Spider-Man 3: Reborn

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A/N: In this chapter, I will be making up my own version of Spider-Man 3 to fix what went wrong with the original movie.

This movie was one of the highest grossing marvel movies during the late 2000's. But why is it so bad? Why is it so controversial compared to the other movies of Sam Raimi's trilogy?
Well you may already know that

Anyway, Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 were alright. I never really saw any problems in the movies since Toby portrayed Spider-Man so well (except Mary Jane).

But the problem about Spider-Man 3, is that it literally took 3/4ths of the film for Venom to finally show up, in the worst way possible (meaning he only gets rid of the suit because of Mary Jane) the movie is ounce again full of romantic drama we sincerely did not need with Mary Jane (who is the most useless girlfriend ever. I don't care how important she is to Peter).

It also had Eddie Brock who was really an idiotic *sshole and a bit more like Cletus Kasady while the Symbiote itself is more like Carnage by the time they both finally bond, Peter and Harry only band up to save Mary Jane despite their torn apart relationship as friends (ounce again, they have to save the most useless girlfriend ever)

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the movie was trash because of the "Save Mary Jane" cliche. And here's evidence that she sucks *SS.

Anyway, the movie is just full of drama more than action and the only developed, well written and fully motivated characters with clear sense within their story arcs is both Harry and Flint (Sandman).

So to fix this major issue in the movie that could've made me love it more than both Sam Raimi movies if it the issues never existed, let's go over my reborn version of Spider-Man 3.

A year has taken place after the last movie and the third movie begins with Peter Parker and his monologue within the first five minutes after the main titles. The only difference in these first ten minutes of the movie is that the Astronaut, John Jameson is returning to Earth in a Rocket after a 2 week mission in Space with his teammates and come back with a sample of rocks from the surface of the Moon.
Unfortunately, a rock "sample" bleeds and the black goo breaks out in the labs to enter the ventilations where it tears through the circuits and causes a malfunction, causing the ship to go haywire and prevent the crew from trying to slow their descent through the atmosphere. As they fall fast from the atmosphere and are about to crash into the Brooklyn Bridge with millions of lives at stake, Spider-Man arrives just in the nick of time to swing high into the air from the bridge, land on the ship, web it up entirely and then shoots an massive amount of webs at the bridge's poles and towers before doing a Spider-Man 2 Bridge stunt to break the ship's fall. Just enough to keep it still feet above the cars and the cops arrive immediately to back everyone away from the scene. Right before the webs snap and the ship falls onto the bridge with a loud soft thud on the ground.

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