Halo 4: Reborn

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A/N: Second chapter to create a fixed version of a video game.

Halo 4. The game that started all of our problems with 343 Industries. The greatest issue still living to this day is that despite it's literal purpose to be a company for specifically Halo, we know it could never be as good as Bungie, who has been with Halo from the very beginning. However, like every child with a step parent after their biological parents' divorce, we all have to get along with 343 at some point. One way or another.

But today? Eh..............

Yeah, I still don't know if I am not ready to get along with 343 as a total yet.

So anyway, Halo 4 was indeed somewhat of a controversial story to some parts of the Halo fanbase. Why? Well for starters, this was the first game made WITHOUT Bungie and most of us had to accept the fact that they were never coming back. Plus, the game did have a compelling story and an interesting concept into a fleshed out history behind the mysterious Forerunners that we were hearing about throughout the entire history of Bungie's Halo games, as well as the novels and anime episodes from a movie called Halo Legends.

So what really is the reason for me to fix this game? Well...... Just one really.

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Yeah...... The 343 designs suck ass. Big time. And admit it, we all can agree on that part to begin with when the game first came out.

So let's get this story started and show another reason why I have decided to fix this semi-perfect story.


The story begins as done in the game, but with significant differences in the prologue cutscenes.

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The Mjolnir armor for the Spartan-II program is not retconned into 343's design

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The Mjolnir armor for the Spartan-II program is not retconned into 343's design. Instead, they retain their classic Bungie designs as they fight the Elites, whose also retconned designs are now replaced with their classic Bungie designs respectively. (Because really, both character types don't need to be goddamn hulking massive just to be badass and all powerful compared to ordinary humans and soldiers of the Covenant. They were still as badass without the excessive appearances in the 4th game).

When the story progresses to Cortana waking up Master Chief (she still has that thicc design btw), he leaves the cryogenic chamber while still wearing his Mark VI armor and escapes the ruins of the ship with Cortana as the Covenant are on their tail.

For the rest of the story, most of the characters' designs are either mixed with new and classic designs that aren't Spartan-II's and Elites, except the new characters introduced in the game in which have their own first designs that can be seen as classic to them exclusively. Example? Spartan-IV's, Promethean Knights, and the two Forerunners such as the Ur-Didact and Librarian.

After the story ends with Master Chief's armor being removed and his face only being seen briefly for one moment in the final scene, the story cuts to a timeskip where a Covenant Type 52 Troop carrier is currently flying in unknown airspace as dawn rises over them. The scene begins inside the ship with an Elite confronting an unknown Spartan.

Meanwhile, a scene changes to the middle of a desert where an unknown cloaked person treks in a seemingly barren desert. Walking to an area of what seemed to be revealing massive remains of a presumably crashed spaceship.

To be Continued........

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