Fifty One

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Fangs set the wheelchair up in Cheryl's bedroom so Sweet Pea could set her down in it. 'Thank you boys' Cheryl smiled. 'No problem Red' Sweet Pea smiled. 'Well guys we should get home' Fangs nodded 'if you need anything let us know okay?'. 'Thanks again guys, I'll quickly show you out so I can lock the doors' Toni smiled 'be right back babe'. Toni hugged her brothers goodbye before waving them off and locking the door heading back upstairs to her girlfriend. 'Okay' Toni breathed 'bathroom first?' she asked as the redhead nodded. Cheryl was wearing extra large joggers that were big enough to go over the cast on her leg. Toni pushed Cheryl into the bathroom 'how do you want to do this?' Toni asked. 'This is so degrading' Cheryl huffed. 'Hey it's only me, I want to do this for you okay? So let me help' Toni smiled 'toilet first?'. Cheryl nodded as Toni pushed her as close to the toilet as possible and carefully wrapping her arms around her and pulling her up onto her unbroken leg. She used the other arm to pull down the joggers and sat her on the toilet ripping her some toilet roll off and handing it to her. 'I'll give you a moment if you'd like? I'll go find you some pyjamas that will fit over this' she smiled pointing at the cast. 'Thanks TT' Cheryl nodded.

Toni knocked on the bathroom door before entering 'all good babe?' she smiled helping Cheryl back into her chair and flushing the toilet. Toni got a hairbrush from the cabinet, Cheryl had flipped her hair over to cover the scar and the shaven part of her hair now that the bandages had been removed. 'I'm going to brush your hair babe okay?' Toni asked from behind her but Cheryl only nodded. Toni frowned and made her way to look at Cheryl's face to see her silently crying. 'Baby what's wrong?' she whispered. Cheryl just shook her head not wanting to talk about but Toni persisted. 'Come on babe, talk to me, are you in pain?' Toni asked concerned. 'I'm hideous' was all she said. 'What? Why would you say that?' Toni questioned. 'Toni my body is ruined, I can't do anything for myself and my hair is shaved off because giant scar on my head' she cried. 'Hey, hey look at me' Toni said kissing Cheryl's tears away before making eye contact 'you, Cheryl blossom are beautiful, the most beautiful person I've ever set my eyes on, I know this is hard for you right now but your body will heal and your hair will grow back. I'm just so thankful that you're here with me. I love you okay, nothing will ever change that, you are gorgeous inside and out okay?'. Toni kissed Cheryl's nose as the redhead nodded before she stood up and began running the brush through her hair. 'If I hurt you tell me okay?' Toni said. 'Okay' Cheryl whispered. It was the first time Toni had saw the scar on Cheryl's head, she looked at it now healing and her red hair was already starting to grow around it. 'Okay all done baby' Toni smiled, she let Cheryl brush her teeth and wash her face with her unbroken hand before wheeling her back into the bedroom.

'I'm going to lift you onto the bed and get you undressed okay?'. Toni was being so caring and careful with her Cheryl could feel her heart melting no matter how much she hated herself right now. Cheryl nodded before Toni wrapped her arms around the redhead moving her gently onto the bed. Toni hand picked up some larger pyjamas that would fit over Cheryl's cast while she was out grocery shopping. She carefully removed the redheads trousers and pulled on the pyjamas before moving to her sweatshirt. She heard Cheryl hiss a little in pain and Toni apologised profusely. 'It's okay TT, it's not your fault' Cheryl gave her a small smile as Toni slowly pulled on the baggy t-shirt. 'Okay all done' Toni smiled kissing Cheryl's lips 'I just need to go get your medication'. Toni helped Cheryl back against the pillows before she went downstairs for everything Cheryl needed. She gave Cheryl her medication, turned on the tv and tucked her in. 'Okay babe is there anything else you need?' Toni asked. 'No thank you TT' Cheryl smiled. 'Okay baby Goodnight' Toni gave her a kiss before going to leave the room. 'Where are you going?' Cheryl asked confused. 'To the spare bedroom'. 'Please stay TT' Cheryl pouted. 'Cher I don't want to hurt you' Toni said feeling stuck in limbo, she wanted nothing more than to sleep next to her girlfriend, it had been so long but at the same time Cheryl was fragile right now and she couldn't bare the thought of hurting her. 'You won't TT, please don't leave me' Cheryl begged. Toni sighed 'okay fine but if I notice one bit of discomfort I'm sleeping in the spare room'. 'Okay' Cheryl smiled.

Toni pulled off her clothes before putting on her pyjamas and sliding into bed next to Cheryl. 'I've missed this' the redhead whispered. 'Me too babe' Toni smiled turning on her side so she could face her girlfriend 'it wasn't too much was it? Everyone being here when you got home?'. 'No TT it's was nice. I'm still unsure with my parents though' Cheryl turned her head to look at Toni. 'I get that, they have a lot of making up to do but it's up to you if you want to give them that chance babe' Toni nodded. 'I know, I just don't want things to go back to how it was with them, if they want to be in my life they have to accept I'll live it how I want' Cheryl said. 'Well if they don't just be sure to tell them' Toni gave her a small smile 'anyway I actually wanted to apologise'. 'For what?' Cheryl asked confused. 'For not letting you explain about what happened with Madison'. 'Toni you already apologised, you don't have to again' Cheryl said as she reached for her hand. 'No I know but I wanted to apologise for the way I made you feel, I know I hurt you Cheryl but it won't happen again, I do trust you, I just reacted with anger and I don't want our relationship to be like that'. 'I understand how it must have looked to you TT but I promise you I'd never, ever cheat on you, I love you so much'. 'I love you so much' Toni pecked the redheads lips. 'Let's not talk about that right now' Cheryl decided to change the subject 'have you been doing less shifts at work? You seem to have more spare time'. 'Actually I'm unemployed right now but it's fine I have a little money saved up for now' Toni shrugged. 'What happened with Pops?' Cheryl asked. 'Well I couldn't leave you in the hospital alone so I let Pop know I'd be off work for the foreseeable, eventually I decided to just quit, I wanted to be there for you and now I can be' Toni smiled. 'You quit your job for me?' Cheryl asked, it was probably the most selfless thing anyone had ever done for her. 'Of course' Toni nodded 'you're more important'. 'Toni you didn't have to do that' Cheryl couldn't help feeling guilty. 'I know babe but I wanted to be there for you, it really was the only way'. 'Well what's mine is yours babe, I have enough money for all of us' Cheryl smiled. 'Oh no, that's not necessary Cher' Toni shook her head. 'Why not? I don't mean to be blunt TT but I have more than enough and you could always help me with the business if that makes you feel better'. 'Really?' Toni frowned. 'Of course, look Toni I almost died, money doesn't mean a great deal to me but you do. I know the last few months have been hard for us but I really do love you and if it means we can spend more time together then why not? I want to be with you forever as long as it's what you want too'. 'I want nothing more than to wake up to your beautiful face everyday but I'm not comfortable with asking you for money' Toni said. 'Then don't, I'll get you your own card, use it for what you want' Cheryl shrugged like it was no big deal 'it's only money TT and I don't even work for it really'. Toni didn't really know what to say, she didn't want to live off of the redhead but she definitely wouldn't mind helping out on the business side of things rather than waiting tables. 'We'll see' was all Toni could say. 'Okay babe' Cheryl didn't push but she genuinely meant what she had said.

They watched tv in comfortable silence for a while until Cheryl's medication kicked in and started to make her drowsy. Toni noticed the redhead fighting her sleep, she slowly began to run her fingers through Cheryl's hair being mindful of her scar. It wasn't long until her girlfriend had given in and allowed sleep to consume her as light snores escaped from her lips. Toni didn't want to fall asleep yet though she wanted to savour this moment, knowing Cheryl was alright and alive. She never wanted to experience anything like that again and she promised herself she'd never let the redhead go again. She studied Cheryl's features now the bruising had pretty much gone, the way her eyelashes fluttered as she dreamt and her redhead falling down one side of her face. She was thankful she was witnessing this moment, there were many times throughout the past month or so that she didn't think she'd get this opportunity again. Cheryl and Tommy were Toni's happiness, this was all she wanted, her little family back together again. Toni placed a gentle kiss on the redheads pale cheek before laying down and tangling her hand in Cheryl's. She closed her eyes as sleep took over her body, a small smile on her face knowing finally everything was alright.

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