Chapter 9

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Taehyung slowly walks back in to the mansion. He sees that Jungkook is already gone, so he cleans up the dishes and puts them in the sink.

Taehyung sighs and says, "When you remember us, it'll already be too late Kook." Taehyung washes the dishes and puts them in the racket to dry off.

Taehyung dries his hands with napkins and goes to heat up the food that Jin made for him. He quickly eats it and washes it.

As he finishes, the door bell was ringed. Taehyung walks to the door and opens it. He was met with Jungkook's current girlfriend, Kenzie.

"Move out of the way maid." said Kenzie rudely. Taehyung sighs and moves. Kenzie walks into the mansion like it's her house.

She immediately walks towards Jungkook's room and gets inside. Taehyung closes the front door and also walks to his room.

He sits on his bed and thinks about the good times that he had with Jungkook. He softly smiles to himself when a memory hits him.

"Jungkook! Help me!" screamed Taehyung terrified.
Taehyung is currently in the water as they are at the beach. Taehyung was surrounded by fishes and got scared by them.

Jungkook was standing on the beach watching Taehyung with eyes full of love.

When he heard Taehyung scream his name, he softly chuckles and runs towards him.

He steps into the water and back hugs Taehyung to calm him down. Once Taehyung feels his presence, he quickly turns around in the water and hugs Jungkook super tight.

"It's ok love, don't be scared. They're very friendly." said Jungkook softly. Taehyung nods his head up and down.

After some minutes, Taehyung slowly lets go of Jungkook and tries to touch the fishes. Jungkook smiles at the scene.

The fishes run away from Taehyung whenever he tries to touch them. Jungkook laughs at Taehyung's cute pout as he fails to get the fishes.

Taehyung hears Jungkook's laugh and turns around to playful splash water in his face. Jungkook also starts to splash water back at Taehyung.

End of Flashback

Taehyung's smile never faded from his face as the memory kept replaying in his mind. But it soon dropped when he heard Kenzie's moan.

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