Evangelion 3.33: Reborn (Final Part)

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A/N: Final Part of Evangelion 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo

The story continues in our Third Act.
Where it has only been a day since the victory against the Sixteenth Angel. And although Shinji felt confident for ounce in his life in going against Gendo's wishes to prove his worth...... It felt a bit terrifying at times. He wasn't sure if he would be punished for these actions, put in captivity and forced to leave, his mind would go crazy with the possibilities. But before he and Kaworu left their Units to part in their rooms for now, he was advised by the grey haired teenager that he shouldn't fret. Gendo is known to be stubborn at times, but if there's progress, he could care less.

So he did the best he could to not worry about it. And it has only been a day since he got any word with his father, Fuyutsuki or even Rei. All he could do was wait while he and Kaworu rest from their success and reunite at some point. Just to hang out together. So far, he was in his room, humming to himself with music he memorized from his training yesterday. And while he was doing this, he laid on his bed in his normal clothes and stared up at the ceiling.

He wished he had his SDAT player back, but who knows what happened to it after all these years? All he could do at this point was continue humming to himself like Kaworu does. That was when his door bell rung and he rose from his bed. "I'm coming." He shouted, stretching his arms and legs before approaching the door. He pressed the button, the door sliding open as the boy was expecting Kaworu. Instead, it was only Rei. The Rei that wasn't his anyway. "Oh, it's you....." He spoke, slightly bitter towards the girl. "I came to say, 'Congratulations' in your father's stead." She explained, making him widen his eyes a little.

That was surprising. "Huh.... That's new. That doesn't sound like Father." He looks at the side of the wall. "He wants you to keep your self esteem up so that you are capable of piloting Unit 13 with the Fifth Child."
"I was also sent here to take you to Kozo Fuyutsuki's office. He wants to see you." She stated, making Shinji look at her with a raised eyebrow. "What for?"

"Follow me." She answered, turning around to walk away as Shinji watched her leave. He only sighs at this and follows her off ounce more, a little irritated of her behavior. He was starting to realize why Asuka was sometimes annoyed with her. Hell, she seemed harder to tolerate compared to the last Rei he knew. At least the first Rei wasn't cold hearted like her. They made their way across the safest halls of Central Dogma, before they reached an elevator and were taken up through the small tunnel of the Geofront's pyramid. Possibly the only structure that wasn't as damaged as everything else in the world.

Soon, they eventually reached the room. Which turned out to be much bigger in length and width compared to Shinji and Kaworu's rooms, where Kaworu was seen sitting in a chair facing a table with a board and another chair at the opposite side. "Nice to see you again, Shinji. Congrats on the success of destroying the last Angel. I knew that without a doubt, you would get along with Kaworu." Fuyutsuki spoke with a smile as he was setting up the board on the coffee table standing between both chairs. Shinji noticed Rei leaving the room before the door closed behind him. He frowned a bit at this, but soon walks forward and approaches Fuyutsuki.

"So I beat the last Angel?"
"Many things have changed over the years in your absence. All other Angels that came after the Eleventh, the one you defeated fourteen years ago, were long gone and taken care of. Things may have been hard for all of us back then, but.... We overcame them in the long run." Fuyutsuki would place a few more pieces on the board. "That's the secret to humanity's survival. We adapt, we learn, we survive. Despite all of the losses we suffered.... We still go on." He frowned down at the board, appearing to be pensive at the moment.

A moment after, he would change his expression and glance up at the boy with a smile on his face. "Please, sit down. I wish to play a game of Shogi with you."
Shinji would do just that, feeling neutral at the moment despite the news of Angels seemingly being gone at last. None of them being around to bother the world any longer. The world was already destroyed, so he could care less if that was all worth it...

Movies/Games/TV: Reborn and Rebuild (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now