Fifty Seven

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It was finally the day Tommy had been waiting for, his birthday. Tommy came into their bedroom waking the couple up at 7am but they didn't complain, instead they got up and made their way downstairs. Toni and Cheryl had been up until late last night hanging banners and balloons in the lounge and wrapping all of his presents. Toni realised there was quite a few she hadn't seen and Cheryl tried and failed to convince her they'd chosen them a while ago, a guilty smile creeping on her face. 'You spoil him' Toni laughed. 'No, we spoil him and he's worth it' Cheryl smiled. Toni was most excited for him to see his motorcycle, it was a dirt bike that Cheryl argued would be too big but Toni disagreed as did the salesman. Everything else would be prepared later when Sweet Pea and Fangs took Tommy out for breakfast, they arranged that they picked him up at 9am and brought him back about 11.30am with their family and friends arriving early at 12pm and the party officially starting at 1pm. Today was going to be a crazy rush but Toni and Cheryl were looking forward to it. The redhead loved that Toni had signed the gifts from mommy and mama. Her heart soared especially when Toni asked her to sign some too.

Toni told Tommy to wait at the top of the stairs while she helped Cheryl down, she wanted the redhead to see his reaction too. Once he was given the thumbs up he nearly tumbled down the stairs causing Cheryl to gasp in fear and Toni telling him to slow down, he wasn't phased though, he was trying to get down the stairs as quick as he could. His eyes were wide when he saw the presents in the middle of the lounge. 'All this for me?' he asked looking between the women. 'Yep' Toni smiled, he wrapped his arms around both of them before approaching his gifts. His eyes were wide when he saw the dirt bike with a giant bow stuck to it. 'Wooww' he whispered 'I'll be like my uncles now'. 'Hey kid don't forget I'm the best rider in the family' Toni reminded 'so you'll be like me'. 'Yes Mommy but you don't have a motorbike' he giggled. 'Can I open my presents?' he asked. 'Of course' Cheryl nodded with a smile.

Toni expected the little boy to rip through the presents in seconds but he didn't, he took the time to read the tags understanding they were from his mom and mama. He looked over each gift carefully and Toni was so proud of him, so was Cheryl. He had a wide range of gifts including clothes, drawing supplies, new toys and a large pirate jungle gym for the garden, Toni knew she'd need the help of her brothers and Archie for that, it was huge. He hugged and kissed his mother's as he thanked them for his gifts, he was still running around when Sweet Pea and Fangs arrived. Luckily Toni had convinced him into getting ready for the day so he could enjoy his party later. He chose a full red tracksuit, something obviously Cheryl had chosen for his birthday and some brand new white sneakers. He looked adorable and so grown up, his curly hair now in braids to keep it out of his face after Toni had sat doing it a couple of days ago for hours. 'Do you want to open your presents from us buddy before we go?' Sweet Pea asked and of course the excited boy said yes. They had bought him some ramps for his dirt bike causing Cheryl to go into instant panic, all the Topaz's giggled at her reaction. And also a BMX which he was over the moon with. Toni told her brothers to come around tomorrow afternoon so they could get Tommy practicing on his dirt bike.

No more than five minutes after Toni's brothers and Tommy had left the party planners arrived and began getting everything set up as quickly as they could. Of course Cheryl was watching their every move making sure everything was perfect and done in time for Tommy to return causing Toni to shake her head with a smile. 'Babe, maybe we should go and get ready?' Toni asked pushing Cheryl back into the house and getting her upstairs. They chose casual clothes, Cheryl a red skirt and a white blouse with little cherry earrings, her hair obviously pushed over more to one side covering the shaved part of her head. Toni on the other hand chose a black fitted tracksuit and her hair falling in soft curls. 'You're planning on going on the bounce house aren't you?' Cheryl asked raising a eyebrow. 'What, no of course not, I'm an adult' Toni acted shocked but Cheryl didn't let that fool her. 'You are such a child' she laughed. There was an hour left before Tommy would arrive home and Toni wanted to move all his toys to the corner of the room where they were out of the way before their family arrived. Cheryl had pushed herself outside wanting to check the progress the party team had made and she was pleasantly surprised. They were almost done and everything looked amazing, she knew Tommy was going to love it.

Sweet Pea and Fangs brought Tommy back right on time and luckily Cheryl and Toni had closed all the curtains that face the garden. 'Hi birthday boy, how was your time with your uncles?' Toni smiled. 'Good, we went to Pops' he grinned happily. It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door and Tommy ran to answer it. He smiled at Veronica and Archie as they wished him happy birthday, Veronica picked him up for a hug and Archie followed suit. Veronica picked up the gift as Archie carried the little boy back into the lounge. 'Here you go Tommy, this is for you from me and Archie' Veronica smiled as she placed the gift on the floor. 'Thank you Ronnie, thank you Archie' he grinned as he began to open it. They had gotten him a soccer training kit and a pair of goals for the garden and Tommy was over the moon with it. He hugged them both again before moving back to the box and studying everything on the picture. There was another knock on the door and Tommy was straight up and running to answer it before anyone else could. 'Hi' he smiled at Cheryl's parents. 'Hello Thomas, happy birthday' Penelope smiled. 'Happy birthday Tommy' Clifford added. The redheaded man carried Tommy's gift into the lounge and placed it on the rug. Cheryl's parents greeted everyone before turning to Tommy 'we wasn't sure what to choose for you'. 'That's okay' he grinned 'can I open it?'. 'Of course' Clifford smiled. As he ripped it open he clapped with joy, it was a easel with different paints and crayons. 'Thank you so much' he smiled wrapping his arms around their legs in a hug surprising Cheryl's parents. 'Look Mommy, Mama I have so many gifts!' he squealed. 'You do sweetheart, you're a very special boy' Cheryl smiled. Penelope and Clifford didn't miss the way the little boy addressed their daughter.

Soon enough the lounge was full with excited children as Cheryl giggled at her girlfriend trying to calm them down and create some sort of order. Toni asked Jughead and Betty if they wanted to stay, they were the only parents from school that she actually spoke to and they agreed. 'Okay kids' Toni spoke up getting the children's attention 'the party's in the back garden, all the adults are going to go outside first and then we will follow okay?'. Toni received a lot of eager nods. Veronica wheeled Cheryl out into the garden followed by all the order adults leaving Toni alone with around twenty children. 'Okay everyone, lets get together, the birthday boy at the front' Toni spoke up as the children huddled together 'okay lets go!'. All the children laughed at Toni as she marched in front leading them to the back garden. She stood next to Cheryl just in time to see Tommy's reaction to everything they had done for him. His eyes was as wide as his smile as he took everything in, the other children letting out excited squeals. 'Okay children' the party planner smiled 'first we are going to see all the animals at the petting zoo, follow me'. The children ran after the woman followed by the adults. 'Everybody sit down on the grass as we bring through the animals'. The group of adults smiled from their seats as they watch the children pet the cute fluffy animals. 'Okay shall we get some grown ups to hold some of our creepy crawlies' the man dressed as a jungle explorer said as he eyed the adults with a mischievous smile. The kids all shouted yes so they had no choice. 'Okay Tommy, since your the birthday boy who do you nominate, you can choose three people' the man said. Tommy put his finger on his chin in thought before smiling and shouting out his answer. 'I choose my Mommy, my Mama and Ronnie' he clapped causing Toni's brothers and Archie to hold back a laugh. 

The three women groaned as they made their way in front of the children, all nervous and reminding themselves not to swear in front of Tommy's classmates. Toni of course pushed Cheryl in her wheelchair before sitting in a chair the party entertainer had put down for her and Veronica, Toni on one side of the redhead and Veronica on the other. 'Okay ladies' the man began 'here we have three mystery boxes to choose from, each of you have to pick one and hold the critter that's inside for at least ten seconds, if you all complete your challenge all of the children get a small prize'. 'Really?' Cheryl lent forward to look at the man. 'They are the rules, do you forfeit?' he smirked at her knowing that the woman had no choice. Cheryl looked at Tommy's hopeful face before answering 'of course not'. The children clapped as each of the women chose a box and the man placed it on their laps with the lids still on and no way of seeing inside.

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