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'It's not that I don't want you to go I'm just going to miss you' Cheryl pouted as she watched Toni put some of her clothes into a backpack. 'I know but it's only for the weekend plus I'm going to miss you next weekend when you have your bachelorette party babe' Toni sent her a smile. 'Just promise me you'll be careful' Cheryl said seriously. 'I will be, I'm actually glad I chose to go for bike trip with Fangs, Sweet and Jug instead of partying' Toni said moving to the bed and taking a seat next to Cheryl. 'At least I'll know there's no strippers' Cheryl laughed. 'I don't know about that, there will still be plenty of bars' Toni laughed causing the redheads face to drop. 'Wait, what?' Cheryl's eyes grew wide. 'Don't worry I'll keep my hands to myself' Toni said pecking Cheryl's lips 'plus knowing Veronica she'll have something similar in store for you'. 'She wouldn't dare' Cheryl chuckled. 'I'm sure she would' Toni smiled 'but I want you to have fun, if she gets you a stripper enjoy it, as long as you come back still wanting to marry me I'll be happy' Toni said and she meant it, whatever Veronica planned for the redhead it would all be in good fun and she didn't want Cheryl to be worried she'd be mad. 'Do you have a little spare time before you have to leave?' Cheryl asked her voice low. 'Maybe...' Toni said leaning in 'what do you have in mind?'. 'Well...' Cheryl smirked 'I can think of a few things' she walked her fingers up Toni's arm before connecting their lips.

'Ma!' Tommy yelled before he burst into the room causing Toni and Cheryl to pull away from each other quickly. 'I thought you was taking a nap buddy' Toni said thankful that he only interrupted her and Cheryl making out. 'I was but I woke up' he smiled sweetly climbing on the bed. Toni pulled him into a hug, kissing his cheek causing him to giggle. 'Ma? Are we still going to Pops later?' Tommy asked. 'If you'd like' Cheryl smiled at him. 'Okay' he said sliding off of the bed and running back to his room. 'The joys of children' Toni laughed leaning in once more for a kiss before standing up 'to be continued'. Cheryl groaned throwing herself back against the bed 'you'll be the death of me Toni Topaz'. 'I hope not because I really like having you around' Toni winked before picking up her bag 'do you want to head downstairs?'. Cheryl nodded watching Toni exit their bedroom and following behind her.

Not too long later Sweet Pea, Fangs and Jughead were pulling up on Cheryl and Toni's driveway. Toni had just pulled her bike out of the garage and Cheryl stood with Tommy in her arms. 'Ready T?' Sweet Pea asked after she'd attached her bag to her bike. 'Yep' Toni smiled 'just give me a sec'. She walked over to Cheryl and Tommy with a sad smile on her face when she looked at their faces. 'It won't be long until I'm back and I'm sure the two of you will have an amazing weekend together' Toni leaned in kissing her son on his head before placing a soft kiss on Cheryl's lips 'I love you both more than anything'. 'I love you Mommy' Tommy smiled. 'I love you' Cheryl said leaning in for a final kiss 'now go on before I change my mind'. Toni winked at her before stepping back and climbing on her bike. The group started their motorcycles before turning around and waving goodbye to Cheryl and Tommy. Toni blowing a kiss before they rode off. Cheryl and Tommy didn't stop waving until the bikes were out of site. 'Just you and me then sweetheart' Cheryl said looking at Tommy. 'Yep' the little boy nodded before they entered the house again.

Toni already missed her little family but she was excited about being on the road for the weekend. Sweet Pea had prepared a route for them and as Toni suspected they'd be stopping off at different bars for the next two nights staying in some random motel. Toni enjoyed it though, the freedom of being on the road, not that she had done it for years because she was a mother but now Tommy had another parent that cared about him as much as she did and she didn't have to raise him alone maybe she could take trips away with her brothers if she wanted to. The roads were pretty clear and they enjoyed pushing their bikes to the limit. Toni followed as Sweet Pea turned and pulled over at the side of the road. They often stopped to take in the views that the world had to offer. They removed their helmets as they stepped close to the edge of the cliff. 'Look at that view' Jughead said as he ran his fingers through his hair. 'It's amazing' Fangs agreed. Toni pulled out her phone to snap some photos to show her fiancé when she got home.

As they rode towards the sunset they pulled over outside of a motel. 'Is this where we're staying for the night?' Toni asked. 'Yep' Sweet Pea nodded, there's a bar just across the street. 'Okay let's see if there's any spare rooms' Jughead said before they walked into the office. Luckily there was a spare room but unfortunately there was only one which meant they had to share. Not that any of them really minded since it was only for the night. They dropped their bags into the room, freshening up before heading out. All of them wearing their leather jackets, they wouldn't stand out though they imagined most of the people at the bar would be dressed similar to them.

As they walked into the bar Toni took a good look around, it was filled with bikers like themselves enjoying a drink with their friends. 'I'll get the first round in' Sweet Pea said as the others found a seat. As they sat down the boys chatted to Toni about her wedding, they were really excited for her. 'So are you nervous T?' Fangs asked. 'So nervous but spending my life with Cheryl is all that I want, I can't believe I got so lucky. I had no idea that the girl I met at the diner would become my wife, it's all thanks to Tommy really. I didn't even have the guts to properly introduce myself to her' Toni chuckled. 'Yeah Tommys a good wingman' Jughead laughed as Sweet Pea placed their drinks in front of them. 'Drink up guys we've got a lot to celebrate' Sweet Pea smiled as he sat down.

As the group got more tipsy they began getting a little louder, they were soon quietened down by lights on a stage and music blaring through the speakers. 'They have entertainment here?' Toni asked, bars like this usually had a jukebox and that was all. 'Oh yeah' Sweet Pea smirked turning his attention to the stage as two dancers came out. The people in the bar began to cheer as they danced around the pole. Another two girls approached the table Toni and the boys were sat at and Sweet Pea had the biggest grin on his face. 'You better not have' Toni warned before the girls reached them and he just shrugged his shoulders with a smirk. 'Which one of you boys is Tony Topaz?' one of the girls asked. 'Actually that's her' Fangs said pointing to his sister with a laugh. 'Even better' the dancer smirked 'come on darling'. Toni rolled her eyes but played along taking the hand that was held out to her but not before giving the middle finger to the boys who were in hysterics.

The girls led Toni to the stage sitting her on a chair as the crowd began to cheer. 'So everyone, Toni here is about to get married, how about we show her a good time?' One of the dancers yelled out to the crowd who erupted with cheers. Toni sat there as the music began to play and the four girls were dancing all over her. She knew it was all in good fun and her and Cheryl had spoken about this before their bachelorette parties, she just hoped her soon to be wife wouldn't be jealous. She definitely had no reason to be. Toni had gotten so lost in thought about her fiancé she had completely forgotten that she was being given a dance by four women something that her younger self would have loved. Not anymore though, she only had eyes for one person, Cheryl, her Cheryl.

As the music began to slow Toni shot a playful glare at her brothers and Jughead who she could she laughing from her table. Finally the music stopped and the girls moved away from Toni as they clapped. 'Give it up for Toni and good luck with the wedding' the dancer said to the crowd before turning to Toni with a smile. Toni let out a small laugh as the crowd cheered before stepping off of the stage and making her way back to the boys. 'I'm gonna kill you' Toni said punching Sweet Pea's army 'and so will Cheryl'. Sweet Pea laughed 'nah Reds cool with it, I asked first'. 'Oh' Toni said, that was pretty respectful of her brother but she didn't tell him that instead she punched his arm lightly again and said 'Well I'm still gonna kill ya'. 'You should be thanking me those girls are hot' Sweet Pea laughed. 'I only have eyes for my fiancé' Toni smiled before taking a gulp of her beer, these boys would be the death of her. They carried on drinking long into the night, all of them enjoying being in each other's company before they stumbled back to the motel. Toni was missing Cheryl and Tommy and she wanted to call them but she was drunk plus it was late so they'd probably be sleeping so instead she crawled into bed whilst Jughead, Fangs and Sweet Pea set up on the floor for the night. She closed her eyes to try and stop the room spinning and once the boys had settled they all fell into a drunken sleep.

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