Forty Five

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When Toni opened the door she wasn't expecting to walk in and Cheryl's parents be sat at the redheads bedside. Veronica looked up, of course she knew that Toni had already had a run in with Cheryl's parents but for everyone's sake she pretended that she didn't. 'Oh Toni you're back, this is Clifford and Penelope Blossom, Cheryl's parents. Clifford, Penelope this is Toni, your daughters partner'. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. 'We've met' was all Penelope said and Toni couldn't deny she was surprised. She expected to be getting kicked out of the room but she wasn't, Cheryl's parents were actually looking at their daughter with... concern. Toni took a few more steps into the room, trying to see if she noticed anything different with Cheryl but unfortunately she didn't. 'Archie would you go and grab a couple more chairs for you and Toni?' Veronica asked, the redheaded man nodded as he slipped back out of the room.

Archie came back in a couple of minutes later with a chair for himself and Toni placing them quietly on the floor. Veronica was relieved too, she knew Cheryl's parents were harsh and the fact she didn't have to argue that Toni belonged here was a relief. No one spoke though, the steady beeping of the machines was the only sound filling the room. Toni faltered at Penelope holding on to Cheryl's hand, for some reason it was something she just didn't expect. The silence was interrupted by a nurse coming into the room. 'Ms Lodge we need to get you back to your room for your medication'. 'I'll be right there' Veronica sighed not wanting to leave Toni but seemingly having no choice. The nurse just nodded before closing the door behind her. 'I'll be in my room if you need anything T. Goodbye Mr and Mrs Blossom' Veronica gave Toni a small smile as Archie wheeled her to her room. Toni all of a sudden felt nervous, she was left alone with Cheryl's parents, she hoped they wouldn't make any digs towards her or even speak to her at all but nothing was going Toni's way at the moment.

'We've only ever wanted what was best for her' Penelope whispered but Toni wasn't sure if it was to her, that was until the older redhead turned to look at her. Toni didn't say anything, she didn't really know enough about Cheryl's parents apart from the interaction she had with them at Cheryl's house. 'She always thought we were so harsh, maybe we were too strict with her we never allowed her to be who she wanted to be' the older woman continued. 'Well maybe when she's recovered you can tell her how you feel, I'm sure she'd love to have you in her life more' Toni said only wanting the best for the redhead she cared about. 'I apologise for not being as welcoming to you as we should, we always thought it would be easier for our daughter to be with a man but maybe we was wrong' Penelope looked at her husband 'I just hope it's not too late to make it up to her'. Toni just gave her a small smile 'I'm sure she'll love that'. 'So, you really care about our daughter?' Clifford asked. 'I do' Toni nodded leaving out the part where they were actually separated, she was hoping she had the opportunity to put everything right with Cheryl. 'Well as my wife said we apologise for our rudeness the first time we met' Clifford nodded. Toni just nodded as silence fell between them.

'So your son, what's he like'. Toni was surprised Penelope had started a conversation with her again, even though Toni didn't know her she didn't expect her to keep trying to talk to her. 'His name is Tommy, he's cheeky and funny but so loving' Toni smiled thinking about her precious son. Penelope gave her a small smile 'he sounds lovely'. 'He is and he loves Cheryl, sometimes I feel like I'm the spare part' she laughed. 'Is Cheryl good? With your son?' Penelope asked and Toni was sure she heard her voice crack. 'The best, she loves him so much' Toni smiled at fond memories of the two. Penelope just nodded 'that must be nice to see'. 'It is, she's amazing' Toni frowned thinking about their last interaction. How caring Cheryl was with Tommy, she didn't have to explain things, she told the little boy that it was her mistake and he should be good for his mother, Cheryl made sure Tommy didn't blame his mom for anything that happened between them. 'Well Toni, we should go, do you need taking home?' Penelope asked. 'No thank you, I'll be staying here overnight' Toni said watching the couple stand up. 'Oh, well if anything changes or you need anything here's my details' the older redheaded woman passed Toni a card with her phone number on it 'we will be back tomorrow so maybe we will see you then'. 'Okay' Toni said as she accepted the card 'I guess I'll see you both tomorrow'. 'Goodbye Toni' Clifford nodded as he guided his wife out.

As soon as the door shut behind them Toni moved into the chair next to Cheryl's bed instantly taking the redheads hand in her own. 'Cheryl I wish you could have just witnessed that. I can't believe your parents just had a conversation with me' Toni's face changed from a small smile to a frown 'you need to come back to me so you can agree that your parents being civil with me is a little creepy'. She moved her eyes to the monitor, the same lines moving across it, the same sound, everything the same. She sighed a little as she slouched into her chair. All she wanted was for things to go back to how they were, before the accident, before Toni had ended their relationship, she just wanted to go back to sitting on the couch watching cartoons with Tommy and the redhead. Suddenly her phone rang making her jump slightly, she picked it up seeing Sweet Peas name on the screen.

'Hi Mommy'.
'Hi baby, how was school today?'.
'It was fun, Uncle Pea took me to the park afterwards'.
'Ooh did you get ice cream?'.
'Yep. Mommy when are you coming home?'.
'I've got a lot of work right now baby but Mommy will be home as soon as I can okay?'.
'Okay. Can Uncle Pea take me to see Cheryl, I miss her'.
'Not today sweetheart but we will talk about it when I come home okay?'.
'Okay, well I'm going to watch some cartoons. Uncle Fangs says I can watch whatever I like'.
'Okay well be good and I'll see you soon. I miss you Tommy'.
'I miss you Mommy'.
'Bye Tommy'.

Toni hung up the phone and sighed for what felt like the millionth time. Was she doing the right thing leaving Tommy at home? Would Cheryl even want her here? She slouched back into her chair, she needed to be here when Cheryl woke up. Tommy didn't sound upset on the phone, he enjoyed being with his uncles, he was more concerned with seeing Cheryl again which made Toni's heart crack. She took a deep breath and without realising she fell to sleep.

Around a week passed by and Toni was in the hospital every second of it. Veronica had noticed Toni's damaged hand and demanded she saw a nurse, she covered the cost and as expected Toni had broken her hand. She had spoken to Tommy multiple times who was now asking when she was coming home but she couldn't give him an answer right now because Cheryl's condition hadn't changed. Penelope and Clifford had visited every single day and Toni was able to have somewhat of a normal conversation with them. Sweet Pea and Fangs had visited when Tommy was at school and they wasn't at work and Toni was glad for their support. Veronica was discharged earlier in the week but she was still at the hospital everyday  hoping her best friend would wake up. The doctors had given them some bad news though,  they had said that if Cheryl's condition hasn't changed by now it probably won't and the family should make preparations for the worst. Of course everyone was heart broken and upset but not one of them gave up on the redhead.

It was now really late and Toni was reading some book her brothers had brought to keep her occupied. She'd been stuck on the page for around half a hour, she couldn't concentrate on the words running across the page, instead the doctors words from earlier today were flying through her mind at one hundred miles an hour. She used her spare hand to hold onto Cheryl's giving it a gentle squeeze every now and again hoping that the redhead would somehow know she was there for her. She dropped the book on the floor in a huff before leaning forward to look at the redhead face, the bruising had gone down a little now and Cheryl's features were more recognisable. Toni brought her other hand up and rubbed small circles on Cheryl's arm 'come back to me baby' she whispered. Suddenly she was sure she felt Cheryl's hand twitch against hers, she stood up quickly but couldn't spot any changes in the redheads face, maybe her mind was playing tricks on her because of exhaustion. Just as she was about to sit back down though Cheryl's eyes shot open, fear covering her face as her eyes darted around the room. Toni couldn't believe it, she squeezed the redheads hand as she reminded herself to speak. 'Cheryl it's okay, you're okay' Toni whispered grabbing the panicking woman's attention. As soon as Cheryl's eyes met Toni's she visibly relaxed. Toni noticed she was trying to talk. 'No Cher, don't try to speak okay, I'm here, you're safe'. Toni pressed the button for the nurses to come in and they did instantly, they managed to witness Cheryl's open eyes before they fluttered shut again.

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