Chapter 8 (M)

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"I'm doing nothing Jungkookie." replied Taehyung innocently. Taehyung starts to slowly move on Jungkook's private part.

"Ugh.." moans Jungkook. "Tae... stop... don't make me wreck you now." whispers Jungkook. Taehyung gives a small smirk.

"What am I doing Kook? Why would you wreck me if I'm doing nothing wrong?" asked Taehyung innocently. Taehyung picks up his pace.

Jungkook can't hold his inner self anymore. He flips Taehyung under him and kisses Taehyung full of passion, love, and lust.

"I asked you nicely and you didn't listen to me love. Now I'm going to wreck you so hard that you won't be able to walk." said Jungkook huskily.

Taehyung gulps as Jungkook's words made his body heat up. Jungkook again kisses Taehyung on his lips.

He slowly travels down to Taehyung's neck and sucks it hard. "Ahh~ Jung~ Kook! Ahh~" moans Taehyung.

Jungkook makes dark purple hickeys on his neck. Once he was satisfied, he stops his sucking and stares at his art work.

"You're so beautiful love." whispered Jungkook huskily. Taehyung blushes at his words. Jungkook quickly takes off his clothes along with Taehyung's clothes.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung's naked body with loving eyes. "You're so beautiful love." whispered Jungkook.

Jungkook hovers over Taehyung once more and kisses him deeply. "I love you Taehyung." said Jungkook. "I love you too Jungkook." replies Taehyung.

Jungkook gets the lube and spreads it all over his fingers. He spreads Taehyung's legs and slowly inserts his index finger into Taehyung's hole.

"Aish.." cries Taehyung in pain. Jungkook slowly starts to move his finger. Taehyung starts to feel the pleasure and asks Jungkook for more.

Jungkook inserts the middle and ring finger inside Taehyung's hole. Once Taehyung was prepared, Jungkook puts on a condom and spreads lube all over it.

He looks at Taehyung to assure him that he's safe and secure. Taehyung nods his head. Jungkook slowly inserts himself inside Taehyung's hole. He stays there and waits for permission to move.

Taehyung slowly moves his hips, to which Jungkook took as an ok sign to move. He starts to pull his hips out slowly, then slams back in.

Jungkook picks up his pace as time goes on. "Ahh~ J~jungkook~ fuck~ pl~please go s~slowly." begs Taehyung.

Jungkook keeps slamming into Taehyung until Taehyung cums on his stomach, and Jungkook cums in the condom.

"I love you Taehyung. I promise to only be intimate with you." said Jungkook. "I love you too Jungkook." replied Taehyung tiredly.

End of Flashback

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