and I want to be honest with him. I always want to see him happy too.

"I'm avoiding her for you. I don't want to be-"

"Yunho. I know you're avoiding her because you think that her and I are a better match. But I want to tell you that's not true. To be honest, you know so much more about Jinkyung than I do. She's definitely more happy when she's with you and if you make her happy, then all I can do is sit back and watch two people I love most be happy. You two are so important to me and I never want to lose either of you. So I'm telling you right now that I'm giving up on Jinykung. I've had this one-sided crush on her for too long and if I carry it out any longer I'm going to be more heartbroken. So it's best that I end it here. You're the right guy for her, Yunho. And she's the best girl for you. I want you to go after her. Do what makes you happy and don't even worry about me. I'll be okay." San smiles at me and pats my back. I was happy that San wants me to go after Jinkyung, but at the same time, I feel like I'm ruining their friendship. And I might be ruining ours too.

"San... what about your friendship? What about our friendship? I don't want to mess up your bond that you've had since childhood. Are you sure? What about you? I want you to always be happy too and I'm pretty sure Jinkyung wants the same thing for you too." I say and San just smiles more. I hope he's genuinely happy and not smiling the pain away.

"Just trust me. I already told Jinkyung yesterday and she appreciated my confession and chose to stay loyal to you. I'm going to get over this crush easily so you don't have to worry about me. You know what... I can even help you plan out how you're going to confess to her!" San reassured me and I just chuckled at him. We gave each other a hug and I nodded, letting him know that we should try to plan how I should confess to Jinkyung without her noticing.

"I'll tell her that I want to sleep with you tonight. She's on her... you know... so she definitely wants to be alone tonight." San explains and I nod. Is that why she rushed to the bathroom? I hope she's okay.

A couple of hours pass and we have almost all of our vacation filming done. The last scenes we have to film are where Jayoon asks for Junseo's bone marrow and he tells her to leave and sends her home. Jinkyung is going to leave with San while I have to stay here for an extra day to film one more scene. After we finished filming, the crew and cast had a dinner together but Jinkyung left early because she wasn't feeling well. Sooyeon accompanied her to the house so that she can get some rest. San and I looked at each other and nodded.

We got to the house at around 9pm since the dinner was longer than usual. I washed up first and San followed after me. San checked Jinkyung's room and she was fast asleep. He came into my room and we sat down on my bed with a notebook and pen in front of us, trying to plan where I'm going to confess, what I'm going to say, what I'm going to wear, and all of that. I had no ideas so San tried asking me some questions.

"What's your favorite memory with Jinkyung?" San asks.

"When we went on our first date. Not the one that we just had but our very first dinner date. It wasn't the dinner itself, but it was when we went to the beach afterwards. We were sitting on the sand and while she was looking at the stars, I was looking at her. That's when I first noticed how beautiful she was. The stars in the sky were nothing compared to how beautiful Jinkyung's eyes were. She was admiring the sky and I was admiring her. I don't know what else happened after that, I just couldn't keep my eyes off of her." I explain and San smiles the whole time. I look down at the notebook and there are a bunch of ideas that he wrote down while I was talking.

"It's so simple we didn't have to wait until Jinkyung was fast asleep to plan this." San laughs.

"You confess on the same beach, at the same time, but you add the whole romantic setup... wait give me a second... Wooyoung is calling me." San says and answers his phone and puts it on speaker.

"What are you doing?" Wooyoung asks.

"Helping Yunho plan how he's going to ask Jinkyung out." San says and Wooyoung gasps.

"Can I help?" Wooyoung asks and San looks at me, I give him a nod of approval and San FaceTimes Wooyoung.

"I knew it! You like Jinkyung!" Wooyoung laughs and I just sigh and nod.

"Do you have it all figured out yet? I don't know her that well except for the fact that she's the same age as us and she's the opposite of San." Wooyoung says and San just rolls his eyes at the last comment. Once I thought about it, Jinkyung really is the opposite of San, I guess that's why they're so close.

"We have everything except for all of the romantic stuff-"

"Wooyoung, what are you doing? Oh... hey! It's Yunho and San!" Hongjoong comes into the camera and soon all six of them come into the frame and try to help me with my plan to confess to Jinkyung.


It was 3am and I had to be up at 6am but I couldn't sleep. I was worried sick about Jinkyung and I wanted to make sure she was okay. Not to mention that San keeps kicking me in his sleep and taking all of the blanket. So, I slowly get out of bed and open Jinkyung's door without making any noise. I check her bed and she's still fast asleep as expected. I smiled and went back to my room to get a hot pack from my bag. Since Jinkyung is on her period, she must be experiencing really bad cramps. I took the hot packs as well as some pain killers and set them on the side of her bed so that she can see them when she wakes up and use them. I would be more than happy to help her in a situation like this. I was admiring her face when she was asleep until she started moving and I got scared so I went back to my room and into the bed with San as if nothing happened.


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