Chapter 37

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(not edited)

Jungkook knocks on Taehyung's door.

"Tae... I ordered pizza for us to eat. Please open the door for me." pleaded Jungkook.

Taehyung slowly walks over to the door and opens it. As soon as he opens the door, Jungkook immediately engulfs him in a warm hug.

"Hubby please don't cry. I heard everything you said and I'm sorry for being a playboy back in the days. If only I knew about our past, I would've never treated you that way. I love you Tae." said Jungkook as he was still hugging Tae.

Taehyung cried more in Jungkook's arm because he felt very sensitive at the moment.

"I love you too Koo.." mumbled Taehyung.

After a while Jungkook starts to pull back and grabs the pizza box that was place on the ground. 

"Look here, your favorite." said Jungkook with a bunny smile. Taehyung also smiles back with his boxy smile.

They both enjoyed the pizza while having small talks. Taehyung still works at "Jimin has no Jams" and Jungkook still works as a CEO.

Time Skip

(2 years later)

"Gukkie come and wear this suit right now!" yelled Taehyung angrily.

"No papa, I don't want I!" shouted Gukkie.

"You have to for the family picture!" yelled Taehyung.

Jungkook hears all this yelling and shouting and walks down the stairs to see what's going on.

"What's going on hubby?" asked Jungkook.

"Tell your son to wear his suit right now." said Taehyung madly.

"Alright alright calm down Love." and Jungkook walks over to Gukkie.

Taehyung and Jungkook adopted Gukkie (4 years old) and Lynn (2 years old) after 1 year of their marriage.

"Ugh... why can't you just be like Lynn. Right baby girl... you're such a good listener. Papa loves you soooo much." said Taehyung to Lynn as he gives her kisses on her face.

Lynn starts to giggle at the ticklish feeling.

Lynn is wearing a dress, while Taehyung, Jungkook, and Gukkie are wearing suits.

"Alright hubby, Gukkie has his suit on." said Jungkook.

"Gukkie only listens to dada." said Gukkie proudly.

Taehyung rolls his eyes and they all get inside Jungkook's car. Jungkook drives them to the shop that takes family photos.

As they reach there, they sat down and waited to be called. After a few minutes, their name was called.

"Jeon Jungkook's family." called the helper.

They all stood up and walked into the room where their picture would be taken.

They first took individual pictures then a whole family picture.

   (The Only Picture I Could Find To Fit The Family)

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(The Only Picture I Could Find To Fit The Family)

(Imagine them in suits and imagine them as real people)

Taehyung printed this picture out and put it in a frame. He then hung it up on the wall in their living room.

"What a day that was." sighed Taehyung.

The Lived Happily Ever After
The End
Thanks for the support and votes! I hope you also read my other stories! Sorry for taking so long to update these chapters, but yeah I wrote Chapters 23-37 in two days, so if they don't make sense or if there's any grammar mistakes please excuse them. Anyways I hope you enjoyed my story 💜!

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