Chapter 25

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San and I arrived at the airport together since he slept over at my house last night. He doesn't have a schedule today and I'm so glad that he doesn't because I don't want to cry again. Honestly, I don't usually cry when I'm with San (because I know he'll keep me safe and comfort me), but yesterday, I felt like my whole world was crashing down. It took me the whole night to realize that I was just overreacting and I'll be fine with Yunho for now. I just need to get through this filming and I'll be fine. I don't know why he's avoiding me, but even though it hurts, I'll be fine. As long as I don't interrupt the filming and make it harder on everyone, everything will be okay. Plus, I have San by my side, so I'll be okay no matter what.

I was in the makeup and hair tent getting ready. I was already in the clothes that Jayoon is supposed to wear to the airport and my stylists were just applying light makeup and helping me put my hair up in a messy bun. Once I was ready, I left the tent and grabbed all of the props that I needed for this scene and entered the airport. I looked around and there were actual people looking at me and wondering why I have a mic on and so many cameras around me. The crew just told the people to keep walking and pretend like they don't see the camera because they're filming a drama. I was standing in the middle of the airport and the camera started rolling. I checked my watch and it was 8:30am. In the script, Junseo and Jayoon's flight is at 10am, but Junseo told Jayoon to be early.

"He told me to come here at 8am and he's not even here.." I say to myself and just as I look up from my watch, Yunho is standing in front of me, smiling. I cross my arms and pretend to be mad.

"You're late." I pout and Yunho laughs, pinching my cheek lightly.

"Only by a couple of minutes." Yunho laughs and I just smile at him.

"Let's go or we'll be late!" Yunho says, grabbing my hand and dragging me to go check in for our flight.

We were checking in, getting our tickets, and then we went to go to security. Yunho and I did the normal airport security procedures and we were ready to go to the boarding gate. In the drama, Junseo and Jayoon go to Jeju since it's the typical vacation place. While we were at the boarding gate, Yunho got up to get some snacks for us.

"I can't believe I'm actually here... in the airport... going on a trip with Bang Junseo." I say to myself as I stare outside of the window.

"Hopefully I can ask him to donate his bone marrow during this trip. He seems to be more comfortable with me so I hope he'll understand." I say again and Yunho comes back with a bunch of snacks and drinks in his arms.

"Why did you get so much? Who are you feeding?" I ask and laugh as Yunho sits down next to me and places all of the snacks down.

"I'm feeding you of course. But they're not just for now or on the plane. They're also for our movie nights we're going to have at my vacation home." Yunho smiles as he looks through all of the snacks and passes me my favorites. I just laugh and place all of the snacks he gives me into my backpack. I eat some while we wait to board the plane. The scene ends when Yunho and I are on the plane and we take off. I totally forgot that Yunho and I had to sit next to each other on this flight for an hour and ten minutes. Luckily, there were cameras in the plane and we just had to act like we were getting along instead of sitting in awkward silence the whole time.

Once we all arrived to Jeju, we immediately set up at the airport and started filming again as if we just landed. Yunho took my hand and led me to get a rental car and drive to his vacation home. Junseo's family is super rich so they have a vacation home in almost every city you can think of. Junseo doesn't like to brag about his wealth though, but he loves to take advantage of it when he's with Jayoon. I'm pretty sure that Mr. Lee wrote Yunho's character to be loyal and compassionate to the person he loves, just like Yunho. We got to the vacation home and it was huge. Even though it wasn't actually going to be just Yunho and I, it felt like such a dream to be here right now. I never really got to travel when I was younger so I never experienced going on a family trip, but I've travelled multiple times with San's family and for other movies and dramas too.

"And cut! Yunho, Jinkyung, take a rest and we'll see you at around 6pm." Mr. Lee says as everyone leaves the house.

Since San has no schedule for the next week, Mr. Lee and his manager gave him permission to come with Yunho and I to Jeju. I wasn't complaining at all though because I needed him to stay in this house with Yunho and I to get rid of the awkward silence between us. I was waiting for San to come in the house by laying on the couch, watching random videos on my phone. Yunho was either in the bathroom or in one of the bedrooms, sleeping. Soon, San knocked on the door and entered the house.

"Hey, Jinkyung." San smiles, taking off his shoes and coming to the couch. I sit up and give a hug to San before coming closer to him and laying my head on his shoulder.

"Where's Yunho?" He asks and I shrug.

"Yunho!" San calls and Yunho comes out of the bedroom.

"Come sit." San says, patting the empty spot next to him.

"I'm tired, I'm going to take a nap." Yunho says and goes back to the bedroom. I sigh and almost start to cry but San lifts my head off of his shoulder and holds my hands, looking into my eyes.

"Jinkyung... I know why Yunho is avoiding you." San says and I widen my eyes. San looks away and sighs, then returns his eye contact with me.

"So... a few days ago... when you and Yunho had your first official date.." San begins and I already know what happened.

"It was Semmi wasn't it? She was calling Yunho the whole time and ruining everything. Oh my god... her again? When will she give up?" I ask and San shakes his head. What? It's not Semmi? What is it then?

"When he came back home, I told him that..." San says and I encourage him to go on. He looks down and takes a deep breath, looking into my eyes again. My stomach starts to twist and turn. What is he going to say? Is it something bad? I hope everything is fine between the two of them.

"I told him that I like you." San says and my jaw drops. Am I hearing this right? San, my best friend of so many years, has a crush on me? There's no way..

"I know you're probably like 'How can he like me?' and 'What? How does this relate to Yunho?' and all of that but please just listen to me okay?" San says and I nod, still confused but going along with whatever he says.

"Yunho likes you too. He's avoiding you because he thinks that we're better off as a couple. But that's not what I think. Yunho is perfect for you, Jinkyung. He's everything that you want in a guy. He's tall, funny, friendly, loyal, compassionate, talented, and bright. He's always making friends with everyone and he's just a huge ray of sunshine. He's an amazing singer, dancer, and actor. If Yunho isn't the perfect guy for you... then I don't know who is. What I'm saying is... I'm not going to beg you to like me back because I don't deserve you. Yunho does. I want you to stay loyal to Yunho. Don't feel pity for me either. I'll feel pity for you if you pity me. I'll forget about my feelings sooner or later, so don't worry about me. Please... try talking to Yunho again. The only thing I want is for the two people I love to be happy." San says and I almost cry because of how happy I was. I always knew that San liked me but I knew that we were always going to stay best friends no matter what. I pull San into a hug and try not to cry.

"Thank you so much for telling me, San. I appreciate your honesty. Thank you for always caring about me. I'm so grateful for you." I say and San smiles, letting go of my hands.

"I'm always here for you, Jinkyung. Call me and I'll be there. You can depend on me." San says and I smile.


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