Star Wars The Phantom Menace: Reborn

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A/N: A chapter for going over the first installment of the Star Wars prequels

Star Wars. One of the greatest franchises of all time. It only has it sparked many kinds of children's fantasies and dreams, those who were interested in space fiction, it led to the formation of said genre to be one of the most popular genres of popular media in history.

It created famous references, catchphrases, and especially penetrated the hearts of many people with both the mystical energy known as the Force and one of our most beloved fictional weapons, the Lightsaber.

The original trilogy has indeed became whole in just three movies without any plot holes or issues that ruined the overall movies. It would be remembered for decades to come and possibly even centuries. But if anything, there was only a few questions that came to our minds....

What happened? How did the Empire came to be? What was the Clone Wars? How did the Hero, Anakin Skywalker fall into the Dark Side and become the tyrannical Iron Fist of the Empire known as Darth Vader? And how did the Jedi fall with the Rise of the Evil Galactic Empire?

These questions haunted us for quite some time and when all of them soon came to light by none other than George Lucas........ Well.....

THIS was certainly not what we expected.

I could explain how the hell did the prequels become such a controversial mess that we all came to love and hate at the same time, but I would much rather fix it than anything.

But if anything, I might only love the prequels because they were made by one director, the same guy we all love for making Star Wars. So here's a video about the prequels in case you guys want more info about why they suck and why don't at the same time compared to the Sequel Trilogy.

So anyway, now is the time for me to fix what went wrong with the first and possibly, the worst prequel movie of all time. Now is the time for me to make a Reborn version of The Phantom Menace.

As done in the original movie, the story begins with the classic Lucasfilm logo and then the famous title card we all know and love as Star Wars. With the title card being followed by this opening crawl.

Episode 1: The Phantom Menace.
Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute. Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo. While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict....

As done in the original movie, the Trade Federation upsets order in the Galactic Republic by blockading the planet Naboo in preparation for a full-scale invasion and to have Naboo surrender to their terms of greedy trading policies.
(It sounds dumb that the first Star Wars movie in all of history begins with a bunch of trade wars, but I couldn't come up with anything better for the Trade Federation to start beef. If you guys have better ideas, please help)

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