Terminator Salvation: Reborn

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A/N: A chapter to fix the only movie that could've been the turning point of an already dying franchise.

This series is indeed a classic movie series that became one of the very founding fathers of Sci-Fi genres involving post apocalyptic fictional worlds with evil robots against mankind. Or just either of the two. It is a beloved franchise mostly loved for the first two movies, The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

The rest were garbage due to trying to continue the franchise and cash in on it with attempts to make better or at least movies worthy of recognition. The third movie was "eh," Genesis was trash but still had Arnold at least, and Dark Fate was just god awfully hardcore feminist and full of inconsistent plot holes that ultimately destroyed what built the franchise itself.

However, there is only one movie I believed that could've saved the franchise from eventual Termination itself..... Salvation. It was a movie attempting to make a good story in the post apocalyptic future, instead of the past. And since we would be in the future, we would finally see how the war unfolds between Skynet and the Human Resistance and how truly horrifying it can be that makes us want to support our heroes in preventing it from occurring in the first place.

And tbh, I didn't find anything wrong with it. It wasn't entirely as bad as the third, fourth and fifth film of the franchise. There was only one problem, unfortunately, that made it just another garbage film in the franchise and I will reveal how to fix it in a new story, a fixed story or should I say..... A Reborn Story?


As done in the original movie, the entire story will unfold all the way until the very ending.
(If you wish to skip to the ending, scroll all the way down until you see this symbol:
//////////// )

In 2003, Dr. Serena Kogan of Cyberdyne Systems convinces death row inmate Marcus Wright to sign over his body for medical research following his execution. Some time later, the automated Skynet system is activated and becomes self-aware; perceiving humans as a threat to its existence, it starts a nuclear holocaust to eradicate them in the event known as "Judgment Day".

In 2018, John Connor leads an attack on a Skynet base, where he discovers human prisoners and schematics for incorporating living tissue to a new type of Terminator, the T-800. John survives an explosion on the base, which is destroyed. Following John's departure, Marcus emerges from the base's wreckage and begins walking towards Los Angeles.

John returns to the Resistance headquarters located aboard a nuclear submarine and is briefed by General Hugh Ashdown that the Resistance has discovered a hidden signal containing a code protocol which they believe can initiate a shutdown of Skynet's machines. Working on this intelligence, the Resistance plans to launch an offensive against Skynet's headquarters in San Francisco. It is decided among the Resistance that the offensive will commence in four days, due to an intercepted kill-list created by Skynet, which plans to terminate the Resistance's command staff within the same time frame. John learns he is second on this list, following Kyle Reese. The Resistance leaders are unaware of Kyle's importance, but John knows that Kyle will eventually travel back in time and become his father (as seen in The Terminator), and realizes that Skynet has learned of this fact.

Arriving at the ruins of Los Angeles, Marcus encounters Kyle and a mute child named Star during a skirmish with Skynet's machines where Kyle and Star are subsequently abducted and taken prisoner by Skynet. Two Resistance A-10 airplanes are shot down while trying to intercept a machine transport. Marcus locates downed pilot Blair Williams. They then make their way to John's base, where thereafter, Marcus is wounded by a magnetic land mine. Attempting to save his life, the Resistance fighters discover that Marcus is actually a cyborg, with a mechanical endoskeleton and a partially artificial cerebral cortex. Although Marcus believes himself to be human, John and his wife Kate think that Marcus has been sent to execute him and orders him to be killed. Blair helps Marcus escape. During the pursuit, Marcus saves John's life from Skynet's hydrobots and the two make a bargain: Marcus will enter Skynet's headquarters in San Francisco, to help John rescue Kyle and the other prisoners, if he lets him live.

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