Chapter 19

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"So I just wanted to clarify things between us." ended Jungkook.

As Jungkook finishes his talking, Taehyung already has tears streaming down his face.

Taehyung didn't dare to talk or raise his head up to look at Jungkook, so he just walks away quietly.

Taehyung hears the front door open which indicates that Jungkook has left the house.

Taehyung now openly cries out loud which catches Chef Jin's attention.

Jin immediately sprints to Taehyung and hugs him tightly.

"What's wrong Tae, why are you crying so much". asked Jin.

"Hyung... h-he did i-it a-again. *sniffles* H-he m-messed with m-my feelings o-once m-more. I c-can't love l-like t-this no m-more." cried Taehyung.

Jin felt pity for Taehyung.

"H-hyung, I h-have to l-leave this p-place. I t-told you that if h-he d-does this one m-more time, I'll l-leave him, so now I'm g-going to leave him." said Taehyung as more tears streamed down his face.

"Ok... ok Tae calm down. Take a deep breath. You can live in my old apartment. I'll also visit you sometimes as well so you won't feel lonely." comforted Jin.

Taehyung looks up at Jin and hugs him back tightly. He doesn't know how did he get so lucky to have met a person like Jin.

"Thank you h-hyung. I h-hope you know that I'm very g-grateful for having you in my life. I l-love you hyung." said Taehyung.

They both just stayed like that for a while until Taehyung calmed down.

Once Taehyung calmed down, Jin helps Taehyung pack his things into a suit case.

Taehyung's things aren't a lot so it was pretty easy.

Taehyung writes a letter to Jungkook telling him about his leave.

When they finish packing, Jin calls Namjoon go pick them up.

Namjoon drives to Jim's old apartment and drops off both Jin and Taehyung.

Taehyung looks at the apartment building and says, "This is the start of my new beginning."

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