Chapter 1

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"Come back home with me." asked Jungkook.

"I'm not going back with you Jungkook. I'm better off here by myself." said Taehyung defiantly.

Wait- wait! Let's start from the beginning.

Jeon Jungkook is known as the playboy CEO. Everyone wants to sleep with him because he's "a monster" in bed and because he's rich. Even though he sleeps with people, he still knows when to act professional.

Kim Taehyung on the other hand, is Jungkook's maid. Jungkook and Taehyung both grew up together because Jungkook's mom is Taehyung's mom's friend. Unfortunately Taehyung's mom died after giving birth to Taehyung.

Jungkook's mom really loves Taehyung as her own son, but Jungkook doesn't like Taehyung at all. He would always beg his mom to make Taehyung his maid, to which his mom rejects. Taehyung overheard their conversation and agreed to be his maid.

There's one thing that no body knows. Taehyung remembers his past life, and his past life includes a certain person. That person in this life is the total opposite of what he was in his past life.

Taehyung always wants to stay close to him, in case one day he remembers him and their memories. But as years went by, he starts to be very rude and cold towards him. Always telling him to clean this and clean that.

Even till now, he'll tell Taehyung to cleanup his mess after he has sex with someone. Yes, Taehyung is heart broken by this, but he pretends like this doesn't effect him at all.

That person literally sleeps with a new person every week. The only thing that's holding Taehyung back is his memories with that person.

He believes that one day that person will love him just like before. Cherish and treat him like the only man in the world. Love him till their last breath.
But Taehyung knows that that day is far from where they are now.

That certain person is none other than Jeon Jungkook, the playboy, the CEO, and his master.

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