Chapter 12

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(edited) (double update)

Taehyung reaches his room and takes a quick shower.

As he steps inside the shower, his mind wonders back to what just happened a moment ago.

"I can't believe that just happened. What would've happened if I answered yes?" questioned Taehyung.

A memory from the past hits him, and tears starts to slowly drop from his eyes.


Taehyung and Jungkook are walking down the sidewalk and spots a small park.

"Jungkook! Let's go and play over at that park!" shouts Taehyung.

Jungkook chuckles and nods his head. They both walk over there holding hands. 

As they reach the park, Taehyung runs to the swing and gets on it.

"Kook come and push me!" shouts Taehyung as he kicks his legs like a little child.

Jungkook's lips curve up into a smile as he walks over to his baby.

"Hurry Kook." said Taehyung impatiently.

Jungkook chuckles and replies with an "ok love! I'm coming."

Jungkook reaches Taehyung and slowly starts to push his back.

The swing starts to lift up.

Taehyung lets out some excited squeals.

After some minutes, Taehyung gets off of the swing and hugs Jungkook.

"Thank you Kookie for pushing me. You're the best boyfriend I could ever have." said Taehyung with a huge smile on his face.

"You're also the best boyfriend I could ever have Taehyung." replied Jungkook.

They both start to slowly lean in and kiss each other softly on the lips.

They both break the short kiss and Jungkook pulls Taehyung to sit on a bench with him.

Jungkook places Taehyung on his lap and hugs him from behind.

"You know Jungkook... I really like your name." said Taehyung out of nowhere.

Jungkook chuckles and replies, "I also like your name Taehyung."

"Then it's settled. In our next life, we'll both have the same name so that we can find each other easier and be together like how we are now." said Taehyung happily.

Jungkook hums in agreement.

End of flashback

"I can't believe that our words actually came true Jungkook." whispers Taehyung as he gets out of the shower with tear stained eyes.

He quickly puts on his clothes and turns off the light.

Taehyung then drifts off to dream land.

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