Chapter 30

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Today was the last official day of filming. I technically don't have to be here, but Mr. Lee told me to come to hear his final speech to everyone. Since Mr. Lee and I really bonded throughout this whole filming process, I was more than happy to come to set today for him. It was 7am and I had to be on the set by 8am to see the whole cast on camera. Sooyeon slept over at my house last night because I was so drunk and wasted that she was scared I was going to throw up in the middle of the night and wake up feeling terrible. She must've taken great care of me since I felt fine this morning. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and realized that my head was pounding. I took some medicine and eventually the pain went away. When I felt better, I started doing my normal morning routine.

Since it's the last day of filming and the other times when I went to set I dressed like I didn't care, I'm actually going to try on my outfit today. I don't have to get changed or get my makeup done on set so I might as well dress up for this one time. And who knows, I might not act with everyone ever again, especially Yunho. So, I wore an off-white blouse and a black dress to layer over it. I tied my hair up with a matching black bow. For my makeup, I just did a natural makeup with peachy and pink tones. When I was finished, I grabbed my purse and Sooyeon and I drove to the set. She noticed I was dressed up nicer than usual since every time she picked me up for filming I was in sweatpants or leggings and I barely brushed my hair and stuff. I just told her it's because today is very special for the cast and crew.

Once we got to the set, Sooyeon and I sat down while waiting for everyone else to arrive. My female costars greeted me nicely and told me that they liked my look today and gave me some gifts. They were telling me how happy they were to work with me and to get closer with me and I felt the same way. I was so happy that I was casted in the same drama as the both of them because they're both so amazing and beautiful and I love them as my friends. We promised we will all try to meet again in the same drama and we even joked about being the stereotypical trio of mean girls. They had to go get dressed and get their makeup done so it was just Sooyeon and I again. I look up and see San and Yunho arrive, I look back down, pretending I was on my phone.

"Jinkyung... are you avoiding me?" San asks and I shake my head.

"I'm not avoiding you." I say and he takes my arm and brings me off of the set.

"Yes you are. Why haven't you been calling or texting me back? I was so worried about you, Jinkyung." San tells me and I try not to make eye contact with him. He noticed what I was doing and pulled me into a hug.

"Why did you push me away? I don't know what to do without you." He says then quickly pulls me out of the hug.

"What am I doing? I'm sorry. Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" He asks.

"San, I never got your texts or calls." I say and San's face obviously doesn't believe me. I pull out my phone and show him that nobody except for my friends have called and texted me.

"What? Who was I calling... oh... oops. Yeah I was calling someone else..." San looks at his phone and awkwardly laughs, I lightly hit him and he just keeps laughing.

"I'm sorry for being mad at you. You probably thought I was upset with you, huh?" San says and I nod.

"I'm sorry." San pouts and I just pat his head and nod.

"It's okay. I know you can't be the smartest sometimes." I smile.

"Hey! What the heck!" San laughs and I do too.

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