Charlie's Angels Full Throttle: Reborn

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A/N: This one is just a short Reborn chapter, just to get some stuff off my mind.


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Yes, I actually enjoyed the Charlie's Angels movies. Don't judge.

So the first movie was good because despite seeing a movie that was probably meant for teenage girls, it had good character development, good plot, some comedic humor from Bill Murray and an interesting new way to bring back a show from the 60's or 70's, into a modern movie in the Millennium Era.

However...... (sighs) The sequel was bad.
Full Throttle? It was just plain stupid.
Same plot structure, such as some seemingly good character you just met, be actually the main bad guy, boring side plot (yeah there's two of them and one of them sucks), etc.

It was just made with the same chemistry the last film had, making it less interesting because there's no originality. A continuation, a sequel of the first story was no more than a practical remake.

So I'll just do myself a favor and express how I would fix it, by creating a new and better story. A modified version. A Reborn version.

After rescuing a U.S. Marshal in Mongolia, the Angels: Natalie Cook, Dylan Sanders and Alex Munday together with Bosley (still Bill Murray) are sent to recover H.A.L.O. (Hidden Alias List Operation) titanium rings stolen from the United States Department of Justice which can display the people listed in the witness protection program. DOJ official William Rose Bailey and a protected witness, Alan Caulfield are among those killed. At Caulfield's house in San Bernardino, the Angels track his assassin, Randy Emmers to a beach where Dylan still has a fear of losing her teammates to retirement. During the Coal Bowl motorcycle race, Emmers targets another witness named Max Petroni (anyone you can think of but Shia Lebeouf) but is killed by the Thin Man (Crispin Glover) because he was protecting Max. Inside Emmers' pocket, the Angels discover the photos of Caulfield, Max, and, surprisingly, Dylan, under her birth name, Helen Zaas.

Dylan reveals that she is a protected witness after sending her former boyfriend, Irish Mob leader, Seamus O'Grady to prison. O'Grady has since targeted those who wronged him; including Dylan and Max, whose parents O'Grady killed.
(He's pretty much the main villain in this story, where only a side villain works as a double agent but not the Angel)
Max is sent to the home of Bosley's mother for his protection. At a monastery, the Angels learn about the Thin Man's past from the Mother Superior, who reveals his name, Anthony. Who seemed to have a strange past compared to the other orphans, while also still sending them gifts to this very day. Afterwards, the Angels track O'Grady's mob at San Pedro and manage to get the rings, but O'Grady threatens Dylan with the murder of everyone she loves. Natalie attends her boyfriend, Pete Kominsky's high school reunion at Hermosa Beach, where she overhears his friends implying he might propose, which she feels is too fast since they just moved in together.

Alex returns home to find her action star boyfriend she's on a "time out" with, Jason Gibbons, telling her awestruck father about her exploits - only for him to mistake her for being a hooker (that's one honestly funny as hell. That gets to stay). Meanwhile, Dylan leaves the Angels and heads to Mexico - when Natalie, Bosley and Alex notice the letter she left for them, they realize that Dylan fled to protect them. When Natalie asks how O'Grady got out of jail, Charlie reveals someone had him released on good behavior. While hiding out in Mexico, Dylan is convinced to return after seeing an apparition of former Angel Kelly Garrett (Yes, as in Jaclyn Smith).

Natalie and Alex deduce that Carter is the one who let O'Grady out of prison after seeing him return Bosley's keys without any pain, despite claiming to have broken his ribs beforehand. Following him, the man is indeed confirmed to be the mastermind by shooting two of his fellow comrades to avoid having witnesses. And when the Angels confront him, he's revealed to be in fact, a double agent who is actually a man of multiple identities and a contributor to the Black Market. Though Dylan arrives to back the group, the Angels are shot by him, who takes the rings; though they survived via Kevlar vests. Back at the base, Carter arrived and contacts Charlie to declare his plan of killing everyone he loves (having known him since he was a double agent who discovered Charlie in the most secret records in which he'll sell to the highest bidder after selling the titanium rings). While Charlie, in shock, reprimands him for what he's done and confronts him for having no idea what he had put himself with and that he'll have consequences in the future if he goes down this path any further. Carter responds by shooting the speaker and blowing him off. The Angels realize that Carter is going to sell the rings to the O'Grady Crime Family, the Antonioni Mafia, the Tanaka Yakuza, and the Diablo Cartel at the Hollywood Walk of Fame, where Jason's film premiere is about to commence.

The Angels arrange for the buyers to be arrested by the FBI while they confront Carter (who is revealed to have martial arts after having learned them while being a US marshal and other identities he took) and O'Grady. The O'Gradys enter the melee, having avoided arrest when Seamus realized the Angels' plan. The Thin Man comes to the Angels' aid (oh and there's more scenes where this guy stalks and begins to develop a crush on Alex instead of just coming out of nowhere for sake of plot), helping Alex and rescuing Dylan when she is being attacked by O'Grady - he begins to fight O'Grady and kicks him off the roof.

The Thin Man grabs Dylan and chokes her at first, but they ended up sharing a kiss and he pulls some of Dylan's hair out. Just as he is about to say something, O'Grady stabs him and he falls off the roof. O'Grady nearly succeeds in killing Dylan as well, but she blinds him; causing him to lose his footing and fall to his death. (In the unrated cut, O'Grady is still alive and attempts to get back up but is stopped by The Thin Man, who also survived. Dylan accidentally knocks over the "E" sign and it falls on O'Grady, possibly The Thin Man as well.) The Angels fight Carter all the way to an abandoned theatre, where they kick him into a chamber filled with gas and he fires his gun, inadvertently blowing himself up.

The Angels attend the premiere, where they learn that Bosley (who helped the Angels defeat the group comically) survived. Peter surprises Natalie by asking her to get a puppy (the big question he was planning on asking her) and Alex terminates her "time out" with Jason. The Angels celebrate their victory together with Bosley.

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