Evangelion 1.11: Reborn

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A/N: My first installment for the Eva Rebuild: Reborn series. Because why not when I can feel satisfied through creating better versions of turds we call the movie versions of an already perfect masterpiece.

Neon Genesis Evangelion

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Neon Genesis Evangelion. A wonderful series. The very show that revived Anime in the 90's and completely revolutionized the genres and evolution of Japanese Animation. Not only did it have great animation, it had a compelling story, genius chemistry with the interactions and story arcs for each character, and a well written amount of lore that wasn't too much nor too less but perfect for a series with only one season.

However, since it was complete and has been that way for over 23 years.... Anno couldn't help but make a somewhat rebooted series for the new audiences, in the form of four movies.

That's right. Currently, a fourth film is finished but still yet to be released due to the COVID. Eventually, it'll release, but due to how the third movie went...... I doubt it'll be any better.

Anyway, the only reason why I intend to fix this rebooted series at all is due to a lot of reason, but I'll only be brief with just three.
1. It favors some original events, but quickly varies in lots of differences that are too complicated to fully comprehend in such a short amount of time. (Meaning people would have to read books and lore to understand entirely different portrayed stories from the movies instead of a show, but yet those have yet to exist)
2. Due to so much action and less executed storylines with wasted concepts that had potential such as Mark 06, the movies turned into a Micheal Bay series than actual Evangelion
3. How Shinji is suddenly treated in 3.0 like he's both Vegeta, the most hated person in the Z era and treated like a weakling such as Yamcha. We get that Shinji goes through some pretty deep and tough stuff in Evangelion at such a young age.... But seriously, what the hell?

Besides that, I will start from the very root of our problems rather than go straight for the Weed that killed Evangelion Rebuild. I will repair what began the cancerous division amongst all of us Evangelion fans. I will create a Reborn story of Rebuild 1.11.

The story begins in the infamous year, 2015. Where it has been fifteen years after a global cataclysm known as the Second Impact has devastated the world and altered the course of history. In the first few moments, an unknown figure swims in the coastal waters of Japan, making it's way towards an undisclosed location in the flooded lakes of what was ounce Tokyo.

While two unknown men inside a central command headquarters talk amongst one another, informed by technicians and personnel of it's predicted arrival and the man sitting down simply explains, "There is no doubt about it. After all these years, they returned. An Angel has arrived."

A child is introduced via outside dialogue between the two mysterious men about his whereabouts and when they should expect him to arrive and pilot the only weapon capable of defeating the Angel and then revealed in the child's own perspective.
Enter: Shinji Ikari.

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