Sixty Eight

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It was Tommy's first real dirt bike lesson and he was so excited to get started. He'd been talking about it all week and finally it was time for them to go. Cheryl of course was more than nervous, the thought of any sort of harm coming to the little boy made her nauseous. Toni on the other hand was just excited as Tommy, she was like a child herself sometimes, she cared about Tommy's health obviously but she also wanted him to enjoy things fully without worry. They organised to meet everyone at the track, just so they didn't have to wait around at home for everyone to arrive. It was a nice day too, the sun was out but it wasn't too hot and there was a light breeze in the air. Toni put some plastic down in the back of Cheryl's trunk to lay down the bike. 'If he likes it we should probably think about getting another vehicle to take the bike in, it's not great to lay it down on it's side. Plus he'll grow out of this one eventually and it barely fits now' Toni said lifting the bike into the trunk. Cheryl watched Toni with a lifted eyebrow, enjoying the view of her girlfriend. 'Hello?' Toni asked with a smirk. 'Oh yeah, like what?' Cheryl said coming back into reality. 'I dunno, maybe a old pick up or something' Toni shrugged. 'One, you think I'm gonna be seen in a old pick up? I know I'm a lesbian but I don't think I fall into that stereotype and two, actually I don't have a two' she smiled. 'Babe, I'll drive it and for the record I think you'd look hot in a pick up and flannel' Toni smirked as she slapped the redheads ass and walked back into the house to get Tommy.

The track wasn't too busy when they arrived and everyone else was already there leaning against Veronica's car. 'There he is' Sweet Pea said picking his nephew up and throwing him in the air as he giggled. They stood and chatted for five minutes before Toni suggested they signed him in and got him ready. 'He looks so cute' Veronica smiled as she nudged the redhead. 'I know right, he just looks so tiny with that big helmet' Cheryl said still looking at the small boy. 'Wow' the man said approaching Tommy and the adults 'you have a big fan base. I'm Henry and I'll be teaching Thomas. You ready buddy?'. 'Yes!' Tommy said excitedly as Henry took the bike from Toni. 'Okay come on' he smiled as Tommy followed him. The adults moved to one side so they could watch Tommy, Cheryl had told Toni to book one on one lessons at first until he was comfortable with his bike. 'He's growing up so fast T' Fangs smiled at his sister. 'I know it's crazy' Toni smiled her eyes on her son as she watched his follow the instructions he was given. Cheryl snaked her arms around Toni's middle as they watched on proudly. 'Wow he's amazing' Archie complimented. 'Yeah he's got a real talent for it' Toni nodded. 'Takes after his Uncle Pea' Sweet Pea laughed. 'You mean his Uncle Fangs' Fangs nudged his brother. 'Actually losers, he gets it from me' Toni laughed.

Over the next couple of hours they watched Tommy pick up his speed, even riding over ramps and he only fell off once which caused Cheryl's heart to stop for a second but also caused all the adults to laugh when he jumped straight back up and put his arms in the air. 'I'm just going to go to the kiosk and get us some drinks babe' Cheryl smiled kissing Toni on the cheek. 'Okay babe, do you want one of us to come with?' Toni asked. 'No I've got it' Cheryl said before walking away. The kiosk was out of site of where the rest of the group were, the track was outdoors and it took up a lot of space. Cheryl noticed a group of young men sat around a table with their refreshments, all of them in biking gear but she didn't pay them much mind. She bought cold drinks for everyone requesting the cashier to put them in a paper bag to make it easier to carry them. After she paid she turned to make her way back but was interrupted by one of the males. 'Hey sweetheart, maybe I can take you for a ride sometime' he smiled. Cheryl turned around 'are you speaking to me?'. 'Yeah baby, I'll give you the ride of your life' he chuckled getting a little laugh from his friends. Cheryl would have let him down politely if he wasn't so cocky. 'I don't think you're capable of that' she raised her eyebrow 'you're not my type'. As she turned to walk away he spoke again 'I can be whatever you want me to be'. Cheryl took a breath 'no I don't think you can, plus I'm seeing someone'. 'I'm sure I can do a better job than him' he said confidently causing Cheryl to laugh a little. 'Everything okay?' Toni interrupted the little interaction. 'Actually babe, this young man was just telling me how he was going to give me the ride of my life' Cheryl said playfully. 'Really?' Toni said looking at the boys she could tell Cheryl didn't feel threatened so she decided to play along 'I don't think you could'. 'Trust me I could and I have a friend for you too, if you're up for it' he said confidently. Toni just laughed and shook her head 'no I'm actually seeing someone' she wrapped her arm around Cheryl's waist giving her a quick kiss 'come on babe'. 'Nice to meet you' Cheryl said to the boys before being led away by Toni, not missing the heat rise in the boys face as his friends teased him.

They were laughing as they approached the group again. 'What's so funny and what took you so long?' Sweet Pea asked with a frown. 'Nothing' Cheryl shook her head as she handed them all a drink. Everyone thanked her as Tommy ran back up to the group with a wide smile on his face followed by Henry. 'Hey' Cheryl smiled pulling the helmet from his face, his cheeks red and sweaty. 'So I think Thomas is a natural and if he keeps coming to his lessons and working as hard as he has today, I think he's more than capable of competing' Henry said looking between Toni and Cheryl. 'Really? Already?' Toni asked. 'Yes for sure, I think he's got something special, I've had kids that have been learning for a year or more and they haven't picked up the skill this little guy has' Henry nodded. 'Wow, well we will talk to him when we get home and see if it's something he's interested in' Toni nodded 'thank you Henry'. 'No problem, I hope to see you all soon' he smiled before walking away. Toni turned to Tommy 'you enjoy yourself kid?'. 'Yes, I loved it, was you watching me?' he asked his smiled wide. 'Of course we were baby, you did amazing' Toni smiled. 'Yeah sweetheart you were great' Cheryl smiled.

'Shall we head to the Blue Moon for dinner?' Cheryl asked 'my treat'. 'Okay cool' Fangs nodded. Toni popped Tommy's bike in the trunk making a little mess and telling herself to remember to clean it later. Cheryl sat herself in the drivers seat after getting Tommy in the car as she waited for Toni. 'I told everyone we'd lead the way' the redhead smiled as she started the engine. 'Okay babe' Toni grinned placing her hand on Cheryl's thigh. They followed the road until they reached the parking lot near the restaurant, she pulled into a spot, Archie pulling in next to her and Toni's brothers in the next two bays. Cheryl helped Tommy out of his seat while Toni made her way around to the group. 'Okay this way' Veronica said leading the way next to Cheryl while Archie walked next to Toni and Sweet Pea had Tommy on his shoulders whilst Fangs walked beside them. 'Um this place seems kind of busy' Fangs said looking at the line. 'It's always like this' Veronica said walking up to the door man. 'Ms Lodge, Ms Blossom it's been a while since we last saw you' the doorman smiled. 'Too long' Veronica smiled waving the rest of the group in, earning of course groans from the customers waiting. Sweet Pea and Fangs looked at each other feeling completely out of place but following the redhead and brunette inside. 

'Ms Blossom, Ms Lodge follow me to your table' Brad smiled. 'Wow this place is fancy' Sweet Pea whispered to his brother who nodded along with him. The waiter led them to a table that was big enough to seat them all, he took their drink orders, everyone ordering water or soft drinks except for Veronica who ordered a glass of wine. 'What? I'm not driving or a parent' she smirked at the redhead who shook her head with a smile. Conversation came easy between the group now as they were all more than comfortable with each other. Cheryl sat back in her seat as she watched with a small smile, she was so grateful to be surrounded with these people she considered her family. 'You okay babe?' Toni asked quietly getting the redheads attention. 'Couldn't be better' Cheryl smiled pulling Toni in for a sweet kiss causing Tommy to giggle and the rest if the group to playfully roll their eyes or let out a groan. They ate their meals chatting about everything and anything but mostly about their weekend away which was next week, they were all excited especially little Tommy who couldn't wait for his first holiday.

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