Thirty Five

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Cheryl and Toni had been taking the furniture down in the room Tommy had chosen for his own for a couple of hours, luckily they were almost done. Cheryl had decided everything could go into another spare room for the time being. There wasn't too much just the bed and a couple of sets of drawers, the reason it took so long was because of the weight, none of it was cheap and the mattress was extremely heavy. Toni collapsed on the floor of the now empty room, Cheryl chuckling but joining her. 'Thank you for doing this babe, he'll love it' Toni reached out grabbing the redheads hand. 'I want you both to be comfortable, I want you to both treat this house as your home even if you decide not to stay here permanently. 'I appreciate that Cher' Toni said turning to her side and placing a soft kiss on Cheryl's lips.

'Can I talk to you about something?' Toni asked as they were tangled together on the couch the television playing in the background. 'Of course, is everything alright?' the redhead asked concerned. Toni sat up to face her girlfriend 'it's something Sweet Pea said to me'. 'Okay what is it?' Cheryl said sitting up to look at Toni while she spoke. 'He mention that he thinks that I should take Lukas to court before he takes me for custody of Tommy' the worry in her face shining through. 'And what do you think?' Cheryl asked carefully. 'As much as I don't want to admit it, I think he's right, he made a good point of that if anything happened to me Thomas will be handed back to his sorry excuse of his father' Toni huffed. 'So what do you want the courts to do?' Cheryl asked. 'I want them to remove his parental rights' Toni looked at the redhead 'is that possible?'. 'I'm mean I'll doubt it will be easy but I'm sure your circumstances will help your case'. Toni just nodded. 'I know a really good family solicitor if you need one?' Cheryl asked taking Toni's hand in her own. 'I do need one, Sweet Pea and Fangs are gonna help me with costs. I just need a little time first I'm not ready yet but if you could get me her details babe that would be great'. 'Of course and if you need any help with anything I'm here for you, I'll speak to her when you're ready and get you a meeting' the redheaded nodded.

'Will you be nervous about seeing him?' Cheryl asked as they carried on the conversation. 'No, I have so much hatred for him, I'm just scared of what this could do for Tommy. It's just a really difficult situation' Toni sighed. 'If you want me there with you I'll happily come and support you' Cheryl pulled her girl against her chest. 'You could come face to face with Lukas though, he's evil Cheryl if he knows you're with me he could hurt you'. 'Let him try' Cheryl tried to keep her voice even although her blood was boiling on the inside 'I will be there for you and Tommy if you want me there. You two are all I care about not him'. 'Thank you Cheryl, i'd like you to be there'. 'Well that's sorted then babe, just let me know when you're ready and we can arrange everything'. 'I love you Cheryl' Toni looked up. 'And I love you Antoinette' the redhead smiled closing the distance between them with a kiss. They laid for a while in silence just watching the tv but really lost in thought. Toni was glad she had the redhead to talk to about her problems, she didn't feel alone anymore and it was just nice to have someone there for her one hundred percent. Cheryl was also thinking about how hard this must be for her girlfriend, she knows that she has only just got out of this violent relationship and now she may have to face him again for the sake of her son.

'I'm going to head to bed babe' Cheryl yawned 'do you wanna join or are you staying here for a while?'. 'No I'm pretty tired too plus Tommy will be bossing us around tomorrow to try and get his room finished' Toni laughed as she stood up holding her hand out to Cheryl. The redhead turned everything off and followed Toni up the stairs, she couldn't believe how nice this felt, to finally share her home with someone she wants to be with and loves. 'What you thinking babe?' Toni asked as she looked at Cheryl. 'Just how happy I am that you and Tommy are here, it's nice'. 'It is babe, shall we take a shower before bed?'. 'Sure babe' the redhead smiled following Toni into the bedroom. Cheryl stripped off first before she stepped under the flowing water Toni stepping in after her. The shower wasn't sexual but it was intimate as they stole kisses while water ran down their faces. 'You're so beautiful' the redhead whispered causing Toni to blush. 'You're so beautiful' Toni smiled back wrapping her arms around the redheads neck pulling her in for a kiss as their bodies pressed against each other.

Toni had pushed all the worrying thoughts to the back of her mind so she could be present with Cheryl as they climbed into bed. 'Do you think Tommy is okay?' Cheryl asked as she sat back against her pillow. 'I'm sure he's fine, he'd let us know if not plus he's comfortable here' Toni smiled sliding in next to the redhead. 'That's good to know' Cheryl breathed slightly worried that he would be scared sleeping by himself, the house was pretty large and she didn't know if that would overwhelm him on his first night in a room alone.  'What time are the deliveries coming tomorrow babe?'. 'As early as 8am' Cheryl replied. 'I suppose we should try and get some sleep then huh?' Toni chuckled as she pulled her girlfriend to lay down with her. 'We should' Cheryl smiled against her chest. Although the tv was playing in the background it didn't take either of them long to fall asleep in each others arms.

The sound of notifications on Cheryl's phone startled her awake. 'Shit!' the redhead shouted as she jumped out of bed. 'What is it?' Toni grumbled. 'The deliveries are here and we've over slept' Cheryl said pulling on her robe as she opened the gate on her phone. 'Ooooh' Toni said throwing on a hoodie and following her. On the way to the stairs Toni opened the door to the room Tommy was in and surprisingly he was still asleep, she carefully shut the door and followed her girlfriend down the stairs just as she opened the front door. 'Apologies' Cheryl nodded to the two delivery men stood at the door 'if you could just take it up the stairs and put everything in the empty bedroom, the door is open'. 'Wow my delivery drivers usually just dump everything at my door' Toni whispered as she moved next to her girlfriend. 'Yes well I tip well, plus it's really heavy it would take us a while to get everything into the room'. Luckily it was the same company who delivered all the parcels she had ordered so they didn't have to wait for anything else and they could just get on with the work.

Cheryl tipped the delivery drivers handsomely as they left before turning to Toni 'where do we start?' she laughed. 'With breakfast?' Toni smiled cheekily. The redhead rolled her eyes as she kissed Toni's cheek 'of course'. The couple made pancakes together in the kitchen and it just felt so domestic, the redhead loved it, her home had never felt so homely. 'Babe would you go get Tommy up and I'll plate up' Toni smiled. 'Uh sure' Cheryl nodded as she headed towards the stairs, she loved Tommy but she was still learning how to be around a child. She slowly pushed the door open seeing that the little boy was still sound asleep, she creeped over and knelt at the side of the bed. 'Tommy' she whispered 'time to wake up'. She put a gentle hand on his chest as she whispered his name again. He slightly opened his dark eyes looking at the person who pulled him from his sleep. 'Hi sweetheart, breakfast is ready' the redhead smiled. He stretched his arms above his head as he reached out for her to carry him. She happily obliged bringing him into her arms as he laid his head sleepily on her shoulder before she carried him to the kitchen.

'Good morning little man' Toni smiled as she approached the pair. She kissed Tommy's head while he was still in the redheads arms before placing a kiss on Cheryl's lips 'do you want to eat in here or the lounge babe?'. 'The lounge with cartoons as normal?' Cheryl nodded. 'Okay' Toni smiled 'you take him through and I'll bring in breakfast'. The redhead carried Tommy to the lounge and sat him on the couch, as she went to move away he started to cry. 'What's wrong?' Cheryl panicked a little picking him up and sitting him on her lap. When he placed his head on her chest she felt how warm he was. When Toni came in, her hands full, she looked at her son and then her girlfriend 'what's wrong?'. 'He just started crying when I put him down, he feels pretty warm TT' the redhead said with concern. She placed the plates on the coffee table before kneeling in front of the pair. 'Are you sick baby?' she said placing her hands on Tommy's forehead. He just nodded still leaning against the redhead. 'Should we call a doctor?' Cheryl really didn't know what to do. 'Not right now, he's probably picked up a bug from school, we'll try and get him to eat and drink something' Toni said standing back up and grabbing his plate. She wasn't too concerned at the moment, kids get sick, she would just keep an eye on him. Toni tried to get him to eat but he refused, shaking his head against the redhead. She did however managed to get him to have a drink.

'Do you want to stay with him and I'll make a start on his room?' Cheryl whispered as Tommy slept against her chest. 'No I'll do the bedroom babe, if of course you're okay with staying with him? I'll just be upstairs and I'll keep my phone near me so you can text if you need me?' Toni said standing from her seat next to the redhead. 'Are you sure?' Cheryl asked. 'Yeah I mean, I could ask Sweet and Fangs to come over to help?' Toni shrugged 'if you don't mind them coming to your house?'. 'Toni whenever you are here I want you to treat this as your home too so if you want to invite your brothers it's no problem to me' Cheryl smiled sweetly. 'Great I'll give them a call' Toni kissed Cheryl's cheek as she left the lounge.

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