Chapter 18

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Jungkook wakes up from the sun's brightness.

"Ugh... why is my head pounding." said Jungkook as he massages his temples.

He thinks back to last night.


Jungkook walks out of his room and feels a little sting in his heart.

"Why am I feeling so weird?" he asks himself.
And he
He walks into the kitchen and drinks some cold water.

He sees Taehyung walking down the stairs with his laundry.

He doesn't know why but he feels a connection pulling him towards Taehyung.

He follows Taehyung into the laundry room and watches him do the laundry.

All of a sudden, he has the urge to back hug him.

When his arms come in contact around Taehyung's waist, he feels like he's at home.

Jungkook then says things he doesn't mean to express out.

He starts to cry because of overwhelming feelings.

end of flashback

"Wow... did I really tell Taehyung the feelings I've been feeling lately?" asked Jungkook.

"Did I really cry? No wonder my head is pounding."

Jungkook then gets up and gets ready.

As he walks downstairs, he sees Taehyung.

He makes sure to not make any eye contact.

Jungkook sits on the dining table as Taehyung serves his breakfast.

Jungkook eats in silence while Taehyung was just a few steps away from him.

Both of them didn't make a move to talk.

He couldn't help but clarify yesterday's event to Taehyung, so he decides to speak first.

"So um... about yesterday, I'm sorry if I scared you or made you feel uncomfortable." said Jungkook.

Taehyung just kept his head down and waited for Jungkook to finish his explanation.

"From now on, I'll try to not make you feel uncomfortable again and I'll try to give you some space."

"I hope you didn't misunderstand things between us. We're both still the same, I still hate you and want nothing to do with you."

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