Evangelion 3.33: Reborn Part 3

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A/N: Part 3 of Evangelion 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo


On the damaged AAA Wunder, time has been brought back to where it has only been 20 minutes after Shinji and Eva01 have been taken by the two hostile Evangelion units and left behind a dangerous threat that began to grow and hack it's way into it's...

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On the damaged AAA Wunder, time has been brought back to where it has only been 20 minutes after Shinji and Eva01 have been taken by the two hostile Evangelion units and left behind a dangerous threat that began to grow and hack it's way into it's wired network. Misato was trying to have the three main technicians get a lead on the Angel's status into the network's hard drives as one of the newer technicians chewed on his nails in a bit of anxiety, with Makoto wiping some sweat off his face from how hot the room seems to getting. "Any progress?" Misato asked with a serious expression on her face as she sounded slightly concerned, standing on the tall platform while placing a hand on the rail. "No ma'am. The Angel seems to be locking us out. It's keeping us from gaining access into the system's mainframes." Shigeru with slightly longer hair and appearing in his early 30's, responded.

"And it's behavior is acting like a computer virus. It's disabling most of our activity and surveillance on the ship. We can't be able to do anything, aside from making contact with the other ships in our fleet." A slightly older Makoto adds as he types up several key commands to reveal screenshots of the system he sees, which showed every section he tried to get into, turn red and unable to click on. With all of them slowly being taken over in each new screenshot. Misato frowned at this. This definitely wasn't looking good.

And what's worse, they still couldn't receive any communications or notifications from their satellite feed, other parts of the fleet in several parts of the world, they couldn't even tell if Shinji was currently in an Eva and his collar wirelessly sending a transmission signal to reveal his current location. But it's not like that didn't matter anymore anyway.... She already knew where he might've been taken if Eva01 would be captured as well. All she could hope was that they hurry this up and get him back before it's too late.

She asks for Maya to call Ritsuko immediately, to which she does and asks the Scientist how she's doing, using the speaker intercom.

"No good

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"No good. I'm only able to identify what kind of Angel we're looking at. I'll need a lot of time in order to calculate for any possible weaknesses. It's a nano-scale entity and it indeed, mimics the behavior of a computer virus. I don't know how NERV was able to contain an Angel like this in order to use it as an intentional weapon, but as of this moment...." Ritsuko answered while chilling within the insides of one of the three Magi systems as the giant Entry Plug was still pierced into the reactor room and attached to the large platform, the red ooze having long dried and spread everywhere with the Angel having long abandoned the reactor in order to adapt to the outside of the reactor's surroundings. She puts in a quick combo of commands to hack into the system and see tons of surveillance footage revealing millions of colonies of red glowing dots spreading in the ship's interiors and infrastructure.

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