Fifty Five

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As excited as Tommy was, Toni had to explained to him that Cheryl was tired and needed a nap so she felt better. He frowned but agreed as he copied his mother as she tucked the redhead in bed, them both kissing her cheek so she could get some sleep. Veronica had called while Toni was watching cartoons with Tommy on the couch to see if her and Archie could visit. Toni agreed, they haven't seen her in person for the past couple of weeks and even though Veronica's bones had completely healed, she chose not to drive so she had to wait for Archie to be free to drive her around. She also didn't have a car right now, she didn't even trust herself to drive one even though the accident wasn't her fault. It wasn't long until Veronica and Archie walked through the door, the door accidently slammed shut causing Toni to shush them but it was too late Cheryl had text her to see if someone was here. 'Sorry' Veronica cringed at the loud bang. 'It's okay Cheryl's awake now anyway' Toni said. 'T, do you mind if I go up and see her, I haven't had time with her forever' Veronica asked. 'Of course, Archie can come and enjoy some cartoons with us' she smiled at them both.

When Cheryl heard the door to her room open she assumed it was her girlfriend until she saw who was stood at the door. 'Oh my god V! I've missed you' Cheryl smiled seeing her friend on her feet for the first time. 'I've missed you, you're looking good girl' Veronica smiled as she walked over to the bed and sitting next to her best friend. 'Oh please' Cheryl shook her head 'I've never looked worse'. 'Shut up, I've seen you when you've got a hangover' Veronica laughed 'anyway how did the hospital appointment go?'. 'Good, all my bones have healed apart from my lower leg and my brain scan came back clear which was such a relieve'. 'Oh I'm so glad to hear that' Veronica smiled pulled the redhead in for a hug 'I was going to...'. The door opened interrupting them revealing Tommy stood at the door. 'Is everything okay sweetheart?' Cheryl asked. 'Yes Mommy asked me to ask you and Ronnie if you wanted take out for dinner?' Tommy smiled. Cheryl looked at Veronica for an answer. 'Fine by me' the brunette shrugged. 'Tell Mommy yes please' the redhead smiled at Tommy. 'Okay Mama' he grinned before leaving the room. Cheryl smiled at him before turning her attention back to the conversation she was having with her best friend. 'What was you saying?' Cheryl said expecting Veronica to carry on with the conversation. 'Hang on, pause' the brunette said holding up her hand 'did Tommy just call you mama?'. 'Oh yeah, he just said it out of the blue when I came out of the hospital and he hasn't called me Cheryl since' the redhead smiled. 'Oh my god' Veronica clutched her hand over her heart 'that is the cutest thing ever! It looks good on you though, having your own little family'. 'Thanks V, they're my whole world'. Veronica cleared her throat. 'And of course you too' the redhead added with a laugh.

When they had caught up with everything they wanted to talk about Cheryl asked Veronica if she'd go downstairs to get her girlfriend so Toni could help her get ready to join them. Veronica agreed, she headed downstairs to find Toni, Archie and Tommy laughing on the couch at whatever cartoon was playing on the tv, she was glad her boyfriend and Cheryl's girlfriend got on so well. 'T, you are being summoned upstairs by your beau' Veronica smiled as she took a seat next to Archie on the couch. 'Okay V' Toni smiled as she stood up and headed towards the stairs. She pushed open the bedroom door and stuck in her head. 'Hi babe' Toni smiled walking towards the redhead. 'Hi TT' she smiled sweetly. 'How are you feeling now?' Toni asked sitting at the bottom of the bed next to the redheads feet. 'Better than I did, could you take this sling off please Toni?' Cheryl said looking down at her arm. 'Sure thing' Toni smiled undoing the sling carefully and letting Cheryl's arm free. 'Can you move it?' Toni asked. Cheryl slowly stretched out her arm and then pulled it back to her body before nodding. 'Could you take a photo of the scars at the back of my arm?' Cheryl asked shyly 'I want to see them'. Toni nodded as she grabbed the redheads phone and moved to kneel next to her to take the photo. While she was there she looked over the scars properly herself, bringing them to her lips in a sweet kiss before taking the photo and handing the phone to Cheryl. The redhead looked at the screen of the phone but didn't show much of a reaction as she glanced back at Toni. 'Okay babe?' Toni asked and the redhead nodded. That smaller woman made her way over to her girlfriend wrapped her arms around her. 'I love you so much' Toni said into the crease of Cheryl's neck as the redhead was finally able to wrap both of her arms around Toni for the first time in months. 'I love you so much' Cheryl smiled pulling away a little and kissing Toni's lips. 'Come on' Toni smiled 'let's get you downstairs'.

The redhead wrapped her arm around Toni insisting that Toni guide her to the stair lift instead of using the wheelchair. Toni reluctantly agreed and pulled her up from the bed wrapping her arm around her waist. 'This is a bad idea' Toni mumbled as Cheryl hopped along side her. 'Toni, please I'm trying to concentrate' Cheryl said as she moved forward again. They made it to the stair lift and Toni helped Cheryl sit down. 'See, that wasn't too bad' Cheryl smiled victoriously as she caught her breath. Cheryl used the control to take herself downstairs and waited for Toni to come down. The redhead held her arms out to her girlfriend with a cheeky smile, one which Toni couldn't help but return as she pulled Cheryl out of the stair lift. She helped the redhead to the couch and carefully set her down before collapsing next to her. 'Hey Arch' Cheryl smiled. 'Hey Cheryl, it's good to see you' he smiled sweetly. There was a knock at the door causing Toni to groan. 'Don't worry T, I'll get it' Archie said standing up. He grabbed the take out that Toni had already paid for when she ordered it online. He set it on the coffee table and pulled everything from the bag, Toni went to go and grab some plates before helping Archie share everything out. She passed Cheryl hers, and then set Tommy up on the coffee table while Archie passed Veronica's plate to her. Once everyone was set, Toni and Archie joined their other halves on the couch enjoying being able to be together again.

'So Cheryl how is it to be home again?' Archie asked as he chewed his food. 'Great but even better now I've only got this cast on' she smiled 'hopefully it won't be long until it's off though'. 'Well I'm just glad to see you here with us' he nodded as he ate. Cheryl was glad to be able to use cutlery with both hands even if it was difficult for her, it would take some time for her to be able to use her arm and hand like she used to but she was happy nonetheless. Toni glanced at her with a small smile before turning her attention back to the tv. 'Is that good?' Veronica laughed as she watched Tommy shovel his food into his mouth. 'Mmmhmm' he nodded. Toni shook her head with a smile as she told Tommy to slow down before he choked. Once they all finished eating Toni took all the plates to the kitchen before moving back to the lounge. 'Okay Tommy, say goodnight to everyone it's your bedtime'. He pouted a little 'can Mama read my story tonight?'. Cheryl hadn't been able to read to him in his room since she came home from the hospital due to difficulty moving around. 'No baby Mama can't tonight, it's too much for her to get up and downstairs' Toni told him. 'Hey come here' Cheryl smiled at Tommy. The boy did what he was told and climbed on to the couch, the redhead pulled him on to her lap even though it was a little difficult. 'I promise I'll read you any story you want tomorrow okay?' she whispered and he nodded. 'Okay, bedtime' she smiled as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek 'I love you'. 'I love you Mama'. Tommy hugged Veronica and Archie goodnight too before he padded over to Toni taking her hand 'okay Mommy, let's go' he smiled pulling her towards the stairs.

When Tommy had fallen asleep Toni tucked him in as she did every night. She quietly left the room and went back downstairs. She sat down on the couch putting her arm around Cheryl causing her to lay against her. Veronica gave them a little smile even though they didn't see. 'Anyone up for a movie' Toni suggested. 'Yes, let's do a horror' Archie suggested. 'What is it with everyone I know having a weird obsession with horror movies?' Cheryl rolled her eyes playfully. 'Don't worry babe I'll protect you' Toni laughed as she threw Archie the remote and got up to turn off the lights. She laid back against the couch so Cheryl could lay between her legs with her head on her chest. Archie chose a movie and pulled Veronica against him. This was nice, actually spending time together watching movies rather than going out clubbing. Toni giggled a little every time Cheryl jumped at the scary scenes, rubbing her back afterwards so much so she was surprised when there was a jump scare half way through the movie and the redhead didn't react. She hadn't reacted because she fallen asleep against Toni's body. 'Ditto' she heard Archie whisper, she turned her head to she Veronica snoring lightly, her head on Archie's lap. 'Must have been an tiring day for them' Toni smiled as Archie nodded before turning back to the tv.

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