Chapter 35

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(not edited)

When morning hit, both Taehyung and Jungkook got ready to meet up with Stacy.


"I'm going to call Stacy right now." said Jungkook as he couldn't see his husband crying.

He grabs his phone and calls Stacy, to which she picked up.


"Hello?" said Stacy.

"Hello Stacy. This is Jungkook. My husband told me that you are pregnant with my child... is that right?" asked Jungkook.

"Yes that's right Jungkook. I am pregnant with your child for 2 months now." said Stacy confidently.

"Well is it alright if we meet up together to confirm that the child is really mine?" asked Jungkook.

"Of course. How about we meet in the morning at 9:30 am at "I'm a Pig... Oink Oink"" said Stacy.

"Alright see you there." said Jungkook as he hanged up the phone.

End of Flashback

So that's what happened and now Taehyung and Jungkook are on their way to the restaurant "I'm a Pig... Oink Oink".

Taehyung and Jungkook both didn't talk to each other during the car ride, which made things more tense.

When they reached there, they see a girl standing outside of the enter door. They both walk up to her with a dangerous aura.

"Hello, are you Miss Stacy?" asked Taehyung with a fake smile.

"Umm y-yes... you must be J-Jungkook's husband." said Stacy nervously.

"Let's go inside." said Jungkook coldly.

They all started to walk inside the restaurant. They were greeted by a waitress who's name was Linda. She showed them their table.

They all say down and Jungkook began to ask Stacy questions.

"Are you really sure that the child is mine Stacy." said Jungkook coldly.

Stacy nods her head.

"Are you lying? Because if you are, I'll have to turn you to the authority for being a home wrecker." threatened Jungkook. He just wants to get to the end of this and leave to cuddle with his husband.

Stacy is now nervous since she doesn't want to end up in jail. So she slowly starts to speak out the truth.

"A-actually i-its not y-your c-child. It's m-my h-husbands c-child but he w-wanted me to tr-trick you so that he c-could steal your m-money and b-business." confessed Stacy nervously.

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