Chapter 20

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It was the next day and I was still confused as to why Yunho and San were talking for so long yesterday. Maybe it's nothing.. but San hasn't left my side since filming started even though Yunho is his own teammate. Every time we had a break after filming, he would try to talk to me but of course I had to ignore him. Semmi came to the set yesterday then immediately left and she hasn't come back since. I was already on set and San was already here as well. I haven't talked to Yunho in a while and I feel bad for just cutting him off like that. I thought that it would be awkward if I talk to him all of a sudden, so I'm gonna start talking to him little by little and try to get used to it again.

We were at the school as usual, filming more scenes. We're at the part in the drama where Junseo and Jayoon are getting more used to each other. In this part, Junseo becomes an outcast to his friends but he doesn't care because he has Jayoon. And Jayoon is starting to realize that she likes Junseo and ditches her friends for him. Today's episode is where Yeji confronts Jayoon about it and where Junseo's basketball team asks where he has been because they don't know he can't play because of his grades. Junseo lies and says that he lost interest in basketball because he doesn't want to tell them that he's failing a class. He's not ashamed that Jayoon is tutoring him though, so the basketball team makes fun of him for being with her.

"Jayoon, did you eat breakfast?" Yunho sits down next to me.

"No. Did you?" I ask and Yunho smirks.

"How could you not eat? You always tell me to eat before an exam." Yunho scolds and I just stare at him. Jayoon is supposed to be confused because Junseo has never sat next to her in class before.

"Oh... sorry." I say quietly and go back to studying for the exam. Yunho pulls out triangle gimbap and a bottle of green tea from his bag and places it on my desk.

"Eat. You have 30 minutes." Yunho says, pulling out his notebook from his bag and I just stare at him.

"I won't study until you eat." He faces me and says, my cheeks started to turn pink which is good because that's what my character had to do. I just nodded and started eating. Yunho smiled and started studying, looking up from time to time to make sure that I was actually eating.

"Did you study well?" He asks me and I put down my food to answer.

"I studied for like... maybe five hours?" I respond and Yunho pats my head and chuckles. Even though we're just acting, I love that he's doing this to me. I wish I could tell him how much I like him right now, but I still have to be cautious of Semmi.

"Five hours? What time did you sleep?" He asks, his hand resting on the back of my desk chair.

"Around 12? I can't remember. I was almost late today." I say, looking away from Yunho and continuing to eat the food he bought.

"Well.. you're gonna be proud of me, but I studied for-" Yunho starts to say but Geonhee (who plays his teammate) comes into the classroom and interrupts him.

"Junseo! What happened to you? Why are you like this?" He asks and Yunho looks confused. I just kept eating and pretending to look over my notes. Jayoon is supposed to be smart, but I know that I could never pass this class if I actually took it. Good thing I'm an actress.

"You... Her... Just come with me." Geonhee tries to talk but eventually just grabs Yunho from off of his seat and takes him to the hallway. They were right outside of the classroom so literally anyone inside could hear what they're saying.

"What is wrong with you these days? You're not coming to practice, you're actually studying, you're sitting with that weird girl, and you're even hanging out with her? Are you dating? Why are you dating someone like-" Geonhee yells at Yunho and he just rolls his eyes and interrupts him by coming back into the classroom and sitting next to me. He stares right at Geonhee and wraps his arm around me, I'm shocked for a moment, then I just act along with him. Geonhee leaves the classroom and goes back to his own. Mr. Lee calls cut right here and I take Yunho's arm off of me and run to San, who has his arms open for me. I immediately run into his arms and we both laugh and sit down.

"You're so cute when you're eating, you know that? I know you didn't have much lines, but you were so cute." San compliments and wraps his jacket around me and places a blanket on my legs. Yunho still has to film with his teammates, so I have a little bit of time to rest right now.

"Um... Jinkyung... I have to tell you something." San says, wrapping an arm around me, I nod in response. I hope people on set don't think San and I are dating because even when we were younger and in high school we would be touchy like this. It's only because we're close and I trust him. I also know he doesn't have romantic feelings for me and I definitely don't have feelings for him anymore.

"Semmi... she flew to America yesterday to live there permanently. She came to set yesterday and told Yunho that she'll stay if he tells her he loves her and he just waved goodbye at her so she left for good. You don't have to worry about her anymore... what am I even saying right now? I'm making it seem like she's dead." San laughs and I do too. Is it all true? Is she really gone?

"What I'm saying is, you can talk to Yunho again. You have to talk to him again. He's going insane without you. I'm serious. We're roommates and all he thinks about is you. Jinkyung... he literally dreams about you and sleep-talks your name. Please, I can't listen to him cry and whine anymore. Just talk to him. He's really having a hard time without you. Whether you realize it or not, you've made a big impact on his life already and he needs you." San says and I just stand there in shock.

"Where is Yunho now?" I ask and San looks around.

"That's a wrap for today! Jinkyung, you leave now while the others gather the equipment. You have a lot of filming to do tomorrow." Mr. Lee says and Sooyeon grabs all of my stuff and leads me to the car. I say goodbye to San and just leave the set without saying a word or taking a glance at Yunho.


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