Beneath the Planet of the Apes: Reborn

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A/N: The very first reborn sequel to the 1968 movie and cult classic, Planet of the Apes.

So some of you may know the classic movie (or at least the reboots), known as Planet of the Apes.

In this movie, there's a world where a literal planet of apes exists and instead of humans being the sentient/dominant life forms on the planet, it's the apes who are dominant and intelligent

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In this movie, there's a world where a literal planet of apes exists and instead of humans being the sentient/dominant life forms on the planet, it's the apes who are dominant and intelligent. While the humans have reverted intelligence of animals.
Which ironically enough, is the exact opposite of what an astronaut named Taylor (movie's main character), desired when he left Earth and traveled in space with his fellow crew mates to find a world full of life better than his own kind.

Little does he realize, that ounce he found out that humans were ounce the intelligent life forms on the planet until they fell and Apes took over their spotlight, he was horrified upon learning that he returned to Earth this entire time. After seeing a devastated, almost completely buried Statue of Liberty and discovering that Humanity destroyed themselves, as well as the world with nuclear warfare.

The themes of this movie, it's dark tones and plot twist were what made this movie more than just a movie full of people being given cheesy makeup and ape masks. It became one of the most greatest, influential movies of all time, if not the greatest. It may be old, but it aged incredibly well as a powerful message for humanity's Nuclear Era and our tendency to be the most aggressive race on the planet, due to bearing the knowledge and abilities to surpass our own instincts for the sake of advancing civilization, greed, lust, arrogance on ourselves and other beings, intent to kill one another, etc for our ways as humans.

At the time, this movie became so drastically successful and popular in the United States, that FOX studios lit the green light for an immediate sequel, in which they would name:
Beneath the Planet of the Apes.

At the time, this movie became so drastically successful and popular in the United States, that FOX studios lit the green light for an immediate sequel, in which they would name: Beneath the Planet of the Apes

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Unfortunately, this sequel was what they thought to be the only sequel of this movie and the conclusion to the franchise. And that's when things started to go down....

Fortunately enough, the other movies are actually quite alright in comparison to Beneath. The problem with Beneath, is that because they believed that this would be the final movie. So because of that, most of the movie was a bit...... Rushed, in a single one word summary. So to finally get this stuff off my conscience, I'm going to fix the sequel that nearly ended the whole franchise, were it not for it's marvelous success in the box office. I'm going to do none other than create a Reborn sequel.

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