Chapter 22

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Taehyung is happily living his life now.

He hasn't forgotten about Jungkook... but he tries to, and it's succeeding so far.

Right now he's at his new job working as a waiter.

His new work place is a restaurant named "Jimin Has No Jams".

His manager, Park Jimin, is a nice man. He favors Taehyung so much because Taehyung is so cute.

Recently the restaurant had gotten more customers so Taehyung has to overwork his shift.

"Taehyung please go home." begged Jimin.

"No, it's alright Manager. I can take care of these customers." assured Taehyung.

Jimin sighs.

"I told you to stop calling me manager and call me Jimin." whined Jimin.

Taehyung chuckles at his sweet manager.

After a lot of convincing, Taehyung finally gave in to going home since there wasn't as much customers as before.

"Ok ok! I'll go home after I bring these dishes to the customers table." replied Taehyung.

Jimin smiles hearing that and leaves to check on other employees.

Taehyung takes the dishes and walks over to the customers table.

"Here you go sir." said Taehyung.

The man looks up as he hears a familiar deep voice.

"T-Taehyung?" questioned the man.

As Taehyung hears the man call his name, he looks away from the dishes and faces the man.

As Taehyung's eyes meet the man's eyes, everything in the world stopped.

"W-what are you doing h-here? And h-how did you find me!" shouted Taehyung as his eyes start to brim with tears.
Short update! And who is that man?

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