Dragon Ball Z Buu Arc: Rebuild Part 1

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It all begins with Gohan waking up in his home from a typical alarm clock. He turns off the alarm and stretches as he wakes up as the sun rises brightly from outside his window. He does about 100-600 pushups/sit-ups/squats all at ounce with his rapid speed, reads some books of Shakespeare, meditates to keep his mind at ease, and takes a morning shower in the bathroom. He gets dressed and heads downstairs just in time for breakfast, heading straight into the kitchen where he is met with his mother, Chichi, making a small feast of breakfast. They both happily greet to each other, as Chichi is happy that Gohan will be going on his first day of school with Gohan sharing her excitement. Chichi asks him to go wake up his brother and Gohan obliges, approaching his younger brother's room to see him sleeping underneath the covers with loud snores. He throws them off and managed to wake him up by rolling the small saiyan boy, Goten, off the bed.

Goten fell flat on the floor and woke up in pain from Gohan rolling him out, the boy wanting more sleep and tired while asking what he did that for. His older brother tells him to wake up early more often if he didn't like waking up like that. Otherwise he wouldn't have their mother's delicious breakfast meals in the morning, causing the young boy to suddenly jolt up in glee at the sound of Chichi's food before running out the room in his pajamas. Gohan could only chuckle, as Goten always reminded him of their father. Soon after he finished his breakfast, he left the house with his bag of school supplies and flew to Satan City using the Nimbus Cloud (both to head there faster and so no one could see him flying in the sky).

During the last 7 years, he has taken his mantle as Earth's true defender seriously and trained occasionally to keep himself in shape, sharpening his own skills and form of combat (reminiscent of his father and Piccolo) incase the world would be in danger in the future. While things have been quiet for a long time, he always had a strong feeling that Earth would be in danger, regardless of how impossible it might've seemed. He could even feel his saiyan instincts urging him to fight every ounce in a while. But while he did this, he made sure to keep his powers secret and prepared to defend the planet incase a new evil appears. However, because of his habits, he wasn't exactly stronger than his teenage self back then. In fact, he trained hard enough to at least keep his current level exactly as it was from the Cell Games, mostly due to plenty of reasons he could come up with. And most of them being excuses. After arriving to the high school, he is introduced as a transfer student, already gaining the attention from several high schoolers as done in the original anime. He does a whole bunch of things while trying to contain his Super strength and Saiyan abilities such as playing baseball, track, etc.

However, the only difference here is that there was no robbery during his trip to the school. I mean, of course there was, but Gohan never went Super Saiyan because he found it unnecessary to use 50 times his base power to stop a simple group of weak crooks from stealing money. Instead, he used Rapid speed to apprehend them and left before the authorities and citizens could get a clear view on who the mysterious hero was. It's happened multiple times and Satan City could only codename him, the "Speeding Warrior." A black haired girl with ponytails named Videl, didn't get suspicious upon seeing Gohan for the first time in high school. In fact, she barely talks to him and uses her defensive/stubborn but calm ego to sway him aside whenever Gohan tries to socialize with her.

Her identity behind just her name seems mysterious, the audience having no idea who she is and what's so important about her. She would barely suspect a thing about Gohan despite doing what seemed to be an impossible home run ounce during baseball practice. Instead, she believed as just some newbie in the school, a simple nerd with a lot of luck. Nothing more. This would continue to be her beliefs of him until she is stopping a bank robbery one time and spotted the "Speeding Warrior." Only this time, she managed to catch a glimpse of him and noticed that he had black hair. And very similar clothing to what the New kid wore in School. This caught her attention, as she knew clearly well she'll get to the bottom of this.

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