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Finally the mother and son were ready, Toni put her hair on the top of her head so it didn't get in her face. 'Okay little man you ready to go downstairs?'. 'Yes Yes Yes!' Tommy shouted. Toni took his hand and led him downstairs, waiting patiently as he took slow single steps as he held on to the rail. 'Before you go running to the pool Mommy needs to put your arm bands on okay?' Toni said looking down at her son. 'Okay Mommy' he smiled looking up to her. They walked through the back door and across the grass towards the pool. Cheryl turned as she heard Tommy squealing as he walked across the garden. The redhead look towards his mother and her mouth dropped, Toni looked gorgeous. Veronica swam over to her 'pick your jaw up Cheryl' she laughed and winked but Cheryl didn't even turn to look at her. Toni put the arm bands on Tommy and he suddenly cannonballed into the pool pulling Cheryl from her less than clean thoughts. She swam over to Toni as the other woman was sitting down on the edge. The redhead held out her hand to help Toni into the pool 'you look amazing' she said as she allowed her eyes to rake over her body. Toni took Cheryl's hand and pushed herself off the edge and into the water 'oh yeah? Well you look even better' she winked. Veronica watched from the other side of the pool a smirk on her face.

Unsurprisingly Archie and Toni got on very well they were both like teenagers as they splashed the girls every time they tried to relax on the floaties. 'Mommy can I try and swim without my arm bands?' Tommy asked as he floated in the pool. 'Sure kid but you are only allowed to take them off when there is an adult here, okay' he nodded as he moved to the side of the pool. Toni lifted him up and sat him on the side so she could safely take off his arm bands. 'Toni what are you doing?' Cheryl asked looking over from her floatie. 'Tommy wants to learn to swim, right buddy?'. 'Yep' he nodded. The redhead slid back into the water and swam over 'Toni is that safe?' she started to panic. 'Only one way to find out, he's got to learn eventually' Toni shrugged 'Okay buddy jump to me' she put her arms up to catch Tommy and Cheryl thought her heart might have stopped when he stood up and leaped from the pool side. It was only when Toni caught him that the redhead realised that she was holding her breath. 'Okay buddy, do you want to try and swim to Cheryl?' Toni asked as she motioned Cheryl to move back. 'Okay' he smiled. 'Okay don't forget to hold your breath and kick your legs when I let go alright'. He nodded as he prepared himself for his mother to let him go. Toni moved her arms away from his body and the little boy went under the water while trying to kick but he didn't seem to be moving. Cheryl started to panic looking at Toni with worried eyes 'Toni, this isn't a good idea'. Toni told her not to worry before she picked him back up, he took a breath and wiped his eyes. 'Are you okay? Do you want to try again' Toni asked and he nodded with a giggle. Archie and Veronica were sat on the poolside cheering Tommy on. 'Okay, you've got to kick your legs and push yourself forward, ready?'. He nodded and began to hold his breath and Cheryl did the same not wanting to look.

Toni let go of him again, he kicked his feet still stuck in the same place. Just as Toni was about to lift him up he began swimming towards Cheryl, as soon as he got to her she scooped him up as everyone cheered. 'I did it!' the small boy yelled as he clung to Cheryl. 'That was great baby' Toni smiled 'do you want to try and swim back to Mommy?' she asked. 'Yay' he clapped. 'Okay Cheryl let him go when you're are ready' Toni smiled. 'I don't think I can' Cheryl said still holding on to Tommy. Toni looked at her son 'Tommy do you trust Cheryl?'. He looked from his mother to the redhead and back again 'yes, I trust Cheryl' he smiled. 'See' Toni said as she looked back back at Cheryl 'if he struggles pick him back up okay?'. 'Okay' the redhead breathed out 'ready?'. Tommy nodded. As soon as he held in his breath she lowered him into the water and as much as she didn't want to she let him go. He began to kick his feet and he managed to swim across to his mom. She picked him up and threw him into the air 'you did it' she smiled kissing his cheek as everyone cheered for him. 'I think that's it for today though Cheryl looks like she's about to pass out' Toni laughed. Cheryl flipped her off when Tommy wasn't looking causing Toni to giggle again.

Toni lifted Tommy back to the pool side and slid on his armbands, she moved over as he stood up and jumped into the pool swimming over to Archie and Veronica. Toni swam over to Cheryl and took her hand in her own causing the redhead to smile. 'Are you okay?' Toni asked. 'Yes, I think my heart rate has gone back to normal'. 'Cher he was fine, I want him to be brave and fearless when he's with me, he knows he is safe and that I've got his back, he also knows that he is safe with you' Toni gave her hand a squeeze 'I can see you'd never let anything bad happen to him'. 'Of course I wouldn't' Cheryl said 'he really is fearless' she laughed. 'He gets it from his Mom, what can I say' Toni shrugged cockily. 'Careful there Toni I think your heads about to swell' Cheryl laughed. 'Well I'd rather him be like me than his father, the kid is nothing like him thank god' Toni breathed. 'How are you guys doing with everything?' Cheryl asked concerned. 'I'm doing great, I wanted out of that relationship pretty early on but I got pregnant, not that I'd change my baby for the world. I'd do it all again to have Tommy but it was hard, I allowed myself to become someone I wasn't to keep the peace. The longer time went on the more violent he became but when he put hands on Tommy that was the final straw. I left in the middle of the night without a trace. Tommy on the other hand didn't completely understand, at first he asked a lot when we was going home but he hasn't for a while'. 'Oh Toni I'm so sorry' Cheryl said sympathetically 'if you ever need to talk I'm here for you'. 'I know Cher, it's my brothers I miss the most, they're the only family I have left and I couldn't even say goodbye' Toni said looking down into the water. 'Well when you're ready to reach out, meet them somewhere out of the city to be on the safe side. I can always drive you'. 'You'd do that?' Toni asked. 'Of course' Cheryl said placing her hand on Toni's face. 'Thank you Cher and at least after all the bad stuff, I'm lucky enough to still have my son and I met you' she smiled causing a blush on Cheryl's cheeks. All Cheryl wanted to do at this moment in time was bring Toni's lips to her own but she didn't, she wanted to wait until Toni was ready.

Archie took Tommy onto the grass to play soccer with him, the little boy was loving all the attention on him being the only child. Cheryl was laid on a floatie while Toni was leaning on the side of it while she chatted to the redhead. 'So you guys look comfortable' Veronica smirked as she swam over to the pair. Toni looked at Cheryl while the redhead rolled her eyes 'we are thank you'. 'Okay girl chill, I'm just glad you guys are getting on so well' Veronica laughed 'so... are you guys going on another date?'. 'We're having a coffee date while Tommy is at school on Wednesday' Toni smiled. 'Cute, ya know Toni Cheryl doesn't normally do dates' Veronica said trying to tease her friend but before Toni could say anything the redhead spoke up 'and I told you V Toni is different'. 'Wow Toni you're a lucky girl she's never said anything like that' Veronica laughed 'I'll leave you little love birds to it, I'm going to enjoy the view of Archie in the sun without his shirt' she winked before climbing out of the pool and sitting on the lounger. 'She really is insufferable' Cheryl laughed. 'Was what you said true?' Toni asked. 'Huh?' Cheryl said turning her head to look at the other woman. 'About me being different?' Toni said looking the redhead in the eyes. 'It is' Cheryl said nervously 'is that weird? It's probably too soon to say things like that right?' the redhead started to panic that maybe she had been too forward. 'Hey, hey' Toni said squeezing the other woman's hand 'I feel the same way'. 'You do?' Cheryl smiled as she let out a breath as Toni nodded.

The pair were still in the pool as Archie, Veronica and Tommy were on the grass. 'Oh that doesn't look good' Veronica said as she looked. Dark clouds had started to cover the sky and the sun was no longer shining. 'Don't worry it'll probably pass' Archie said still kicking the ball to the young boy. The redheaded man was wrong, the heavens opened and the rain began to fall hard. Archie ran towards Tommy and picked him up while the little boy giggled as they moved towards the house. Veronica not far behind them as she screamed while the rain hit her skin. 'Oh shit' Cheryl laughed as she jumped off the floatie to climb out of the pool. 'Wait...' Toni said grabbing hold of the redheads hand before she had time to get out of the water. Cheryl turned to face the woman to ask what was the problem was but before she could Toni crashed her lips into the redheads. It didn't take long for Cheryl to turn fully and relax into the kiss wrapping her arms around Toni's neck as they stayed float. The redhead felt arms wrap around her middle as Toni deepened the kiss their bodies against each other as the rain dripped down their faces. It was like time had stopped, like there was no one else in the world apart from the two of them. As if they had both finally found something they didn't know they were looking for, it felt like... home. Only pulling away when they were desperate for air. 'I've been dying to do that' Toni smiled as she lent her forehead against Cheryl's. The redhead smiled pulling Toni in for one more kiss 'come on we should get inside' she said but didn't attempt to move.

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