Chapter 13

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The next morning, Taehyung wakes up with a small head ache.

"Ugh... maybe I shouldn't have cried last night." said Taehyung as he was massaging his head gently.

He wears his maid outfit and walks to the kitchen. He quickly prepares Jungkook's food and looks at the clock on the wall.

The clock reads 7:26 am.

"Good, I have plenty of time then." said Taehyung.

He puts the foods in plates and put the plates on a tray. Taehyung goes to the cabinets and open one of them.

He grabs a tea cup and puts some hot water in it. He places the cup down and again walks to a cabinet. He opens the cabinet and grabs a tea bag and tears it open.

He places the tea bag in the hot water and puts the tea cup on the tray. He slowly walks upstairs to Jungkook's bed room.

When he reaches Jungkook's bedroom, he balances the tray on his left hand and uses his right hand to knock on his door.

A small "come in" could be heard from the other side.

Taehyung turns the knob and walks into Jungkook's room with the tray of breakfast.

"Good morning master. Today I made waffles with chocolate syrup and I also made you some tea." said Taehyung still holding the tray.

Jungkook stays quiet and gestures Taehyung to put the tray on the night stand. Taehyung walks over to the night stand and places the tray gently on it.

"If you need me, I'll be down stairs Master." said Taehyung.

As he was about to take his leave, Jungkook calls his name.

"Taehyung!" shouted Jungkook. Taehyung quickly turns around as his name was called by his past lover.

"Um... I- I'm sorry about what happened last night. I wasn't in my right mind." said Jungkook while looking down embarrassed.

Taehyung nods his head, indicating that he understands.

"It's alright Master, I didn't think much of it." lied Taehyung.

Taehyung then walks out of Jungkook's room.

Sorry for the long wait! Anyways I'm back and I hope you're enjoying so far!

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