Seventy Five

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As the day at Disney was coming to an end Cheryl pulled Toni aside to let her know they wasn't spending the evening with the rest of the group. 'Is everything okay babe?' Toni asked, a huge smile still on her face. 'Of course TT, today has been one of the best days of my life, thee best day of my life along with meeting you and Tommy' Cheryl smiled 'but I wanted to let you know I've asked Veronica to look after Tommy for the evening and she agreed, if that's still alright?'. 'Sure so what do you have in mind?' Toni asked. 'The beach? I know this really beautiful spot but the rest is a surprise' Cheryl grinned. 'I don't know how many more surprises I can take' Toni laughed. 'Oh well we don't have to' Cheryl suddenly feeling insecure. 'I'm joking baby, I can't wait to spend the rest of the day with you' Toni said leaning in for a sweet kiss.

'Hey buddy' Toni said approaching Tommy with her hand wrapped in the redheads, he was stood with the rest of the group as they began to walk towards the exit. 'Hey Mommy, hey Mama' he grinned widely 'today has been the best day ever'. 'It has baby and I wanted to thank you all for making today and the whole weekend so special. Each and every one of you are so important to me and I'm grateful to have you in my life, I love you all' Toni smiled widely. 'Someone's getting soppy in their old age' Sweet Pea joked 'but we love you too'. 'Happy Birthday T' Fangs grinned and a group hug was the only thing that felt right for this very moment. A group of people, now a family joint by the love of two women who felt like they had waited their whole lives to meet each other.

Toni told Tommy he was spending the evening with Veronica and Archie and he was really excited, he knew he could get his own way with the raven haired woman and he was planning on spending the evening in the pool. The limo was waiting in the parking lot to take the group back to the villa, all of them but Cheryl and Toni. 'You guys have fun' Veronica smiled 'but not too much fun'. 'We will' Cheryl laughed as she rolled her eyes. They all said goodbye to each other both of them taking a little longer to say goodbye to the little boy. 'Have fun Moms' he smiled as they kissed his cheek one last time before he followed the other adults into the limo. The couple waved as the limo drove away leaving them alone and Cheryl felt nervous in case Toni didn't like what she had planned for the evening.

'So which part of the beach are we heading to?' Toni asked taking Cheryl's hand in hers. 'It's kind of a secret spot, I usually visit alone when Veronica and I visit but I'd like to take you there' Cheryl squeezed her hand with a smile. 'Okay' Toni smiled brightly. They walked hand in hand to the taxi rank, luckily there was a couple of cars parked up, they climbed inside and Cheryl gave the driver the address to the beach. The drive was pretty quiet but the smile didn't leave either of their faces as they looked out of the window, Toni taking it all in for the first time. It didn't take too long until they arrived at the beach, Cheryl paying the driver before she climbed out and held her hand out for the brunette. 'I hope you don't mind babe but we have to walk from here' Cheryl smiled. 'Of course not, lead the way baby' Toni grinned.

Cheryl took off her shoes and waited for Toni to do the same. Feeling the warm golden sand on their feet they walked towards the ocean, this part of the beach was never really busy anyway but Cheryl guided her towards a rocky area. 'Be careful here babe, keep hold of my hand it can get pretty slippery' Cheryl said as she put her shoes back on. 'Don't worry about me, are you sure you can do this, ya know with your leg?' Toni asked, she was concerned since the redheads body was finally healed and she didn't want her to hurt herself again. 'I'm fine TT' Cheryl smiled. There wasn't too many rocks to climb over before they got to a tall cliff. 'Don't tell me you're planning on us climbing that' Toni laughed. 'Don't be silly Toni, we need to go this way' Cheryl pointed to a gap in the cliff. Toni looked a little put off even though she tried to hide it. 'Do you trust me?' Cheryl asked. 'Of course I do' Toni nodded. 'Well come on then' Cheryl said placing a kiss on her cheek. The redhead went in first her hand still linked to Toni's as they made their way through the passage. 'How did you find this place?' Toni asked. 'I was exploring one day a few years ago, Veronica planned a trip away for us since I wasn't doing well mentally at the time and I needed some time alone so I came to the beach and stumbled upon it' Cheryl said simply 'but let's not dampen the mood with my dreary past'. 'Hey, your past nor your mental health would ever dampen the mood. The way you're feeling is important to me and I always want you to be able to talk to me about it' Toni said and she meant it. 'I know TT but that's all in the past, I'm happier now, much happier. I have you' Cheryl said as they exited the passage 'here we are'. Toni followed the redhead taking in the beautiful surroundings and just as Cheryl had hoped there wasn't a person insight.

'Wow Cheryl the view is gorgeous' Toni said as she looked out to the ocean. 'It is' Cheryl said, her eyes on Toni as she looked at her in awe. Toni turned to the redhead wrapping her arms around her neck 'thank you for bringing me here'. Cheryl just smiled as she leaned in placing a soft kiss on Toni's lips. The redhead took Toni's hand and led her to a cooler and a basket. 'How did you get this here?' Toni asked as she watched Cheryl begin to unpack the basket and the cooler, setting up the picnic she had arranged. 'I organised for someone to bring it here for me, i know it's not much...' Cheryl started. 'Babe it's perfect' Toni interrupted 'let me help'. The redhead was about to refuse but Toni was already setting out the blanket. It didn't take long before everything was set up and the sun had began to set. They picked at the food taking small bites every now and again while sipping on the champagne Cheryl had chosen to celebrate with in hopes that Toni agreed to marry her. They cuddled close to each other as they watched the sun slowly begin to disappear behind the ocean.

Cheryl caught Toni looking at her ring, the smile on her face made the redheads heart melt. 'I can't believe we're engaged' Toni smiled 'and the ring is beautiful baby'. 'It was actually my nana's, she was the only member of my family that didn't mind that I was a lesbian. Before she died she gave me the ring and told me one day I'd meet the perfect girl, a girl who I would want to spend the rest of my life with and when I did she wanted me to propose to her with that ring. I never believed it would happen so I kept the ring in my bedroom at my parents house but then I met you and my life completely changed. You showed me how it felt to be loved, you made me feel things I've never felt for anyone else, I look at you and my heart swells. I fall in love with you more and more every single day and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I'm so glad Tommy invited me to the park that day at the diner, I didn't realise how much that day would change my life. I actually found the perfect girl that I wanted to marry and spend the rest of my life with' Cheryl smiled as an emotional tear rolled down her cheek. Toni wiped away the redheads tear while trying not to cry herself 'you, Cheryl Blossom, mean everything to me and I love you so much. You've made me the happiest woman in the world and I can't wait to marry you. I wish I could have met your nana though, she sounds like she was an amazing woman'. 'She was and she would have loved you TT' Cheryl smiled pulling Toni in for a deep kiss.

Toni laid between Cheryl's legs as they watched the last part of the sun disappear, replaced by the moon who's light glistened on the calm ocean. Cheryl had made a small fire to keep them warm and illuminate the area where they were laid. 'Wow look at all the stars, you don't get to see this many in the city' Toni said leaning back further causing the redhead to look up. She remembered the first time Toni and Tommy visited her home and the little boy and his mom laid in her grass looking up at the nights sky, that was the first time she'd ever noticed how beautiful the world around her was and now she appreciated it often because it reminded her of her family. 'It's beautiful Toni' Cheryl smiled. The crackle of the fire filled the quiet as they just enjoyed being together. 'This has by far been the best birthday I've ever had, thank you for making it so special' Toni said sitting up and facing the redhead. 'You don't have to thank me TT, all I want to do in life is make you happy' Cheryl smiled. 'You do make me happy, I love you so much' Toni smiled quickly pecking the redheads lips. 'I love you so much' Cheryl beamed. 'I've just had an idea babe, if you're up for it?' Toni said. 'What is it?' Cheryl asked. Toni gave the redhead a cheeky smirk and Cheryl had no idea what her now fiancé had in mind.

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