Chapter 21

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Jungkook quickly runs downstairs and grabs his keys.

He's about to open the door when the door was opened by someone else.

"Woah! Jungkook where are you going in such rush?" questioned Jin.

"Hyung!! Please tell me where did Taehyung go!" cries Jungkook.

Jin softly hugs Jungkook to calm him down.

"Don't worry Jungkook... he's in a better place now." said Jin.

Jungkook opens his eyes wide.

"W-What hyung! H-He's dead?!" shouts Jungkook.

This time it's Jin's turn to open his eyes wide.

"No Jungkook... he's not dead. He just needs time for himself ok." said Jin soothingly.

"N-no hyung! I w-want T-Taehyung to c-come back n-now! P-please bring him b-back to me!" cries Jungkook.

Jin gets mad at his words.

"Jungkook! How selfish are you huh! Even till now you still want him to be caged up in your mansion like a dog! How much do you hate this poor boy huh! Let him live his life freely!" yells Jin.

As the words sink into Jungkook's head, his eyes open wide.

"Oh my gosh... I have been caging him up in this mansion." he whispers to himself.

"But I don't hate him no more Jin hyung! Please bring him back to me." pleads Jungkook.

Jin looks at him with a stern face.

"I'll bring him back once you've changed your behavior towards him." said Jin.

Jungkook sighs at that because that's an easy request.

After 2 weeks of Taehyung being gone from the mansion, it's not as lovely as it used to be.

Jungkook got back to his habit of dating a girl each week to satisfy his needs.

"A-ahh J-Jung- kook! T-too f-fast!" cries Stacy, Jungkook's toy for the week.

"Shut up you slut!" gritted Jungkook as he slaps her ass cheeks hard.

"Ahhh!" shouts Stacy.

Jungkook keeps thrusting into her in an animalistic pace.

"A-ahh J-Jung-kook I- I'm ahh g-going to aah c-cum!!" cries Stacy in pleasure.

Jungkook pulls her hair harshly.

"You're not allowed to cum until I do." said Jungkook through gritted teeth.

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