Dragon Ball Z Buu Arc: The Introduction of Rebuild

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A/N: A chapter for the least memorable Z arc with the introduction of Rebuild.

Dragon Ball Z. One of the greatest anime shows of all time, a true masterpiece involving the story of a true shonen protagonist tasked to save his world countless times by evil. Not only did we grow up with it like other anime's, we worship it and we all know that Super, a godforsaken joke compared to Z and even GT at times, will never come up to Z's level. Not because of the immense godly power it holds or the amount of filler it has that is greater in quantity from Z and GT combined, but because it's way of storytelling and how concepts are introduced and executed is what truly cuts it away from being looked up to instead of being looked down on.

But my point here is HOW it happened. When did Z or should I say, the franchise itself become such a DISGRACE to all Anime Fans across the world and used its sh*tty, kid-like humor to force even the most hardcore fans to switch to other anime like Jojo or Demon Slayer.

So how did it happen? Well it's all simple, but very complicated.
The Buu Saga, the least favorite and worst arc out of all four arcs in Dragon Ball Z. And here is why:
1. Toriyama brought Goku back due to public pressure from fans, which defeated the purpose of giving his son, Gohan the mantle of main protagonist right after he was supposed to take it with Cell's defeat and Goku's second death
2. The story pacing, development and arc was horrible by being full of useless filler instead of tension and actual conflict, all especially after Buu was awakened/SSJ3 Goku vs Buu and no real tension/conflict was actually around until Super Buu
3. The concept of Buu was incredible, only to be turned into sh*t ounce put into execution such as Super Buu, who kept absorbing everyone and undergoing too many forms for us to even understand who's different from the other and Kid Buu barely helped
4. Vegeta's story arc would've been complete and legendary if he had just STAYED DEAD
5. Too many concepts and forms were forced into the Buu Saga, both for the sake of merchandise and to waste time in the show. By the time all of that was over, I already stopped watching that Arc for the first time until I went back into it to finish the show eventually
(example?: Goten and Trunks being Super Saiyans, Fat Buu, Evil Buu, Super Buu, Majin Absorbing and imitation for more power, Potara Fusion, Fusion Dance, Mystic Form, SSJ3, etc)
6. True potential for new and old characters such as Goten, Trunks, Videl, Piccolo, Gohan, many of those who could still fight, have been wasted. SSJ3 Gotenks was legendary and on par with Goku, until he was just absorbed by Super Buu as well as Mystic Gohan. While Videl was a legit human warrior, just as fierce and determined as were the previous human warriors until she got her *ss kicked by Spopavich and automatically, she gave up and ended up being a character to boost Gohan's story, which also got wasted.
7. The concept of a Majin was literally just a copy of a Biological Android like Cell. Not only can a single small microscopic piece of Buu be enough to regenerate back to full health and restored body, he can copy techniques, absorb people to get stronger, change personalities in each new form, and was created by a mad evil character who uses a weapon for his intentions to rule what he desires. ALL OF THAT could've been slid aside, if only Buu didn't. Just. Use. His abilities. Too godamn much.
8. This was the beginning of a franchise where only Saiyans can actually do anything to achieve defeating a villain over and over again, that humans or even Namekians could barely help but stall time for the heroes to arrive. (Basically using the same formula from the Vegeta Arc repetitively)
9. So many characters had great introductions, but had terrible execution and ultimately became the Downfall, the joke of the entire franchise. (Majin Buu, Videl, Goten, Trunks, Gohan, etc)
10. The Buu Arc was not a saga about Majin Buu. It was a saga about endless, obnoxious filler being shoved in our faces besides a whole bunch of villains being practically ludicrous. At that point, the only good villains that were worth a damn was Dabura and Majin Vegeta.
11. From so many failed concepts and ideas put into this arc, the rest of the show was just doomed to die. And surprisingly, the only thing that redeemed the entire arc was End of Z.

Now that I have shown you the reasons why it sucked so badly compared to the previous arcs, I'll be fixing what went wrong and make a much better story for the conclusion of Z. A greater tale for the new generation of the Z Warriors. And....

An Alternate story of the Buu Arc. Instead of calling it Reborn, it shall be called... Rebuild.

Inspired by Evangelion Rebuild where Hideaki Anno, creator of Neon Genesis Evangelion, used the term, "Rebuild" to identify a quadrilogy of Evangelion movies taking place in a new timeline alternate to the original. So in that case, I will also call this chapter, "Rebuild."

Here's why:
1. Dragon Ball Super Reborn is a fixed story created AFTER the events of the original Buu Saga. Where the kids were side characters as well as Gohan and Goku/Vegeta being the main characters as usual.
2. Creating a Reborn story of the Buu Saga would contradict the Reborn Story of Super since my fixed version will uncover entirely different factors that never came to exist like we wished for the future of Dragon Ball.
3. "Rebuild" would be the term for an alternate timeline of the Buu Arc, meaning it's basically Reborn but not made in the same timeline as Super Reborn. Mostly due to the fact that Buu Rebuild will lead to an entirely different timeline in Super as well.

So now that you know the basics for Rebuild, the alternate story of the Buu Arc.... Begins now.

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