Chapter 6

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Jungkook reaches his company (Jeon Company) and parks his car in the parking lot. He makes his way to the company.

As he steps inside the company, the clock strikes 8:00 am. All the employees greet him "good morning Mr. Jeon" as he walks by.

He ignores them and walks inside his office. His secretary, Yoongi comes and tells him his schedule.

"Sir, today you'll be having a meeting with Kim Company at 2:00 pm. You'll also have to sign some papers at 4:30 pm." said Yoongi.

Jungkook nods his head. His company owns most of apartments in Seoul. Jeon company is known for their great service, and how careful they are with their decisions.

Everyone wants to collab with Jeon Company because they make great incomes, and they have great service.

Jungkook looks at the time, and it's currently 8:30 am. He gets busy with his paper works and writing emails back to his employees.

Jungkook was so occupied that he forgot about the time. He finally looks away from his paper work when Yoongi bursts into his office.

"Sir! Your m-meeting starts in 5 minutes. W-we have to hurry." said Yoongi out of breath.

Jungkook immediately stands up from his chair. "Come on let's go. Why didn't you warn me sooner." said Jungkook hurriedly.

"I thought that you would already be there, but when I reached the room you weren't present. That's why I ran to your room." said Yoongi who was speed walking with Jungkook.

They both reach the room and pull open the door. They both bow down to the seniors and to Kim's CEO to show respect.

Jungkook then walks to his seat along with Yoongi.
"Good afternoon everyone. I'm sorry for being late." said Jungkook.

"It's alright Mr. Jeon." said Mr. Kim. "Alright, then let's get started." replied Jungkook.

They both talk about collaborating on a project together. They both talk about which apartments to buy and how to improve them together.

After 1 hour, the meeting is official over and they both sign a contract. Jungkook leads Mr. Kim out and goes back into his office to finish his work.

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