Evangelion 3.33: Reborn Part 1

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A/N: The second installment to fixing the most infamous Evangelion series.

Reborn: The story begins as done in the original story

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The story begins as done in the original story.....
Fourteen years after the worldwide cataclysm called Third Impact, the scene takes place in Earth's orbit, where Asuka Langley Shikinami and Mari Illustrious Makinami, pilots of the Evangelion mecha, are sent by a mysterious new Commander to intercept a top secret escort where four Evangelion prototypes are revealed to be Agents of NERV, their greatest enemy.  They are Black Armored Evas, but with multiple red glowing spider eyes on their faces where two of them have scythes and the others pair holding long ranged weaponry. Their names in this movie are Unit 07, Unit 08, Unit 07.2, and Unit 08.2.

Currently, they were carrying an adrift, dormant Eva in Earth's orbit. With a massive gaping hole in it's chest where a spear used to be and containing the same classic features both Asuka and Mari instantly recognized: The Infamous Unit 01.

The pilots are informed the Eva would be brought towards the Moon after a series of calculations based on their observations, after finally being brought out of hiding during all of these years. But it must be recovered if they are to ensure another Impact does not occur to wipe out Humanity completely. Asuka and Mari would be launched out into space as Asuka still slightly argues with Mari (who barely listens to her anymore and merely brushes her words off unless it was something important), both in Unit 02 and the newly constructed Evangelion.
Unit 04.

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(This would be briefly mentioned by Mari upon her short argument with Asuka during their launch into space: The first Unit 04 would've still disappeared mysteriously along with NERV's US Branch installation from a possible accident involving the use of the Fourth Angel's recovered S2 engine, Shamshel. But out of mysterious circumstances involving the aftermath of Third Impact, Unit 04 resurfaced and was recovered to officially be listed as an active Evangelion Unit with herself as it's pilot)

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