The differences between Reborn and Rebuild

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A/N: A chapter for incase any inconsistencies will ever be pointed out for these two terms in this book in the future.

So the only reason why I brought the term, "Rebuild" into this book for my future works on my versions of any story/movie I fix, was because of the Dragon Ball Z Buu Arc to be honest. It was because the Buu Arc was just too flawed and incomprehensible to be an actual good story to read/watch without skipping all of the dialogue, filler and unnecessary stuff to get to the only good parts in the arc, Action. But at the same time, it was only made to cash in on what truly made the series successful in the first place. A beta version of Super in fact, but at least something we could tolerate more than the god awful franchise that is Dragon Ball Super. 

Dragon Ball Z Reborn would've been just like the original Buu arc, but without all of the stuff we hated about the arc in the first place and just kept everything else that made it good. But then it wouldn't be truly satisfying as a good story because if it's just too flawed, removing everything that made us fans turn away from it..... Would've felt like fan fiction. 

I know I should say the same thing about Godzilla 1998 Reborn since I removed everything bad about it, but at least that movie had a turned down concept made by Stan Winston (or at least the company), that could've worked in the exact same setting and story model. What I'm trying to say is, if a story is just too awful or too flawed to just "fix" and create an altered version out of the original product, then it'll feel polished. Just a slightly better version of something you still despise, like the Reborn version of the Thing prequel. Which in truth, probably would've been still bad if it kept all of the special effects and animatronics instead of the CGI. 

So anyway, let me tell you the differences between both "Reborn" and "Rebuild."


-Reborn is a term in this book for creating an adjusted version of the original story to be more suitable for the readers and the fans who wished this was possible in the actual movie, show or game itself. 

-Underneath this term, it will still go under the same main plot model in the original movie and be told in the same way as in the original movie, but like I said, altered or adjusted to be more satisfactory for the readers. 

-Only everything that made the story in the first place will be removed or also replaced by something better to suit the story as a whole.


-Under this term, the entire story itself will be told in an alternate timeline. It might still take place in the same setting, same time and with the same characters, but it will be significantly different in a parallel setting compared to the original story than just "fixed."

-Any story with this term will be made entirely out of scratch, the story arcs, the character development, everything. It won't just be made with the same plot and story model like the original movie/story. In other words, I'll be making everything entirely different to my choosing, but with at least some major parts of the original version to keep it convincing as an alternate story. 

-Anything in this term can be significantly affected as a story, such as a different scenario occurring due to the timeline being parallel compared to the original timeline and almost everything after that, the story will be impacted greatly as a result. Example is when Zeruel absorbed Rei in Evangelion 2.0 during the supposed original event of the Angel infiltrating Tokyo-3 and Central Dogma, only to be destroyed and absorbed by a Berserk Eva before the Eva creates a Near Third Impact as a result, thus leading to an entire future completely forged from that event and erasing all of the original events after Zeruel in the parallel timeline. 

Hopefully, you now understand all of the differences between both terms in this book and now that you know, I'll go back to working on my next work with the term, Rebuild.  

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