Chapter 24

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(not edited)

Once Taehyung arrived at home, Jimin calls him.

Taehyung: "Hello Manager Jimin."'

Jimin: "Tae what did I tell you to call me. I told you to just call me Jimin or Chim."

Taehyung: "Yeah but that feels a little weird for me."

Jimin: "If you keep saying it then it won't be weird."

Taehyung: "Okay I'll try to start calling you that. But why did you call me?"

Jimin: "Oh I just wanted to check up on you to see if you're alright."

Taehyung: "Oh, yeah I'm alright. How are you and how did you deal with Jungkook?"

Jimin: "Well I'm also alright and getting Jungkook out was kinda hard but I still got him out."

Taehyung: "That's good to know, and I'm sorry for causing a scene at the restaurant."

Jimin: "That's alright. Plus you weren't causing a scene, it was Jungkook so don't worry about it."

Taehyung: "Umm... can I take two days off since I'm still a little shaken by what happened today."

Jimin: "Of course, take as long as you need to feel great again. Well I just wanted to check up on you."

Taehyung: "Well thank you so much Jimin for checking up on me at this time."

Jimin: "Yay you called me Jimin!"

Taehyung: "*chuckles* have a good night Jimin."

Jimin: "Good night Tae."

End of Phone Call

Time Skip (1 day later)

9:58 pm

Taehyung was getting ready to put his shirt on and sleep when his apartment front door opened.

"What the heck." whispered Taehyung scared, totally forgetting to put his shirt on.

Bang! Came a noise from the living room.

Taehyung grabs a hard cover book and slowly creeps towards the front door.

Taehyung looks around cautiously and gets ready to turn on the lights.

"Mmm please hurry up." moaned a girl's voice.

"What the heck."'whispers Taehyung.

"Shh don't get so impatient." said a man's voice.

Taehyung reaches for the light in the living room and turns it on.

Both heads turn towards Taehyung.

"What the- Jungkook what are you doing here!" screams Taehyung.

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